Movie 'WALL·E'
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After 700 years of doing what he was built for, he'll discover what he was meant for.
What if mankind had to leave Earth and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off? After hundreds of years doing what he was built for, WALL•E discovers a new purpose in life when he meets a sleek search robot named EVE. EVE comes to realize that WALL•E has inadvertently stumbled upon the key to the planet's future, and races back to space to report to the humans. Meanwhile, WALL•E chases EVE across the galaxy and sets into motion one of the most imaginative adventures ever brought to the big screen.
- a.k.a. WALL-E
- Wall E
- Wall.E
- WALL-E (2008)
- a.k.a. WALL-E
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. WALL E
German (Deutsch)
Wall·E ist ein kleiner Haushaltsroboter, der klaglos seinen Dienst verrichtet und Müll zusammenpresst, um ihn zu Wolkenkratzern aufzustapeln. Denn der kleine rostige Kasten macht seinen Job seit nunmehr 700 Jahren! Damals verließen alle Menschen die völlig zugemüllte Erde. Nun ist Wall·E der letzte seiner Art auf einem toten Planeten. Bis Androidin Eve als Lichtgestalt vom Himmel herunterschwebt.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. WALL E
French (Français)
- a.k.a. WALL-E
- Wall E
- Wall.E
Faites la connaissance de WALL•E (prononcez « Walli ») : WALL•E est le dernier être sur Terre et s’avère être un… petit robot ! 700 ans plus tôt, l’humanité a déserté notre planète laissant à cette incroyable petite machine le soin de nettoyer la Terre. Mais au bout de ces longues années, WALL•E a développé un petit défaut technique : une forte personnalité. Extrêmement curieux, très indiscret, il est surtout un peu trop seul… Cependant, sa vie s’apprête à être bouleversée avec l’arrivée d’une petite « robote », bien carénée et prénommée EVE. Tombant instantanément et éperdument amoureux d’elle, WALL•E va tout mettre en œuvre pour la séduire. Et lorsqu’EVE est rappelée dans l’espace pour y terminer sa mission, WALL•E n’hésite pas un seul instant : il se lance à sa poursuite… Hors de question pour lui de laisser passer le seul amour de sa vie… Pour être à ses côtés, il est prêt à aller au bout de l’univers et vivre la plus fantastique des aventures !
Italian (Italiano)
- a.k.a. WALL E
Italian (Italiano)
Wall-e è l'ultimo robot rimasto sulla terra dopo che gli umani l'hanno abbandonata perchè invasa dai rifiuti. Si sono dimenticati di spegnerlo e lui da 700 anni continua a fare quello per cui è stato costruito: comprimere e ammassare rifiuti. Non parla ma si fa capire molto bene a gesti e attraverso una gamma di suoni espressivi come faceva R2-D2 di Guerre Stellari. È un robot animato come un animale antropomorfo, un piccolo Charlot: operaio alienato che sogna un domani migliore guardando il cielo stellato. E quando dal cielo questo domani migliore arriva sotto forma di un altro robot, Eve, più moderno e programmato per cercare vita sulla Terra, Wall-e lo insegue sull'astronave madre. Lì, sempre come il vagabondo di Chaplin, sarà un portatore sano e inconsapevole di caos e anarchia assieme agli altri "devianti" della società cioè i robot difettosi, l'equivalente di quella famiglia di freak che erano i pesci da acquario con cui aveva a che fare Nemo.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- aftercreditsstinger
- distant future
- duringcreditsstinger
- dystopia
- garbage
- loneliness
- robot
- space travel
- Genres
- Animation
- Family
- Science Fiction
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Walt Disney Pictures
- Release Dates
English: Theatrical G Per CARA certificate #44354
Theatrical G
Theatrical U
Theatrical French speaking region
French (Français): Theatrical TP
Theatrical G
Theatrical G
Theatrical 0
Theatrical 0
Theatrical 6 German speaking region
Theatrical Italian speaking region
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical T
- Ratings
- TMDb 81% · 19,052 (more information on website)
- IMDb 84% · 1,244,865 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 95% (more information on website)
- metacritic 95% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
WALL·E / M-O (voice) | Ben Burtt |
EVE (voice) | Elissa Knight |
Captain (voice) | Jeff Garlin |
Shelby Forthright, BnL CEO | Fred Willard |
John (voice) | John Ratzenberger |
Mary (voice) | Kathy Najimy |
Ship's Computer (voice) | Sigourney Weaver |
Additional Voices (voice) | Lori Alan |
Additional Voices (voice) | Bob Bergen |
Additional Voices (voice) | John Cygan |
Additional Voices (voice) | Pete Docter |
Additional Voices (voice) | Paul Eiding |
Additional Voices (voice) | Donald Fullilove |
Additional Voices (voice) | Teresa Ganzel |
Additional Voices (voice) | Jess Harnell |
Additional Voices (voice) | Sherry Lynn |
Additional Voices (voice) | Mickie McGowan |
Additional Voices (voice) | Laraine Newman |
Additional Voices (voice) | Teddy Newton |
Additional Voices (voice) | Jeff Pidgeon |
Additional Voices (voice) | Jan Rabson |
Additional Voices (voice) | Lori Richardson |
Additional Voices (voice) | Andrew Stanton |
Additional Voices (voice) | Jim Ward |
Additional Voices (voice) | Colette Whitaker |
Hoverchair Mother (uncredited) | Kim Kopf |
BURN-E (voice) (uncredited) | Angus MacLane |
Pool Mother (uncredited) | Niki McElroy |
Blond Boy in Commercial (uncredited) | Garrett Palmer |