Movie 'Enough'

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Everyone has a limit.

Working-class waitress Slim thought she was entering a life of domestic bliss when she married Mitch, the man of her dreams. After the arrival of their first child, her picture perfect life is shattered when she discovers Mitch's hidden possessive dark side, a controlling and abusive alter ego that can turn trust, love and tranquility into terror. Terrified for her child's safety, Slim flees with her daughter. Relentless in his pursuit and enlisting the aid of lethal henchmen, Mitch continually stalks the prey that was once his family.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Genug - Jeder hat eine Grenze.
  • a.k.a. Genug - Enough

Slim ist Kellnerin und heiratet den reichen und erfolgreichen Unternehmer Mitch, von dem sie bald schwanger wird. Doch die Ehe ist nicht glücklich, denn Mitch schlägt Slim fast täglich. Schließlich nimmt Slim ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand...

France French (Français)

Plus jamais

Slim, une jeune serveuse, a toujours eu du mal à joindre les deux bouts, jusqu'à ce qu'elle épouse Mitch, un riche entrepreneur. Celle-ci vit dorénavant un véritable conte de fées, elle a tout ce dont elle peut rêver : un mari attentionné, une magnifique résidence dans une banlieue huppée, et Gracie, son adorable petite fille de cinq ans. Ce paradis s'effondre lorsque Slim découvre la véritable nature de Mitch. Elle finit par fuir ses mauvais traitements, son comportement obsessionnel et ses dangereux hommes de main. Mais malgré ses efforts pour se refaire une nouvelle vie, Mitch la retrouve et la menace à nouveau. Après avoir mis Gracie en sûreté, Slim va se consacrer corps et âme à un combat qu'elle n'a pas voulu mais qu'elle est décidée à gagner. Elle ne sera plus la victime mais l'adversaire.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Via dall'incubo

La cameriera Slim si illude di aver trovato l'uomo ideale in Mitch, ricco e affascinante imprenditore. All'inizio pare un idillio: ma dopo la nascita della figlia Grace, Slim scopre che il marito ha una doppia personalità ed è capace di fare molto male alle persone che gli sono vicine. Per proteggere Grace, Slim lo lascia, cambia aspetto e identità, ma lui continua a perseguitarla. Né gli amici né la polizia possono fare molto per aiutarla: Slim decide perciò di agire da sola...

Release Date
abusive husband
abusive marriage
controlling husband
domestic violence
escaping abuse
friends since college
gone into hiding
husband wife relationship
name change
physical abuse
rich married couple
threatened woman
violence against women
young daughter
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Winkler Films
Release Dates
United Kingdom Theatrical 15
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Germany Theatrical 12
France Theatrical 12
Switzerland Digital 16
Australia Theatrical MA15+
TMDb 67% · 1,156 (more information on website)
IMDb 58% · 48,805 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 22% (more information on website)
metacritic 25% (more information on website)


Slim HillerJennifer Lopez
Mitch HillerBilly Campbell
Gracie HillerTessa Allen
GinnyJuliette Lewis
JoeDan Futterman
RobbieNoah Wyle
JupiterFred Ward
PhilChristopher Maher
Mrs. HillerJanet Carroll
Jim TollerBill Cobbs
TeddyRuben Madera
Self-Defense InstructorBruce A. Young
HomeownerBruce French
FBI AgentJeff Kober
FBI AgentDan Martin
FBI AgentBrent Sexton
Desk SergeantMichael P. Byrne
First CopLeif Riddell
MustaphaDavid Brokhim
Preschool DirectorRegan Forman
Teacher BettySandra Nelson
WaitressLynne Marie Stewart
ReceptionistSmadar Dishon
Jupiter's Blonde GirlMargaret Emery
Electronics Store ClerkVictor McCay
Mr. HillerJames Noah
Mitch's Young BlondeNikki Bokal
Front Desk ClerkJohn O'Brien
Bank TellerLouisa Abernathy
Ticket ClerkKerri Higuchi
Soup ServerFern Ward
Mitch's AssistantTanya Fishburn
Construction Site CopBrett Baxter Clark
Bus DriverWilliam Barillaro
Darcelle (uncredited)Hélène Cardona
Alex (uncredited)Russell Milton
Ginny's Daughter (uncredited)Bethany Hazelitt
Middle-Eastern Moving ManNick Granado
Police Officer (uncredited)Chris Guzzi


