Movie 'How to Train Your Dragon'

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One adventure will change two worlds

As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite of passage: he must kill a dragon to prove his warrior mettle. But after downing a feared dragon, he realizes that he no longer wants to destroy it, and instead befriends the beast – which he names Toothless – much to the chagrin of his warrior father.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht
  • a.k.a. Drachenzaehmen leicht gemacht

Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht entführt seine Zuschauer auf eine faszinierende Wikinger-Insel, wo der Kampf gegen raffinierte Drachen zum Alltag gehört: Auf der kleinen Insel Berk, hoch oben im Norden, wird nicht lange gefackelt. Mordsstarke Wikinger müssen ihre Heimat vor wilden Drachen beschützen, die ihnen das Leben zur Hölle machen. Auch der schmächtige Teenager Hicks, Beiname „der Hüne“, ist Feuer und Flamme für die Drachenjagd – nur leider hat er im Umgang mit Waffen zwei linke Hände. Da sein Vater niemand Geringeres ist als Haudrauf „der Stoische“, Oberhaupt des Wikingerstammes und ein berühmter Drachenjäger, soll Hicks auf der Drachenschule nun auch die raue Kampfkunst der Wikinger erlernen. Doch ehe Hicks – der übrigens ein pfiffiger und begeisterter Tüftler ist – den gefürchteten Unterricht antreten kann, wird sein Dorf von einer wilden Drachen-Armada angegriffen.

France French (Français)

  • a.k.a. Dragons

L’histoire d’Harold, jeune Viking peu à son aise dans sa tribu où combattre les dragons est le sport national. Sa vie va être bouleversée par sa rencontre avec un dragon qui va peu à peu amener Harold et les siens à voir le monde d’un point de vue totalement différent.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Dragon Trainer

Hiccup è un giovane vichingo che vive in un villaggio sperduto nel nulla, in una landa fredda, inospitale, con poco da mangiare e soprattutto infestata dai draghi. Tuttavia i vichinghi invece che spostarsi preferiscono combattere, non a caso sono tutti grandi e grossi. Tutti tranne Hiccup, figlio del capo del villaggio, che è secco e inadatto al combattimento. Il ragazzo ha però una spiccata passione per la costruzione di macchinari con cui tenta di uccidere draghi e una conseguente inclinazione per la creazione di problemi...

Part of How to Train Your Dragon Collection

This computer-animated action fantasy film series follows the adventures of a young Viking named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, son of Stoick the Vast, leader of the Viking island of Berk. Although initially dismissed as a clumsy and underweight misfit, he soon becomes renowned as a courageous expert in dragons, beginning with Toothless, a member of the rare Night Fury breed as his flying mount and his closest companion. Together with his friends, he manages the village's allied dragon population in defense of his home as leader of a flying corps of dragon riders. Upon becoming leaders of their kind, Hiccup and Toothless are forced to make choices that will truly ensure peace between people and dragons.

  • How to Train Your Dragon owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 78% · 13,282

    As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite of passage: he must kill a dragon to prove his warrior mettle. But after downing a feared dragon, he realizes that he no longer wants to destroy it, and instead befriends the beast – which he names Toothless – much to the chagrin of his warrior father.

  • How to Train Your Dragon 2 owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 77% · 9,738

    Five years have passed since Hiccup and Toothless united the dragons and Vikings of Berk. Now, they spend their time charting unmapped territories. During one of their adventures, the pair discover a secret cave that houses hundreds of wild dragons -- and a mysterious dragon rider who turns out to be Hiccup's mother, Valka. Hiccup and Toothless then find themselves at the center of a battle to protect Berk from a power-hungry warrior named Drago.

  • How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World not owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 77% · 6,528

    As Hiccup fulfills his dream of creating a peaceful dragon utopia, Toothless’ discovery of an untamed, elusive mate draws the Night Fury away. When danger mounts at home and Hiccup’s reign as village chief is tested, both dragon and rider must make impossible decisions to save their kind.

