Movie 'World Trade Center'

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The world saw evil that day. Two men saw something else.

Two police officers struggle to survive when they become trapped beneath the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. September Working Title

Germany German (Deutsch)

Am Anfang weiss keiner genau was passiert ist, klar ist nur: Ein Flugzeug ist in das World Trade Center eingeschlagen. Ein Unfall oder ein Anschlag? Nichts ist sicher bis auf die Tatsache das Menschen Hilfe benötigen, und zwar schnell.Mehrere Einheiten New Yorker Cops werden zu Evakuierungs- und Rettungsmaßnahmen eingeteilt, die beiden Cops John McLoughlin und Will Jemano werden mit einigen anderen auf die U-Bahnstation unter dem Südturm des World Trade Centers geschickt um die Menschen dort zu versorgen und zu evakuieren. Noch während die Beiden unter dem Turm sind geschieht allerdings das unfassbare, der Turm stürzt in sich zusammen und begräbt zahllose Menschen und Helfer unter sich. Einige überleben eingeschlossen unter Tonnen von Trümmern.Von einem Moment zum anderen sind die Retter zu Opfern geworden, die selbst Hilfe benötigen...

France French (Français)

11 septembre 2001. Une chaleur étouffante règne dès le lever du jour dans les rues de New York. Will Jimeno, du Port Authority Police Department, se demande s'il ne va pas prendre un jour de congé pour s'adonner à la chasse à l'arc. Il choisit finalement de se rendre au travail et rejoint le sergent John McLoughlin, alors que celui-ci et ses collègues du PAPD commencent leur tournée quotidienne dans les rues de Manhattan. Une journée banale qui commence comme tant d'autres... Sitôt l'alerte donnée, cinq policiers, dont McLoughlin et Jimeno, se rendent au World Trade Center et s'introduisent dans les Tours jumelles. McLoughlin et Jimeno survivent par miracle à l'effondrement des gratte-ciel. Ils se retrouvent piégés sous plusieurs tonnes de béton, de charpentes métalliques tordues, de verre et de gravats...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un ticchettio di un orologio segna il tempo. Tutto a New York si muove, lavora, sorride, vive. D'improvviso un suono sordo, muto. Inizia l'inferno. JJ Mc Loughlin (Nicholas Cage), a capo di alcuni agenti di polizia portuale, entra nelle torri per salvare le migliaia di persone intrappolate nel World Trade Center. I minuti corrono inesorabili. Inaspettato, un fragore terrificante li scuote. Collassa la prima torre. Dopo alcuni minuti la seconda. Mc Loughlin e l'agente Jimeno rimangono intrappolati sotto le macerie, senza via di scampo. Questa è la vera storia del loro 11 settembre 2001.

Release Date
al qaeda
alarm clock
fire engine
human made disaster
rescue team
terrorist group
war on terror
world trade center
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of Germany Germany
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Paramount Pictures
United States of America Double Feature Films
United Kingdom Intermedia
Kernos Filmproduktionsgesellschaft & Company
Release Dates
Canada Theatrical
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Italy Premiere Venice Film Festival
France Premiere Deauville Film Festival
United States of America Theatrical (limited) Valley Film Festival
France Theatrical U
Germany Theatrical 12
Austria Theatrical
United Kingdom English: Theatrical 12A
Australia Theatrical M
Italy Italian (Italiano): Theatrical T
TMDb 61% · 1,672 (more information on website)
IMDb 60% · 89,194 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 66% (more information on website)
metacritic 66% (more information on website)


