Movie 'A Christmas Carol'

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Season's Greedings

Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Disney's A Christmas Carol complete title
  • A Christmas Carol 3D 3D title
  • A Christmas Carol: An IMAX 3D Experience IMAX version

Germany German (Deutsch)

Disneys Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte

Wie jeden Tag zeigt sich Ebenezer Scrooge auch am Heiligen Abend als Geizhals und Misanthrop, ob er nun seinen getreuen Buchhalter anblafft oder seinen gut gelaunten Neffen. Wenig später begegnet er dem Geist seines verstorbenen Geschäftspartners Joseph Marley, der im Jenseits den Preis für seine Herzlosigkeit bezahlt. Marley, der Scrooge ein ähnliches Schicksal ersparen möchte, erzählt ihm, dass er von drei Geistern Besuch bekommen wird. Und in der Tat: Die Geister der vergangenen, gegenwärtigen und künftigen Weihnacht entführen den alten Scrooge auf eine Reise, die ihm letztendlich die Augen öffnet. Dabei wird er mit Wahrheiten konfrontiert, die er am liebsten verleugnen möchte, doch er muss sein Herz öffnen und seinen jahrelangen Groll ablegen, bevor es zu spät ist.

France French (Français)

Le Drôle de Noël de Scrooge

Parmi tous les marchands de Londres, Ebenezer Scrooge est connu comme l’un des plus riches et des plus avares. Ce vieillard solitaire et insensible vit dans l’obsession de ses livres de comptes. Ni la mort de son associé, Marley, ni la pauvre condition de son employé, Bob Cratchit, n’ont jamais réussi à l’émouvoir. De tous les jours de l’année, celui que Scrooge déteste le plus est Noël. L’idée de répandre joie et cadeaux va définitivement à l’encontre de tous ses principes ! Pourtant, cette année, Scrooge va vivre un Noël qu’il ne sera pas près d’oublier… Tout commence la veille de Noël, lorsqu’en rentrant chez lui, Scrooge a d’étranges hallucinations. Le spectre de son ancien associé lui rend la plus effrayante des visites, et lui en annonce d’autres, aussi magiques que troublantes… Scrooge se voit d’abord confronté à l’Esprit des Noëls passés, qui le replonge dans ses propres souvenirs, réveillant en lui des blessures oubliées et des regrets profondément enfouis…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il vecchio e avaro strozzino Ebenezer Scrooge non ha alcuna intenzione di condividere le gioie del Natale. Né con il nipote Fred né con il suo dipendente Bob, che riceve uno stipendio da fame e ha una famiglia numerosa, né tantomeno con chi gli chiede sottoscrizioni in favore dei più diseredati. Per lui il Natale è solo un giorno in cui deve pagare Bob che resterà però a casa. La notte della vigilia compare però, terrorizzandolo, il fantasma del suo socio in affari Marley, morto sette anni prima. Marley gli annuncia l'arrivo di tre Spiriti. Uno gli mostrerà i suoi Natali passati, uno quello presente e l'ultimo quello futuro in cui lui sarà morto e nessuno avrà un buon ricordo della sua esistenza. La lezione gli servirà.

Release Date
19th century
based on novel or book
christmas eve
christmas music
london, england
victorian england
xmas eve
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Walt Disney Pictures
United States of America ImageMovers Digital
Release Dates
United Kingdom Theatrical PG
Austria Digital 12
Australia Theatrical PG
Switzerland Digital 12
Germany Theatrical 12
Canada Theatrical PG
United States of America Theatrical PG
France Theatrical U
Italy Theatrical
TMDb 69% · 4,643 (more information on website)
IMDb 68% · 132,796 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 52% (more information on website)
metacritic 55% (more information on website)