Release Date
based on novel or book
vikings (norsemen)
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America DreamWorks Animation
Release Dates
Australia Theatrical PG
Switzerland German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Germany Theatrical 6
New Zealand Theatrical PG
Austria Theatrical
Canada Theatrical PG
Switzerland Italian (Italiano): Theatrical
Italy Theatrical T
United States of America Theatrical PG
Switzerland French (Français): Theatrical
France French (Français): Theatrical TP
United Kingdom Theatrical PG
France Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
France Digital VOD
France Digital Netflix
TMDb 78% · 13,282 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 829,178 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 99% (more information on website)
metacritic 75% (more information on website)


Hiccup (voice)Jay Baruchel
Stoick (voice)Gerard Butler
Gobber (voice)Craig Ferguson
Astrid (voice)America Ferrera
Snotlout (voice)Jonah Hill
Fishlegs (voice)Christopher Mintz-Plasse
Tuffnut (voice)T.J. Miller
Ruffnut (voice)Kristen Wiig
Ack (voice)Robin Atkin Downes
Starkard (voice)Philip McGrade
Hoark the Haggard (voice)Kieron Elliott
Phlegma the Fierce (Voice)Ashley Jensen
Spitelout (voice)David Tennant


ArtArt DirectionPierre-Olivier Vincent
Concept ArtistWilbert Plijnaar
Production DesignKathy Altieri
Title DesignerAriandy Chandra
CameraDirector of PhotographyGil Zimmerman
CrewCG SupervisorAaron Smith
Bert Poole
Gaku Nakatani
Michael McNeill
Ronman Yiu Yan Ng
Susan Hayden
Dialect CoachJessica Drake
In Memory OfBlake Snyder
Post Production SupervisorKate Crossley
Post-Production ManagerAndrew Birch
Production Office AssistantJessica Forer
Score EngineerGreg Loskorn
Nick Wollage
Software EngineerGregg Carrier
Kyle Kirkland
Mackenzie Thompson
Patrick Kelly
Sound Design AssistantLeff Lefferts
Supervising AnimatorCassidy Curtis
David Torres
Fabio Lignini
Gabe Hordos
Jakob Hjort Jensen
Kristof Serrand
Steven Hornby
Supervising Technical DirectorGregory Brentin
Systems Administrators & SupportAlireza Estakhrian
Bart Feliciano
Dave Dinsmore
Dj Downey
Julio C. Talavera
Rain Angeles
Scott Kilty
Shawn Bohonos
Todd Maugh
ThanksBen Frahm
David Soren
Debbie L. O'Keeffe
Esteban Fernández-Juricic
Jeremy Garelick
Lorna Cook
Penny Scott-Fox
Peter Hastings
Stuart Sumida
DirectingDirectorChris Sanders
Dean DeBlois
LayoutJ.C. Alvarez
Mick De Falco
Script CoordinatorAmanda Deering Jones
Jabari Phillips
Scott Sakamoto
EditingAdditional EditingJohn K. Carr
Lynn Hobson
Mark Deimel
Assistant EditorChristine Lojko Haslett
Joe Monteleone
Lauren Lear
Maurissa Horwitz
Robert W. Hedland
Sheri Galloway
Associate EditorMark A. Hester
Mary Blee
Susan Fitzer
Color TimerJim Passon
EditorDarren T. Holmes
Maryann Brandon
Editorial CoordinatorDaniel Hashimoto
Editorial Production AssistantAdam DesCombes
First Assistant EditorStephen L. Meek
LightingLighting ArtistHannah Sherman
Jonathan Fletcher Moore
Kurt Kaminski
Mark A. Decker
Onny P. Carr
Oth Khotsimeuang
Master Lighting ArtistAmy Rae Jones
Gina Warr
Sebastien Chort
ProductionAdministrationMatt Robertson
Associate ProducerBruce Seifert
Suzanne Buirgy
CastingLeslee Feldman
Casting AssistantAnia O'Hare
Casting AssociateChristi Soper Hilt
Co-ProducerDoug Davison
Karen Foster
Michael A. Connolly
Roy Lee
Executive ProducerKristine Belson
Tim Johnson
FinanceAriga Parseghian
Terri Anderson
Vicki Hunter