John McLoughlinNicolas Cage
Will JimenoMichael Peña
Donna McLoughlinMaria Bello
Allison JimenoMaggie Gyllenhaal
Officer GiraldiDanny Nucci
Scott StraussStephen Dorff
Dominick PezzuloJay Hernandez
Dave KarnesMichael Shannon
Allison's MotherDorothy Lyman
Allison's FatherPeter McRobbie
Pat McLoughlinWass Stevens
Chuck SereikaFrank Whaley
Paddy McGeeStoney Westmoreland
Mother in Hospital with DonnaViola Davis
Olivia JimenoLola Cook
Steven McLoughlinConnor Paolo
JJ McLoughlinAnthony Piccininni
Erin McLoughlinAlexa Gerasimovich
Caitlin McLoughlinMorgan Flynn
Antonio RodriguesArmando Riesco
Christopher AmorosoJon Bernthal
Inspector FieldsJude Ciccolella
Allison's GrandmotherJulie Adams
Subway RiderJoe Starr
Port Authority OfficerWilliam Jimeno
Lieutenant KassimatisNick Damici
Homeless Addict #1Martin Pfefferkorn
Homeless Addict #2Razame de la Crackers
Street Hood #1Nelson Peña
Street Hood #2Marcos Palma
Port Authority HustlerAndre Ward
Port Authority TouristLisa Yuen
Desk CopCliff Bemis
9th Avenue HookerHarmonica Sunbeam
Officer PolnickiNed Eisenberg
Officer ColovitoNicholas Turturro
Officer WashingtonTyree Michael Simpson
Plain Clothes OfficerKevin Feely
Street BusinessmanMark Elliot Wilson
Bleeding WomanTawny Cypress
WTC Desk OfficerRobert Blanche
Officer ReynoldsTom Wright
Fire Fighter in ConcourseTerry Quinn
Wisconsin CopEd Jewett
Allison's Co-WorkerMaria Helan
Allison's BrotherBrad William Henke
Donna's NeighborPatti D'Arbanville
Judy JonasDonna Murphy
Volunteer FiremanNicky Katt
Will's SisterLucia Brawley
Sergeant KingKimberly Scott
Officer BoelDara Coleman
Bianca JimenoTiffany Romano
Accountant in Karnes OfficeGregory Jbara
Karnes' PastorJordan Lage
Will's FatherTony Genaro
Will's MotherAixa Maldonado
Donna's Male NeighborJay Acovone
Downtown ResidentHoward Samuelsohn
National Guard Officer at BarricadeDavid H. Ahl
Fire Chief at Ground ZeroArthur J. Nascarella
Fireman at Ground ZeroThom Prin Jr.
Figure of JesusSteve Chappell
Marine Sergeant ThomasWilliam Mapother
NYC Command Centre OperatorThomas F. Duffy
Fireman in HoleTommy Asher
Port Authority CommanderCharles A. Gargano
Port Authority SergeantThomas McHale
Allison's NurseLalanya Masters
Will's Rescue FiremanGreg Collins
Firefighter #1 John's RescueScott Fox
Firefighter #2 John's RescueLouis Raimondi
Firefighter #3 John's RescueVictor Spadaro
Firefighter #4 John's RescueJohn Kiernan
Will's Arrival NurseLiz A. Randall
Will's DoctorRoger Cross
Will's Operation NurseJossara Jinaro
Fireman JoeJoseph Esposito
John's ParamedicGary Stretch
John's Rescue FiremanKurt Caceres
FiremanJohn C. McGinley


