Movie 'World Trade Center'
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The world saw evil that day. Two men saw something else.
Two police officers struggle to survive when they become trapped beneath the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
- a.k.a. September Working Title
German (Deutsch)
Am Anfang weiss keiner genau was passiert ist, klar ist nur: Ein Flugzeug ist in das World Trade Center eingeschlagen. Ein Unfall oder ein Anschlag? Nichts ist sicher bis auf die Tatsache das Menschen Hilfe benötigen, und zwar schnell.Mehrere Einheiten New Yorker Cops werden zu Evakuierungs- und Rettungsmaßnahmen eingeteilt, die beiden Cops John McLoughlin und Will Jemano werden mit einigen anderen auf die U-Bahnstation unter dem Südturm des World Trade Centers geschickt um die Menschen dort zu versorgen und zu evakuieren. Noch während die Beiden unter dem Turm sind geschieht allerdings das unfassbare, der Turm stürzt in sich zusammen und begräbt zahllose Menschen und Helfer unter sich. Einige überleben eingeschlossen unter Tonnen von Trümmern.Von einem Moment zum anderen sind die Retter zu Opfern geworden, die selbst Hilfe benötigen...
French (Français)
11 septembre 2001. Une chaleur étouffante règne dès le lever du jour dans les rues de New York. Will Jimeno, du Port Authority Police Department, se demande s'il ne va pas prendre un jour de congé pour s'adonner à la chasse à l'arc. Il choisit finalement de se rendre au travail et rejoint le sergent John McLoughlin, alors que celui-ci et ses collègues du PAPD commencent leur tournée quotidienne dans les rues de Manhattan. Une journée banale qui commence comme tant d'autres... Sitôt l'alerte donnée, cinq policiers, dont McLoughlin et Jimeno, se rendent au World Trade Center et s'introduisent dans les Tours jumelles. McLoughlin et Jimeno survivent par miracle à l'effondrement des gratte-ciel. Ils se retrouvent piégés sous plusieurs tonnes de béton, de charpentes métalliques tordues, de verre et de gravats...
Italian (Italiano)
Un ticchettio di un orologio segna il tempo. Tutto a New York si muove, lavora, sorride, vive. D'improvviso un suono sordo, muto. Inizia l'inferno. JJ Mc Loughlin (Nicholas Cage), a capo di alcuni agenti di polizia portuale, entra nelle torri per salvare le migliaia di persone intrappolate nel World Trade Center. I minuti corrono inesorabili. Inaspettato, un fragore terrificante li scuote. Collassa la prima torre. Dopo alcuni minuti la seconda. Mc Loughlin e l'agente Jimeno rimangono intrappolati sotto le macerie, senza via di scampo. Questa è la vera storia del loro 11 settembre 2001.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 9/11
- al qaeda
- alarm clock
- dramatic
- fire engine
- firefighter
- hero
- hospital
- human made disaster
- marine
- rescue
- rescue team
- romantic
- rubble
- runaway
- terrorism
- terrorist group
- trapped
- war on terror
- world trade center
- Genres
- Drama
- History
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
Paramount Pictures
Double Feature Films
- Kernos Filmproduktionsgesellschaft & Company
- Ixtlan
- Release Dates
Theatrical PG-13
Premiere Venice Film Festival
Premiere Deauville Film Festival
Theatrical (limited) Valley Film Festival
Theatrical U
Theatrical 12
English: Theatrical 12A
Theatrical M
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical T
- Ratings
- TMDb 61% · 1,672 (more information on website)
- IMDb 60% · 89,194 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 66% (more information on website)
- metacritic 66% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
John McLoughlin | Nicolas Cage |
Will Jimeno | Michael Peña |
Donna McLoughlin | Maria Bello |
Allison Jimeno | Maggie Gyllenhaal |
Officer Giraldi | Danny Nucci |
Scott Strauss | Stephen Dorff |
Dominick Pezzulo | Jay Hernandez |
Dave Karnes | Michael Shannon |
Allison's Mother | Dorothy Lyman |
Allison's Father | Peter McRobbie |
Pat McLoughlin | Wass Stevens |
Chuck Sereika | Frank Whaley |
Paddy McGee | Stoney Westmoreland |
Mother in Hospital with Donna | Viola Davis |
Olivia Jimeno | Lola Cook |
Steven McLoughlin | Connor Paolo |
JJ McLoughlin | Anthony Piccininni |
Erin McLoughlin | Alexa Gerasimovich |
Caitlin McLoughlin | Morgan Flynn |
Antonio Rodrigues | Armando Riesco |
Christopher Amoroso | Jon Bernthal |
Inspector Fields | Jude Ciccolella |
Allison's Grandmother | Julie Adams |
Subway Rider | Joe Starr |
Port Authority Officer | William Jimeno |
Lieutenant Kassimatis | Nick Damici |
Homeless Addict #1 | Martin Pfefferkorn |
Homeless Addict #2 | Razame de la Crackers |
Street Hood #1 | Nelson Peña |
Street Hood #2 | Marcos Palma |
Port Authority Hustler | Andre Ward |
Port Authority Tourist | Lisa Yuen |
Desk Cop | Cliff Bemis |
9th Avenue Hooker | Harmonica Sunbeam |
Officer Polnicki | Ned Eisenberg |
Officer Colovito | Nicholas Turturro |
Officer Washington | Tyree Michael Simpson |
Plain Clothes Officer | Kevin Feely |
Street Businessman | Mark Elliot Wilson |
Bleeding Woman | Tawny Cypress |
WTC Desk Officer | Robert Blanche |
Officer Reynolds | Tom Wright |
Fire Fighter in Concourse | Terry Quinn |
Wisconsin Cop | Ed Jewett |
Allison's Co-Worker | Maria Helan |
Allison's Brother | Brad William Henke |
Donna's Neighbor | Patti D'Arbanville |
Judy Jonas | Donna Murphy |
Volunteer Fireman | Nicky Katt |
Will's Sister | Lucia Brawley |
Sergeant King | Kimberly Scott |
Officer Boel | Dara Coleman |
Bianca Jimeno | Tiffany Romano |
Accountant in Karnes Office | Gregory Jbara |
Karnes' Pastor | Jordan Lage |
Will's Father | Tony Genaro |
Will's Mother | Aixa Maldonado |
Donna's Male Neighbor | Jay Acovone |
Downtown Resident | Howard Samuelsohn |
National Guard Officer at Barricade | David H. Ahl |
Fire Chief at Ground Zero | Arthur J. Nascarella |
Fireman at Ground Zero | Thom Prin Jr. |
Figure of Jesus | Steve Chappell |
Marine Sergeant Thomas | William Mapother |
NYC Command Centre Operator | Thomas F. Duffy |
Fireman in Hole | Tommy Asher |
Port Authority Commander | Charles A. Gargano |
Port Authority Sergeant | Thomas McHale |
Allison's Nurse | Lalanya Masters |
Will's Rescue Fireman | Greg Collins |
Firefighter #1 John's Rescue | Scott Fox |
Firefighter #2 John's Rescue | Louis Raimondi |
Firefighter #3 John's Rescue | Victor Spadaro |
Firefighter #4 John's Rescue | John Kiernan |
Will's Arrival Nurse | Liz A. Randall |
Will's Doctor | Roger Cross |
Will's Operation Nurse | Jossara Jinaro |
Fireman Joe | Joseph Esposito |
John's Paramedic | Gary Stretch |
John's Rescue Fireman | Kurt Caceres |
Fireman | John C. McGinley |