Movie 'Pride and Glory'
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Truth. Honor. Loyalty. Family. What are you willing to sacrifice?
A saga centered on a multi-generational family of New York City Police officers. The family's moral codes are tested when Ray Tierney, investigates a case that reveals an incendiary police corruption scandal involving his own brother-in-law. For Ray, the truth is revelatory, a Pandora's Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney legacy but the entire NYPD.
German (Deutsch)
Bei einem Anti-Drogen-Einsatz im New Yorker Stadtteil Washington Heights wurden vier Polizisten brutal ermordet. Der auf Vermisstensuche spezialisierte Ray Tierney soll den Fall untersuchen. Ein heikler Auftrag - den er von seinem Vater, Francis Tierney Senior bekommt. Ausgerechnet sein Bruder Francis Tierney Jr. leitete den fatalen Einsatz und arbeitet mit Rays Schwager Jimmy zusammen.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Le Prix de la loyauté
Dans la famille Tierney, on est policier de père en fils. Pour ce clan, le code d’honneur et l’esprit de famille ne font qu’un. Pourtant, face au meurtre qui ébranle toute la police de New York, chacun va devoir choisir son camp. Quatre policiers ont été abattus dans une sombre affaire de drogue, et l’événement tourne au scandale. Il est probable que les policiers soient tombés dans un piège. Certains éléments laissent penser que les plus hauts échelons sont impliqués et, plus perturbant encore, de nombreux indices mènent directement à la famille Tierney…
Italian (Italiano)
- a.k.a. Pride and Glory - Il prezzo dell'onore
Una famiglia New York, dove da tre generazioni i maschi lavorano nella polizia, viene sconvolta quando uno suo membro, Ray, si trova ad investigare su di un caso di corruzione che potrebbe riguardare uno dei suoi due fratelli. Quando a sua volta Ray viene ingiustamente implicato in un brutale omicidio, la sua famiglia deve scegliere se appoggiarlo nonostante lo ritenga un traditore.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- brother-in-law
- megacity
- police
- Genres
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
New Line Cinema
Solaris Film
- O'Connor Brothers
Avery Pix
- Kumar Mobiliengesellschaft mbH & Co. Projekt Nr. 1 KG
- Release Dates
Theatrical R
Theatrical MA15+
Theatrical 15
Theatrical 16
Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Digital 12 Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 884 (more information on website)
- IMDb 66% · 64,022 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 35% (more information on website)
- metacritic 45% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Ray Tierney | Edward Norton |
Francis Tierney, Sr. | Jon Voight |
Jimmy Eagan | Colin Farrell |
Francis Tierney, Jr. | Noah Emmerich |
Abby Tierney | Jennifer Ehle |
Ruben Santiago | John Ortiz |
Eddie Carbone | Frank Grillo |
Kenny Dugan | Shea Whigham |
Megan Egan | Lake Bell |
Tasha | Carmen Ejogo |
Coco Dominguez | Manny Perez |
Bill Avery | Wayne Duvall |
Angel Tezo | Ramón Rodríguez |
Eladio Casado | Rick Gonzalez |
Carlos Bragon | Maximiliano Hernández |
Maureen Tierney | Leslie Denniston |
Caitlin Tierney | Hannah Riggins |
Matthew Egan | Ty Simpkins |
Shannon Egan | Ryan Simpkins |
Bodega Boy | Francisco Burgos |
Francis Tierney | Carmen LoPorto |
Bailey Tierney | Lucy Grace Ellis |
Tookie Brackett | Flaco Navaja |
Lisette Rivera | Raquel Jordan |
Mayor Arthur Caffey | José Ramón Rosario |
Detective Miller | Christopher Michael Holley |
Corner Store Owner | Jason Rodriguez |
Angelique Domenguez | Jessica Pimentel |
Reverend Farraud | Popa Wu |
Trish Mercer | Nikkole Salter |
Bodega Owner | David Pinon |
Bodega Owner's Wife | Lissette Espaillat |
Dr. Khomar | Sekhar Chandra |
Dominican Thug | Cuba Libre |
Dominican Thug | Gabriel Lopez |
Chaplin | Bill McHugh |
Captain Lavier | Robert P. Alongi |
Investigator Lieberthal | Bo Eason |
Investigator Duerson | Howard W. Overshown |
NYPD Head Coach Kowalski | Peter Moog |
NYPD Offensive Coordinator | Edward Gardner |
NYPD Defensive Coordinator | Kenneth Pepe |
Detroit Metro Coach | James Cavanagh Burke |
Detroit Metro Assistant Coach | Richie Thorton |
NYPD Football Player | John Comer |
Duty Captain Banks | Thomas Pilkington |
Detective | Glenn Cunningham |
Detective | Steve DiSchiavi |
Detective | William McNeely |
DEA Representative | Rick Tirelli |
Lieutenant Fricker | Jamie McShane |
Task Force Lieutenant | John Mariano |
Task Force Detective | Robert Hopes |
Task Force Detective | Jim O'Neill |
Uniform Cop | Eddie Molina |
Patrol Sergeant | Karl Bury |
Patrol Cop | Sean Gavigan |
Patrol Cop | Christina Cabot |
Crime Scene Cop | Sal DiGiovani |
Crime Scene Cop | Tom Pelligrino |
Crime Scene Cop | Nancy McCabe |
Crime Scene Cop | Bill McKinney |
Crime Scene Cop | Joseph Roman |
Crime Scene Cop | Kubrat Hristoff |
Crime Scene Cop | William Geiger |
Crime Scene Cop | Keith Fallon |
Crime Scene Cop | Craig Garland |
Crime Scene Cop | Steve Benvegna |
Crime Scene Cop | Carl Bocker |
Crime Scene Cop | Tim Byrne |
Desk Lieutenant | Gerald M. Kline |
Arresting Police Officer | William Clemente |
Crime Scene Detective | Joe Blozis |
Chief | Tom Nonnon |
Police Officer Dillin | Scott Dillin |
Lonnie Mercer | Nicoye Banks |
Domenguez Mother | Denia Brache |
TV News Anchor | Roz Abrams |
News Reporter | Sandra Endo |
News Reporter Dehaven | Dick Brennan |
Reporter | Dominic Carter |
EMT | Yanko Perez |
Thug Kid | Michael Angelo Ortiz |
Thug Kid | Juan Lopez |
Thug Kid | Argelis Parra |
Thug Kid | Miguel Ventura |
Thug Kid | Billy Joe Marrero |
Cavanaugh | Sean Dougherty |
Dugan's Wife | Tammy Tunyavongs |
Paramedic | Jaime N. Garcia |
Doctor | Darren E. Johnson |
Dominican Perp | Pablo Gonzalez |
Woman on Stairs | Louise G. Colón |
Bragon Receptionist | Cecelia Riddett |
Arvell 'Amp' Poines | Tony Rhune |
Driver | Andrew Rogers |
Dominican Bodega Customer | Luis Da Silva, Jr. |