ArtArt Department AssistantGraham Ratliff
Art Department CoordinatorAngela Stauffer
Erik Knight
Art DirectionHinju Kim
Richard L. Johnson
Assistant Art DirectorJeffrey D. McDonald
Assistant Property MasterBruce C. Knight II
Danielle Giovanniello
Construction CoordinatorFrank Didio
Mike Villarino
Ron Petagna Sr.
Construction ForemanBrian Feola
Graphic DesignerKim Lincoln
Head CarpenterRon Petagna Sr.
Key Construction GripVincent Guarriello
LeadmanClovis Chamberet
Location ScoutLauren Fritz
PainterRichard Ewan
Production DesignJan Roelfs
Property MasterDaniel Boxer
Jonathan Tessler
PropsPaul Baker
SculptorRobert Clark
Set Decorating CoordinatorNicole Zaks
Set DecorationBeth A. Rubino
Set Decoration BuyerKathleen Rosen
Set DesignerGregory S. Hooper
Randall D. Wilkins
Set DresserChad B. Daring
Standby PainterCharles Kern
Storyboard ArtistRobert Consing
SwingGeorge Hess
Camera"A" Camera OperatorPeter Rosenfeld
Additional CameraStephen S. Campanelli
Aerial Director of PhotographyDavid Norris
Assistant CameraSebastián Almeida
Best Boy GripBruce Chimerofsky
Camera LoaderCameron Duncan
Camera OperatorChristopher Duskin
Michael Pinkey
Director of PhotographySeamus McGarvey
Dolly GripJack Glenn
Jim Duggan
First Assistant "A" CameraScott Rathner
First Assistant "B" CameraHarry Zimmerman
GripPaul Farley
Key GripArt Bartels
George Patsos
Libra Head TechnicianLance Mayer
Second Assistant "A" CameraEric Amundsen
Second Assistant "B" CameraLarissa Supplitt
Second Unit Director of PhotographyKyle Rudolph
Steadicam OperatorPeter Rosenfeld
Still PhotographerFrançois Duhamel
Costume & Make-UpAger/DyerSteven Shellooe
Assistant Costume DesignerMichael Sharpe
Costume DesignMichael Dennison
Costume SupervisorJonny Pray
CostumerMarcy Craig
Hair Department HeadMary L. Hart-Mastro
HairstylistIlona Herman
Marc Boyle
Key CostumerJames P. Cullen
Key Hair StylistSuzy Mazzarese-Allison
Key Makeup ArtistKimberly Felix
Key Set CostumerDavid Page
Makeup ArtistJames Sarzotti
Makeup DesignerMindy Hall
On Set DresserJeffrey Rollins
Set CostumerLucia Lettini
Natalie Arango
Reese Spensley
Wardrobe AssistantJustine Chevalier
CrewCG SupervisorPeter Bebb
Ryan Cook
CarpenterRon Petagna Sr.
Craft ServiceMichael A. Becker
Dialect CoachHoward Samuelsohn
DriverBruce Callahan
Generator OperatorGary Hildebrand
PilotAl Cerullo
Post Production SupervisorChantal Feghali
PropmakerJason Dock Harrell
PyrotechnicianAnthony Simonaitis
Scenic ArtistStephen Caldwell
Set Production AssistantCate Eckenrode
Special Effects CoordinatorGary D'Amico
Jeff Brink
Special Effects TechnicianGarnet Baril
Stand InMic Tomasi
Stunt CoordinatorDoug Coleman
Stunt DoubleJeremy Fitzgerald
Stunt DriverMike Burke
Roy Farfel
Roy T. Anderson
StuntsBrian Machleit
Derrick Simmons
Eliza Coleman
Jennifer Lamb
Jimmy Romano
John Cenatiempo
Kym Washington Longino
Matthew Taylor
Mickey Giacomazzi
Richard Bucher
Rick Avery
Stephanie Finochio
Tim Gallin
Todd Bryant
Technical AdvisorLiz A. Randall
Techno Crane OperatorNoah Bishop
Transportation CaptainDavid Urich
Transportation CoordinatorCraig Fehrman
Utility StuntsAllen Robinson
Anthony Molinari
Brian Avery
Carl Anthony Nespoli
Meegan E. Godfrey
Video Assist OperatorDarren Ryan
Visual Effects EditorDavid Zbriger
Richard Diver
Samuel Craven
DirectingDirectorOliver Stone
First Assistant DirectorDarin Rivetti
Kathryn-Ann Oaks Shertzer
Simon Warnock
Script SupervisorTrisha Burton
Second Assistant DirectorMaggie Murphy
Second Second Assistant DirectorBradley Morris
EditingColor TimerKenny Becker
