Movie 'Dracula: Dead and Loving It'

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You'll laugh until you die...then you'll rise from the dead and laugh again!

When a lawyer shows up at the vampire's doorstep, he falls prey to his charms and joins him in his search for fresh blood. Enter Professor Van Helsing, who may be the only one able to vanquish the Count.

Canada English

  • a.k.a. Dracula: Mort et très heureux

Germany German (Deutsch)

Dracula - Tot aber glücklich
  • a.k.a. Mel Brooks' Dracula TV

Nachdem Graf Dracula in dem Engländer Renfield einen neuen Assistenten gefunden hat, verlässt er im Jahre 1893 Transsylvanien und reist nach London. Während Renfield kurz darauf in die Nervenklinik von Dr. Seward landet, versucht Dracula, seinen Durst bei Sewards Tochter Mina und deren Freundin Lucy zu stillen. Doch der Blutsauger hat nicht mit der Hartnäckigkeit des ausgewiesenen Vampirjägers Van Helsing gerechnet. Der gewiefte Professor versteht es, Dracula einen äußerst fatalen Stolperstein zu stellen...

France French (Français)

Dracula, mort et heureux de l’être
  • a.k.a. Dracula mort et heureux de l'être

Le "Dracula" de Bram Stoker revu et corrigé par Mel Brooks.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Dracula morto e contento

Il Conte Dracula riesce a raggiungere Londra e prende dimora accanto alla proprietà del Dottor Seward, direttore del manicomio. Il vampiro attrae Lucy, pupilla del dottore per poi spostare le sue attenzioni su Mina, la pudibonda figlia del medico. Mina si trasforma in una scatenata danzatrice e nulla possono fare le strategie messe in atto dal Dottor Van Helsing. Poteva Mel Brooks dimenticarsi di Dracula dopo essersi occupato di Frankenstein? Sicuramente no anche perché il vampiro più importante della letteratura ci sarebbe rimasto male. Ecco allora che Brooks rivista il mito alla sua maniera e si fa affiancare dal sorriso accattivante (con canini incorporati) di Leslie Nielsen che abbandona le pallottole spuntate per seguirlo in un tourbillon di citazioni che non si ispirano solo al romanzo ma, come è ovvio, a tutto il cinema che ha visto Dracula come protagonista....

Release Date
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of France France
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Castle Rock Entertainment
United States of America Columbia Pictures
United States of America Brooksfilms
United States of America Enigma Pictures
Release Dates
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Australia Theatrical PG
Germany Theatrical 12
United States of America English: Physical PG-13 Columbia/TriStar Home Video # 80093 [VHS] 90 minutes
United Kingdom Theatrical
TMDb 61% · 995 (more information on website)
IMDb 58% · 46,245 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 11% (more information on website)


Count DraculaLeslie Nielsen
Prof. Abraham Van HelsingMel Brooks
Mina SewardAmy Yasbeck
Thomas RenfieldPeter MacNicol
Lucy WestenraLysette Anthony
Dr. Jack SewardHarvey Korman
Jonathan HarkerSteven Weber
MartinMark Blankfield
EssieMegan Cavanagh
WoodbridgeGregg Binkley
Madame OuspenskayaAnne Bancroft
SykesClive Revill
InnkeeperChuck McCann
Peasant on CoachAvery Schreiber
Peasant on CoachCherie Franklin
Coach DriverEzio Greggio
UsheretteLeslie Sachs
GuardRudy De Luca
Brunette VampireDarla Haun
Blonde VampireKaren Roe
Man in StraitjacketCharlie Callas
Ballroom GuestMaud Winchester
VillagerKathleen Kane
CrewmanTony Griffin
Young Lover at PicnicCindy Marshall-Day


CameraDirector of PhotographyMichael D. O'Shea
CrewDigital Effects SupervisorDan DeLeeuw
Stunt DoubleBruce Paul Barbour
DirectingDirectorMel Brooks
EditingEditorAdam Weiss
ProductionExecutive ProducerPeter Schindler
ProducerMel Brooks
Production AssistantMike Anzalone
SoundMusicHummie Mann
Original Music ComposerHummie Mann