Movie '28 Weeks Later'
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When days turn to weeks... the horror returns.
The inhabitants of the British Isles have lost their battle against the onslaught of disease, as the deadly rage virus has killed every citizen there. Six months later, a group of Americans dare to set foot on the Isles, convinced the danger has passed. But it soon becomes all too clear that the scourge continues to live, waiting to pounce on its next victims.
- a.k.a. 28 Days Later 2
- a.k.a. Twenty Eight Weeks Later
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. 28 Wochen später TV Title
Nach 28 Wochen sieht alles so aus, als sei das "Wutvirus", das Menschen in Zombies verwandelte, ausgestorben. Die NATO und die amerikanische Regierung wollen England neu bevölkern. Sie gründen einen Distrikt, auf drei Seiten von Wasser umgeben und damit einfacher zu überwachen, in den die Flüchtlinge unter Aufsicht des Militärs zurückgebracht werden. Darunter sind auch Andy und Tammy, die Kinder von Distriktverwalter Don Harris. Trotz strenger Militärkontrolle gelingt es den beiden Geschwistern, zu ihrem Elternhaus durchzudringen. Dort machen sie eine beängstigende Entdeckung: Ihre tot geglaubte Mutter Alice hockt völlig apathisch in einer Ecke. Sie wird in Quarantäne verfrachtet. Obwohl sie mit dem "Rage"-Virus infiziert ist, zeigt sie keine Anzeichen der Krankheit. Doch nach einem Zwischenfall eskaliert die Lage und das Virus wird plötzlich erneut freigesetzt. Die Militärärztin Scarlet, die Alice betreut hat, versucht Andy und Tammy zu schützen..
French (Français)
Il y a 6 mois, un virus a décimé l'Angleterre, transformant la population en monstres sanguinaires. Aujourd'hui, la situation est maîtrisée et Londres contrôlée par l'armée de l'OTAN sous commandement américain, et les rares survivants reviennent dans les quartiers sécurisés de la ville. Don a échappé de justesse a une attaque de zombies en s'enfuyant sous les yeux de sa femme, qui elle, n'a pas eu sa chance. Il retrouve ses enfants à Londres. Alors qu'ils tentent de se reconstruire, quelque part, un effroyable secret les attend. Tout n'est pas terminé…
Italian (Italiano)
La diffusione dello sconosciuto virus che rende gli esseri umani zombie dalla sorprendente falcata ha gettato morte e panico sul Regno Unito, come visto in 28 giorni dopo, e portato alla completa evacuazione dei superstiti di tutta la Gran Bretagna, messa in quarantena delle nazioni unite. 28 settimane dopo la situazione sembra essere nuovamente sotto controllo: tutti gli infetti sono stati sterminati e il rimpatrio dei primi profughi può cominciare insieme ai lavori di ricostruzione. Il ritrovamento di una donna che sembra essere immune ai devastanti effetti del virus, pur essendone portatrice, è di grande interesse per gli scienziati che studiano la natura del contagio per tentare di produrre un antidoto. Ovviamente, basterà un imprevedibile incidente a dare il via a un nuovo incubo.
Part of 28 Days/Weeks Later Collection
A post-apocalyptic horror film series focused on survivors of a blood-borne disease called Rage that turns the infected into mindless, zombie-like savages, the hordes of whom have decimated the population of Great Britain.
28 Days Later owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 72% · 6,982
Twenty-eight days after a killer virus was accidentally unleashed from a British research facility, a small group of London survivors are caught in a desperate struggle to protect themselves from the infected. Carried by animals and humans, the virus turns those it infects into homicidal maniacs -- and it's absolutely impossible to contain.
28 Weeks Later owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 66% · 4,457
The inhabitants of the British Isles have lost their battle against the onslaught of disease, as the deadly rage virus has killed every citizen there. Six months later, a group of Americans dare to set foot on the Isles, convinced the danger has passed. But it soon becomes all too clear that the scourge continues to live, waiting to pounce on its next victims.
28 Years Later not owned
- Release Date:
It's been almost three decades since the rage virus escaped a biological weapons laboratory, and now, still in a ruthlessly enforced quarantine, some have found ways to exist amidst the infected. One such group of survivors lives on a small island connected to the mainland by a single, heavily-defended causeway. When one of the group leaves the island on a mission into the dark heart of the mainland, he discovers secrets, wonders, and horrors that have mutated not only the infected but other survivors as well.
28 Years Later Part 2: The Bone Temple not owned
- Release Date:
The second installment in the 28 Days Later sequel trilogy. Details TBA.
28 Years Later Part 3 not owned
- Release Date:
The third installment in the 28 Days Later sequel trilogy. Details TBA.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- chaos
- deadly
- dying and death
- escapade
- female corpse
- london, england
- loss of loved one
- mutant
- on the run
- plague
- sibling relationship
- supernatural
- survival
- virus
- zombie
- Genres
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United Kingdom
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
DNA Films
Figment Films
- Sociedad General de Cine S.A.
UK Film Council
Fox Atomic
- Release Dates
Theatrical 18
Theatrical MA 15+
Theatrical R
Digital 18
Theatrical 18
Theatrical 16
Theatrical VM14
Digital Disney+
- Ratings
- TMDb 66% · 4,457 (more information on website)
- IMDb 69% · 306,079 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 72% (more information on website)
- metacritic 78% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Donald Harris | Robert Carlyle |
Scarlet | Rose Byrne |
Sergeant Doyle | Jeremy Renner |
Flynn | Harold Perrineau |
Alice | Catherine McCormack |
Tammy Harris | Imogen Poots |
Andy | Mackintosh Muggleton |
General Stone | Idris Elba |
Sally | Amanda Walker |
Jacob | Shahid Ahmed |
Geoff | Garfield Morgan |
Karen | Emily Beecham |
Boy in Cottage | Jordan El-Balawi |
DLR Soldier | Meghan Popiel |
Military Officer | Stewart Alexander |
Senior Medical Officer | Philip Bulcock |
Rooftop Sniper | Chris Ryman |
Soldier | Tristan Tait |
Medical Officer | William Meredith |
Bunker Major | Thomas Garvey |
Medical Centre Lobby Soldier | Tom Bodell |
Carpark Soldier | Andrew Byron |
Carpark Civilian | Sarah Finigan |
Carpark Civilian | Roderic Culver |
Carpark Civilian | Maeve Malley-Ryan |
Carpark Civilian | Ed Coleman |
Carpark Civilian | Karen Meagher |
Carpark Civilian | Amanda Lawrence |
Carpark Civilian | Drew Rhys-Williams |
Sam | Raymond Waring |
Depot Man | Kish Sharma |
Depot Woman | Jane Thorne |
Bunker Soldier | Matt Reeves |
Infected Person (uncredited) | Dean Alexandrou |
Infected Person (uncredited) | Gareth Clarke |
Infected Person (uncredited) | Debbie Kurup |
Infected Person (uncredited) | Selina Lo |
Infected Person (uncredited) | João Costa Menezes |
Infected Person (uncredited) | Jude Poyer |
Infected (uncredited) | Katie Borland |
Infected (uncredited) | Pip Henderson |
Infected Person (uncredited) | Jason Curle |
Carpark Civilian | Simon Delaney |