Digital IntermediateBob Fernley
Digital Intermediate ColoristMichael Eaves
Digital Intermediate ProducerD.R. Farquharson
EditorDavid Brenner
Julie Monroe
Editorial Production AssistantDavid Sooc
First Assistant EditorSamuel Craven
Negative CutterScott Bebe
LightingBest Boy ElectricLuis Moreno
ElectricianRon Alexus
GafferJohn G. Velez
Key Rigging GripDhamarata 'G' Dhiensuwana
Lighting ProgrammerChris Bennett
Lighting SupervisorGreg Gladstone
Lighting TechnicianAlejandro J. Castillo
Rigging GafferBill Almeida
Rigging GripJeff Brinker
ProductionArt Department Production AssistantMichael Riolo
Assistant AccountantMark D. Houston
Assistant Location ManagerChristine Leaman
Assistant Production CoordinatorDanielle Blumstein
Associate ProducerRobert S. Wilson
CastingBilly Hopkins
Kerry Barden
Mary Vernieu
Paul Schnee
Suzanne Smith Crowley
Casting AssistantLindsay Graham Ahanonu
Casting AssociateJ.C. Cantu
Co-ProducerChantal Feghali
Robert S. Costanzo
Executive ProducerDonald J. Lee Jr.
Norman Golightly
Extras CastingSasha Adkinson
Extras Casting AssistantIrvin Gourgue
Key Production AssistantMichael A. Rizzo
Key Set Production AssistantLarissa Grudt
Location AssistantRafael Lima
Location CoordinatorKyle Villegas
Location ManagerLen Murach
Post Production CoordinatorHeather P. Woods
ProducerDebra Hill
Michael Shamberg
Moritz Borman
Stacey Sher
Production AssistantHernando Bansuelo
Production CoordinatorPeter I. Sabat
Production ExecutiveDiane L. Sabatini
Production SecretaryKathryn Moïse
Production SupervisorMatthew Spiegel
PublicistRachel Aberly
Second Assistant AccountantJoshua Loiko
Travel CoordinatorJennifer DeLia
Unit Production ManagerJan Foster
SoundADR MixerGreg Steele
ADR RecordistGreg Zimmerman
Additional Sound Re-Recording MixerKevin Patrick Burns
Assistant Sound EditorRonnie Morgan
Boom OperatorDavid M. Roberts
ConductorPete Anthony
Dialogue EditorLaura Harris Atkinson
Michael Hertlein
FoleyJeffrey Wilhoit
Sarah Monat
Foley ArtistRobin Harlan
Foley EditorJeremy Pitts
Linda Lew
Foley MixerRandy K. Singer
Music EditorBarbara McDermott
Joe E. Rand
Music SupervisorBudd Carr
MusicianKevin Connolly
OrchestratorCraig Armstrong
Original Music ComposerCraig Armstrong
Production Sound MixerJohn Pritchett
Sound DesignerAnn Scibelli
Harry Cohen
Sound EditorDaniel R. Kerr
Sound Effects EditorHector C. Gika
Scott Wolf
Sound Mix TechnicianDrew Webster
Sound MixerNerses Gezalyan
Sound Re-Recording MixerMichael Keller
Scott Millan
Supervising ADR EditorRenée Tondelli
Supervising Dialogue EditorRenée Tondelli
Supervising Sound EditorWylie Stateman
Utility SoundJoe White
VocalsIlana Marks
Visual Effects3D ArtistAndrew Lodge
Bhakar James
Bradley Wong
Brett Margules
Phil Wittmer
Sandy Sutherland
Tim Quarry
Tristan North
3D ModellerRobert Gardiner
AnimationDori Arazi
Michael Bomagat
Tom O'Flaherty
Animation SupervisorJamee Houk
Compositing SupervisorJason Porter
Digital CompositorLindsay Adams
Matchmove SupervisorNowell Valeri
Matte PainterMarco Nero
Pre-Visualization SupervisorAlexander Vegh
Roto SupervisorVaughn Arnup
Special Effects SupervisorChris Hampton
Visual Effects CoordinatorGeorgia Scheele
Kristopher Wright
Matt Magnolia
Suzanne Evans-Booth
Visual Effects ProducerAndy Taylor
Carol Corwin
Chantal Feghali
Edwina Hayes
Visual Effects Production AssistantMatt Kennedy
Visual Effects Production ManagerLaura LeFaivre
Visual Effects SupervisorAndy Brown
John Scheele
Michael Bruce Ellis
Richard McBride
Visual Effects Technical DirectorAugust Meredith
Enrique Vila
Toshiyasu Otsuka