Scrooge / Ghosts of Christmas (voice)Jim Carrey
Bob Cratchit / Marley / Tiny Tim (voice)Gary Oldman
Fred (voice)Colin Firth
Fan / Belle (voice)Robin Wright
Portly Gentleman / Dick Wilkins / Fiddler / Business Man (voice)Cary Elwes
Fezziwig / Old Joe (voice)Bob Hoskins
Apprentice / Caroler / Beggar / Peter Cratchit (voice)Daryl Sabara
Funerary Undertaker / Topper (voice)Steve Valentine
Tattered Caroler (voice)Sage Ryan
Tattered Caroler / Well Dressed Caroler (voice)Amber Gainey Meade
Caroler / Beggar / Cratchit Boy / Ignorance / Boy (voice)Ryan Ochoa
Tattered Caroler / Well Dressed Caroler (voice)Bobbi Page
Tattered Caroler / Well Dressed Caroler (voice)Ron Bottitta
Mrs. Dilber (voice)Fionnula Flanagan
Beggar Boy / Young Cratchit Girl / Want Girl (voice)Sammi Hanratty
Fat Cook / Portly Gentleman #2 / Business Man #3 (voice)Julian Holloway
Mrs. Fezziwig / Fred's Sister-In-Law / Caroler (voice)Jacquie Barnbrook
Mrs. Cratchit (voice)Lesley Manville
Belinda Cratchit (voice)Molly C. Quinn
Martha Cratchit / Guest #1 / Caroline (voice)Fay Masterson
Fred's Wife (voice)Leslie Zemeckis
Guest #3 / Business Man #2 (voice)Paul Blackthorne
Guest #4 (voice)Michael Hyland
Adult Ignorance (voice)Kerry Hoyt
Adult Want (voice)Julene Renee
Caroline's Child (voice)Raymond Ochoa
Caroline's Husband (voice)Callum Blue
Poulterer (voice)Matthew Henerson
Well Dressed Caroler (voice)Aaron Rapke
Well Dressed Caroler / Fred's Housemaid (voice)Sonje Fortag