ProducerBonnie Arnold
Production AccountantAndrea McCarthy Paul
Betty Tom
Production CoordinatorDave Kim
Elizabeth C. Camp
Joseph Izzo
Karen L. Whitaker
Matthew C. Campbell
Megan McDonald
Peter McCown
Rachel Slansky
Shane Mulholland
T. Patrick Johnson
Production ManagerCraig Rittenbaum
Jennifer Dahlman
Kate Spencer
Lori Korngiebel
Production SupervisorApril Lawrence
Brent Hutchins
Catherine A. Jones
Dawn Yamada
Jenne Guerra
John Swanson
Kelly Matthews
Larry Weisberg
Michael Lynn
Robyn Mesher
Steven Schweickart
Tracey Dispensa
PublicistDavid Hail
SoundADR EditorChris Gridley
ADR SupervisorPanos Asimenios
Additional Sound Re-Recording MixerColette D. Dahanne
Assistant Sound EditorJeremy Bowker
Foley ArtistDennie Thorpe
Jana Vance
Foley EditorSue Fox
Music EditorAdam Milo Smalley
MusicianAndrew Crowley
Anna Noakes
Chris Clad
George Doering
James Thatcher
Jennifer Febre
Jonathan Williams
Mark Berrow
Mike Deasy
Nick Coseboom
Paul Cathers
Peter Davies
Rachel Bolt
Richard Baughman
Roger Linley
Steve Mair
Tom Pigott-Smith
Trevor Takahashi
Vivian Milanova
OrchestratorAngus O'Sullivan
Daniel Baker
Jessica Wells
Original Music ComposerJohn Powell
Scoring MixerNick Wollage
Sound DesignerAl Nelson
Randy Thom
Sound Effects EditorJosh Gold
Sound Mix TechnicianTony Sereno
Zach Martin
Sound Re-Recording MixerGary Rizzo
Randy Thom
Sound RecordistRonald G. Roumas
Tighe Sheldon
Supervising Sound EditorJon Null
Randy Thom
Visual EffectsAnimationAdam Dotson
Adam Strick
Alexis Wanneroy
Bill Diaz
Bill Tessier
Cameron Fielding
Cameron Hood
Dane Stogner
David Couchariere
Denis Couchon
Eric Lees
Fredrik Nilsson
Gabriele Pennacchioli
George Schermer
Greg Whittaker
Irene Parkins
James Baxter
James Hull
Julien Bocabeille
Kathy Zielinski
Katrina Conwright
Ken Morrissey
Kevan Shorey
Kevin Andrus
Laurent Caneiro
Leif Jeffers
Lou Dellarosa
Mark Williams
Melanie Cordan
Michael Kiely
Mike Beaulieu
Mike Stern
Morgan R. Kelly
Nara Youn
Olivier Staphylas
Rebecca Perez
Ron Pucherelli
Scott Lafleur
Scott Wright
Sean Sexton
Simon Otto
Tomoyuki Harashima
Wee Brian
Animation Department CoordinatorCharlie Petrek
G. Mark Fitzgerald
Animation ManagerPat Sito
Animation Production AssistantVana Dabney
Character DesignerAndy Bialk
Devin Crane
Nico Marlet
Ricardo F. Delgado
Shane Prigmore
Takao Noguchi
Tony Siruno
Color DesignerJeff Olm
Creature Technical DirectorAlena Bejenarou
Bart Coughlin
Brent Watkins
Cara Malek
Cliff B. Mitchell
David Walden
Dug Stanat
Gilbert Davoud
Guido Zimmermann
Hongseo Park
Larry Cutler
Li-Lian Ku
Lucia Modesto
Mariette Marinus
Matt Steele
Peter Farson
Sandy Kao
Sean W. Nolan
Sven Pohle
Tom Molet
ModelingAndre Rodriguez Sr.
Ardie Johnson
Charles Ellison
Cristian Moras
Jeff Wagner
Jung Jin Kang
Soongu Kwon
VFX ArtistAllen Ruilova
Andy Hayes
August Meredith
Benjamin Andersen
Brian C. Davis
Celambarasan Ramasamy
Greg Beckman
John Allwine
John Patton
Karen Smith
Katie Van Maanen
Landon Gray
Lauren Simpson
Laurent Kermel
Michael Cadwallader Jones
Olive Lin
Onny P. Carr
Robert Chen
Robert Kopinsky
Stephanie Siebert
Stephen Wood
Steven Blakey
Stuart Tett
Thomas Pushpathadam
Tyson Erze
Zubin Wadia
VFX SupervisorCraig Ring
Visual DevelopmentEmil Mitev
Iuri Lioi
John-Eric Cardon de Lichtbuer
Margaret Wuller
Melchior Zwyer
Michael Yamada
Nathan Fowkes
Nicolas Weis
Travis Koller
Zhaoping Wei
Visual EffectsEvrim Akyilmaz
Ronald D. Henderson
Tien Truong
Yoshioka Masahito
Zachary Carter