Movie 'Pain & Gain'
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Their American dream is bigger than yours.
Daniel Lugo, manager of the Sun Gym in 1990s Miami, decides that there is only one way to achieve his version of the American dream: extortion. To achieve his goal, he recruits musclemen Paul and Adrian as accomplices. After several failed attempts, they abduct rich businessman Victor Kershaw and convince him to sign over all his assets to them. But when Kershaw makes it out alive, authorities are reluctant to believe his story.
German (Deutsch)
Daniel Lugo und Adrian Doorbal sind Personal Trainer aus Leidenschaft. Doch leider entspricht die Zahl der Dollars auf ihrem Bankkonto nicht annähernd der Anzahl der Schweißperlen auf ihren stählernen Körpern, und damit soll jetzt Schluss sein. Gemeinsam mit Pump-Kumpel Adrian und Ex-Knacki Paul Doyle schaffen sie es, den mit Goldkettchen behängten Selfmade-Millionär Victor Kershaw zu entführen, zur Strecke zu bringen und mit seinen Millionen ihren American Dream zu leben. Doch das schillernde Partyleben der Sun Gym-Gang hat bald ein Ende: Ihr tot geglaubtes Opfer Kershaw hat ihnen den Privatermittler Ed Du Bois auf den Hals gehetzt und schwört Rache. Aber so schnell geben die drei Testosteron-Pakete nicht auf, und eine knallharte Jagd beginnt ...
French (Français)
- a.k.a. No Pain No Gain
- Pain and gain
- Pain & Gain
Basé sur une histoire vraie et inspiré d'articles de presse parus dans le Miami New Times, Pain and gain suit les aventures criminelles du "Sun Gym gang". Composé de bodybuilders dopés aux anabolisants, le gang s'est rendu célèbre au milieu des années 90 par ses multiples vols, enlèvements et meurtres.
Italian (Italiano)
Black comedy dall'ambientazione decisamente insolita, ma ispirata ad una storia vera, quella della "Sun Gym Gang" di Miami. Nel mondo del culturismo e del traffico di steroidi i protagonisti, interpretati da Mark Wahlberg e Dwayne Johnson, si troveranno coinvolti in un affare di estorsione e rapimento che non andrà per il verso giusto.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- duringcreditsstinger
- miami, florida
- scam
- weight lifting
- weightlifting
- Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Paramount Pictures
De Line Pictures
Bay Films
- Release Dates
Premiere R Miami, Florida
Theatrical R
Theatrical MA15+
Digital 16
Theatrical 16
Physical R DVD, Blu-ray
Theatrical 15
Theatrical 12
Digital 12 VOD
Physical 12 DVD & Blu-Ray
Digital 16 Netflix
Digital 16 Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 63% · 4,523 (more information on website)
- IMDb 64% · 233,654 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 49% (more information on website)
- metacritic 45% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Daniel Lugo | Mark Wahlberg |
Paul Doyle | Dwayne Johnson |
Adrian Doorbal | Anthony Mackie |
Victor Kershaw | Tony Shalhoub |
Ed DuBois | Ed Harris |
John Mese | Rob Corddry |
Sorina Luminita | Bar Paly |
Ramona Eldridge | Rebel Wilson |
Johnny Wu | Ken Jeong |
Frank Griga | Michael Rispoli |
Krisztina Furton | Keili Lefkovitz |
Detective Haworth | Vivi Pineda |
Nine-Year-Old Boy/Rusty | Christopher Jestin Langstaff |
Son of Victor Kershaw | Gustavo Escobar |
Basketball Girl | Corinne Ferrer |
Young Daniel Lugo | Zack Moore |
Teenage Daniel Lugo | Kory Getman |
Dr. Bjornson | Peter Stormare |
Pastor Randy | Larry Hankin |
Captain Lopez | Tony Plana |
Brad McCalister | Brian Stepanek |
Judy | Persei Caputo |
Jim | Bill Kelly |
Carolyn 'Sissy' Du Bois | Emily Rutherfurd |
Spy Shop Clerk | Patrick Bristow |
Client | Wladimir Klitschko |
Analee Calvera | Yolanthe Cabau |
Neighborhood Watch (uncredited) | Anthony "Ace" Thomas |
Inmate (uncredited) | Kurt Angle |
Trainer | Jennifer Nicole Lee |
Dancer | Andrea Bennetti |
Dancer | Nikki Benz |
Dancer | Jessica Dykstra |
Dancer | Gwendalyn Barker |
Dancer | Vannessa Nevader |
Actress (uncredited) | Amanda Cerny |