ArtArt Department AssistantChris Bonura
Genevieve Elkin
Leon Kogan
Zack Bunker
Art Department CoordinatorAndrea Carter
Art Department ManagerErin Collins Butler
Jason Corgan Brown
Art DirectionBrian Flora
Marc Gabbana
Mike Stassi
Norman Newberry
Assistant Art DirectorScott Herbertson
Assistant Property MasterBlanche Sindelar
Co-Art DirectorKurt Kaufman
Concept ArtistJosh Viers
Conceptual DesignJason Merck
Kino Scialabba
Construction CoordinatorJohn Villarino
Construction ForemanBobby Mara
LeadmanJoel Prihoda
PainterJamie Shelley
Production DesignDoug Chiang
Property MasterMichael Gastaldo
Set DecorationKaren O'Hara
Set DesignerAndrew Reeder
Richard F. Mays
Set DresserJulie Beattie Iiams
Lawson Brown
Will Grant
CameraCamera OperatorBrian Garbellini
Christopher A. Schenck
John Scott
Matthew Moriarty
Maurice K. McGuire
Nick Paige
Tony Olivieri
Trey Clinesmith
Director of PhotographyRobert Presley
Key GripDennis Hoerter
Still PhotographerJohn Bramley
Joseph Lederer
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignDermot Power
Costume SupervisorAnthony Almaraz
Hair DesignerSusan Germaine
Key Hair StylistGina Bonacquisti
Makeup ArtistBill Corso
Harriette Landau
Keith Hall
Nadege Schoenfeld
Tania Saylor
Tina Roesler Kerwin
Makeup Department HeadTegan Taylor
Makeup DesignerEdouard F. Henriques
Set CostumerAlejandro M. Hernandez
Erich A. Muller
Michelle Liu
Reiko Porter
CrewActor's AssistantMargaret Sigel
Sammy Pasha
CG SupervisorDavid 'Rudy' Grossman
Ryan Michero
CGI SupervisorDouglas Epps
ChoreographerLisa Shriver
CompositorsChris Jolly
Richard McBride
Craft ServiceBrieann Rich
Digital Effects SupervisorJoel Friesch
Kevin Baillie
Ryan Tudhope
Digital ProducerAmy Beresford
Sandra Scott
DriverChuck Martinez
Robert Gaskill
Motion Capture ArtistAlia Dong-Stewart
Bob Mano
Charles Parrish
Jake McKinnon
Kirk Dunne
Matthew O'Callaghan
Post Production AssistantMatthew Brewbaker
Post-Production ManagerRegina Carney
Production InternAngie Yesson
Nia Hansen
Production Office AssistantSarah Goller
Prop MakerDavid Venezky
Set Production AssistantLaura O'Keefe
Sound Design AssistantLeff Lefferts
Special EffectsRobert Calvert
Stunt CoordinatorGarrett Warren
StuntsAdam Hart
Andy Owen
Bob Brown
Bradley James Allan
Brian Machleit
Brian Simpson
Cliff McLaughlin
David Schultz
Frank Torres
Ilram Choi
Kyla Warren
Mark Ginther
Pat Banta
Shawn Crowder
Shawn Kautz
Wally Crowder
Supervising Technical DirectorEuan K. MacDonald
Systems Administrators & SupportAntonio Eggermont
Christopher S. Patterson
Doug Swam
James Trousdale
Kevin Conde
Rich Murillo
Timothy McCormick
Technical SupervisorJames Sathre
Unit PublicistPaulette Dauber
Visual Effects EditorCarin-Anne Strohmaier
Michael Hall
DirectingDirectorRobert Zemeckis
First Assistant DirectorDavid H. Venghaus Jr.
Script SupervisorLuca Kouimelis
Second Assistant DirectorJeffrey Schwartz
EditingArchival Footage ResearchGregory Bossert
Assistant EditorNathan Schauf
Rolf Fleischmann
Sam Restivo
Digital IntermediateEverette Webber
EditorJeremiah O'Driscoll
First Assistant EditorRyan Chan
LightingBest Boy ElectricianJames Monroe Tharp Jr.
Lighting ArtistGlen Gustafson
John Huikku
Justin Hammond
Scott G. Trosclair
Tu Le
Lighting SupervisorBrian Kulig
Rigging GripDeron Tse
ProductionADR Voice CastingBrendan Donnison
Assistant Production CoordinatorKyoko Kageyama
Paula Stier
Assistant Production ManagerAnna Fields
Juan Bronson
Krista Haley
Megan Corbet
Ryan Ralph Bond
Associate ProducerHeather Kelton
Linda Fields Hill
CastingNina Gold
Casting AssistantMona Slomsky
Robert Sterne
Rose Wicksteed
Casting AssociateTineka Becker
Co-ProducerSteven J. Boyd
Line ProducerPeter M. Tobyansen
ProducerJack Rapke
Robert Zemeckis
Steve Starkey
Production AccountantJeff Shapiro
Susanne Lariviere
Production AssistantBrittany Petros
Production CoordinatorAshley Koons
Ben Hadden
Cheryl Ann Sansonetti
Darnie Galloway
Gabriela Ríos
Johnny Duguid
Justin Oliphant
Laura C. Denton
Samantha Liss
Production ManagerAlessandra Cave
Brian Brecht
Jenny Head Appleton
Kristen D. Chidel
Robert Keyghobad
Wendy Berry Campbell
ResearcherDaniel Riha
SoundADR EditorBrian Chumney
Additional Sound Re-Recording MixerColette D. Dahanne
Boom OperatorDaniel S. McCoy
Robert Jackson
FoleyDennie Thorpe
Jana Vance
Foley EditorE. Larry Oatfield
Sue Fox
MusicianJordan Santamaria
Rachel Bolt
Rene Mandel
OrchestratorConrad Pope
John Ashton Thomas
William Ross
Original Music ComposerAlan Silvestri
Production Sound MixerJames M. Tanenbaum
William B. Kaplan
Sound DesignerRandy Thom
Sound Effects EditorAl Nelson
Mac Smith
Pete Horner
Sound Mix TechnicianZach Martin
Sound Re-Recording MixerDennis Sands
Randy Thom
Tom Johnson
Sound RecordistClint Smith
Supervising ADR EditorJon Null
Supervising Music EditorKenneth Karman
Supervising Sound EditorDennis Leonard
Visual EffectsAnimationAndrew Schneider
Bryon Caldwell
Cameron Folds
Dan Kunz
Danny Wawrzaszek
David Latour
Evelyn Botter
George Alcco-Sima
George Banks
Jax Lee
Jean Lin
Jeremy Bolan
Jimmy Almeida
Jonathan Lyons
Julie Jaros
Julija Learie
Keith Johnson
Kevin Quaid
Michael Parks
Mike Dacko
Oz Gani
Rena M. Fowler
Roland Vallet
Ross Burgess
Ryan Geoffrey Walker
Salvador Ruiz
Tal Peleg
Webster Colcord
Yuhon Ng
Animation SupervisorJenn Emberly
Keith Kellogg
Scott Wirtz
Character DesignerColin Fix
Roel Robles
Vladimir Todorov
Digital CompositorsJustin Graham
Peter Demarest
Lead AnimatorStéphane Couture
ModelingJohn 'JD' Daniel
Po-Ming Chu
Yuki Yamamura
Special Effects SupervisorMichael Lantieri
VFX ArtistAlex Wang
Andrew Butler
Christopher Hamilton
Sunghwan Hong
Visual Effects CoordinatorErin King
Jenna Kerr
Zoe Aimee Zaitzeff
Visual Effects SupervisorGeorge Murphy
Huseyin Caner