ArtArt DirectionAndrew Menzies
Assistant Art DirectorGreg Berry
Assistant Property MasterMelanie S. Chretin
Tom Altobello
Construction CoordinatorDavid T. Cannon
Construction ForemanAnthony Medina
Bobby Bednar
Graphic DesignerSteven Samanen
LeadmanLuigi Mugavero
Production DesignDoug Kraner
Property MasterChris Ubick
Set DecorationTracey A. Doyle
Set DesignerSuzan Wexler
Set DresserBenton E. Tedlie
Jana Treadwell
Keith McCormick
Paul Mugavero
Standby PainterCary Conway
Camera"A" Camera OperatorChris Squires
Best Boy GripS. Toulouse Holliday
Camera LoaderKelly Krotine
Camera OperatorKenji Luster
Paul C. Babin
Director of PhotographyRogier Stoffers
Dolly GripFred Cooper
First Assistant "A" CameraAlan R. Disler
First Assistant "B" CameraPaul Bode
First Assistant CameraMakiko Carlson
Key GripBrian H. Reynolds
Second Assistant CameraEric Hoivik
John McEveety
Second Unit Director of PhotographyRodney Taylor
Still PhotographerVan Redin
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignerShay Cunliffe
Costume SupervisorHelen Monaghan
CostumerAmy Elise Roberts
Tim Wegman
Hair Department HeadMartin Samuel
Key Hair StylistRod Ortega
Key Makeup ArtistPamela Santori
Makeup Department HeadTeresa M. Austin
On Set DresserPeter Griffith
CrewActor's AssistantArlene Rodriguez
CablemanTom Fox
Craft ServiceAndre Dukes
Ronald E. Hairston
Key Scenic ArtistJeffrey Cahill
Picture Car CoordinatorJames Brown
William F. Luehm
Prop MakerAlan Feffer
PropmakerTony R. Medina
Score EngineerRobert Fernandez
Set Production AssistantChad Saxton
Trish Stanard
Special Effects CoordinatorRichard L. Thompson
Stand InChris Daher
Vanessa Grayson
Stunt CoordinatorSimon Crane
Stunt DoubleBrian Simpson
Jamie A. Keyser
Jill Brown
Robin Bonaccorsi
Terry Jackson
StuntsGábor Piroch
Transportation CaptainDavid Pappas
Don Tardino
Keith Dosher
Steve De Leon
Transportation Co-CaptainTimothy P. Ryan
Unit PublicistVic Heutschy
Utility StuntsWade Allen
Video Assist OperatorDavid 'Goldy' Goldsmith
DirectingDirectorMichael Apted
First Assistant DirectorRobert Huberman
Script SupervisorBenita Brazier
Second Assistant DirectorJoan G. Bostwick
Second Second Assistant DirectorNancy L. Ventura
Second Unit DirectorSimon Crane
Second Unit First Assistant DirectorSteve Love
EditingAssistant EditorAndrew Blustain
Color TimerHarry Muller
EditorRick Shaine
First Assistant EditorThomas Calderon
Negative CutterMo Henry
LightingAssistant Chief Lighting TechnicianJames E. Johnson
Chief Lighting TechnicianBruce McCleery
Rigging GafferMartin Bosworth
ProductionADR Voice CastingCaitlin McKenna
Assistant AccountantCynthia Phillips
Kellyann Wargo
Assistant Location ManagerBrian Bird
Joseph Daniel Dusek Jr.
Michael Lent
Assistant Production CoordinatorH. Skye Leslie
Jennifer Webb
CastingJohn Brace
Linda Lowy
Casting AssistantDerek Marquand
Co-ProducerJeanney Kim
Executive ProducerE. Bennett Walsh
Executive Producer's AssistantKwame Parker
Extras CastingDixie Webster-Davis
Tammy L. Smith
Location ManagerEllen Lent
Jennifer Dunne
ProducerIrwin Winkler
Rob Cowan
Producer's AssistantJulie Milstead
June Czerwinski
Production AccountantMichael Goosen
Production AssistantAnya Rudnick
J. Wilfrid White
Julia Rhoton
Lisa Bojarski
Lisa Mantoux
Philip Douglas
Production CoordinatorEric Blyler
Tracy L. Kettler
Production SecretaryJudy Biggs
Production SupervisorEllen Lent
Unit Production ManagerDennis Stuart Murphy
E. Bennett Walsh
SoundADR EditorKelly Oxford
ADR MixerCharleen Richards-Steeves
David Weisberg
Robert Deschaine
Weldon Brown
Assistant Sound EditorDavid Wolowic
J. Aloysius Flanagan III
Paul Apted
Boom OperatorGeorge W. Scott
ConductorNicholas Dodd
Dialogue EditorMildred Iatrou
Susan Dawes
Foley ArtistGary A. Hecker
Matthew Dettmann
Foley EditorChristopher Flick
Foley MixerBrian Ruberg
Foley SupervisorJohn Murray
Music EditorDina Eaton
Zigmund Gron
OrchestratorNicholas Dodd
Original Music ComposerDavid Arnold
Sound Effects EditorKen Fischer
Sound MixerRobert Janiger
Sound Re-Recording MixerDoug Hemphill
Paul Massey
Supervising Sound EditorJohn A. Larsen
Supervising Sound Effects EditorRandle Akerson
Theme Song PerformanceAimee Mann