Movie 'Enough'
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Everyone has a limit.
Working-class waitress Slim thought she was entering a life of domestic bliss when she married Mitch, the man of her dreams. After the arrival of their first child, her picture perfect life is shattered when she discovers Mitch's hidden possessive dark side, a controlling and abusive alter ego that can turn trust, love and tranquility into terror. Terrified for her child's safety, Slim flees with her daughter. Relentless in his pursuit and enlisting the aid of lethal henchmen, Mitch continually stalks the prey that was once his family.
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Genug - Enough
Slim ist Kellnerin und heiratet den reichen und erfolgreichen Unternehmer Mitch, von dem sie bald schwanger wird. Doch die Ehe ist nicht glücklich, denn Mitch schlägt Slim fast täglich. Schließlich nimmt Slim ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand...
French (Français)
Slim, une jeune serveuse, a toujours eu du mal à joindre les deux bouts, jusqu'à ce qu'elle épouse Mitch, un riche entrepreneur. Celle-ci vit dorénavant un véritable conte de fées, elle a tout ce dont elle peut rêver : un mari attentionné, une magnifique résidence dans une banlieue huppée, et Gracie, son adorable petite fille de cinq ans. Ce paradis s'effondre lorsque Slim découvre la véritable nature de Mitch. Elle finit par fuir ses mauvais traitements, son comportement obsessionnel et ses dangereux hommes de main. Mais malgré ses efforts pour se refaire une nouvelle vie, Mitch la retrouve et la menace à nouveau. Après avoir mis Gracie en sûreté, Slim va se consacrer corps et âme à un combat qu'elle n'a pas voulu mais qu'elle est décidée à gagner. Elle ne sera plus la victime mais l'adversaire.
Italian (Italiano)
La cameriera Slim si illude di aver trovato l'uomo ideale in Mitch, ricco e affascinante imprenditore. All'inizio pare un idillio: ma dopo la nascita della figlia Grace, Slim scopre che il marito ha una doppia personalità ed è capace di fare molto male alle persone che gli sono vicine. Per proteggere Grace, Slim lo lascia, cambia aspetto e identità, ma lui continua a perseguitarla. Né gli amici né la polizia possono fare molto per aiutarla: Slim decide perciò di agire da sola...
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- abuse
- abusive husband
- abusive marriage
- controlling husband
- domestic violence
- escaping abuse
- friends since college
- gone into hiding
- henchmen
- hiding
- husband wife relationship
- name change
- physical abuse
- rich married couple
- self-defense
- stalking
- threatened woman
- violence against women
- waitress
- young daughter
- Genres
- Drama
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Winkler Films
- Release Dates
Theatrical 15
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12
Digital 16
Theatrical MA15+
- Ratings
- TMDb 67% · 1,156 (more information on website)
- IMDb 58% · 48,805 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 22% (more information on website)
- metacritic 25% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Slim Hiller | Jennifer Lopez |
Mitch Hiller | Billy Campbell |
Gracie Hiller | Tessa Allen |
Ginny | Juliette Lewis |
Joe | Dan Futterman |
Robbie | Noah Wyle |
Jupiter | Fred Ward |
Phil | Christopher Maher |
Mrs. Hiller | Janet Carroll |
Jim Toller | Bill Cobbs |
Teddy | Ruben Madera |
Self-Defense Instructor | Bruce A. Young |
Homeowner | Bruce French |
FBI Agent | Jeff Kober |
FBI Agent | Dan Martin |
FBI Agent | Brent Sexton |
Desk Sergeant | Michael P. Byrne |
First Cop | Leif Riddell |
Mustapha | David Brokhim |
Preschool Director | Regan Forman |
Teacher Betty | Sandra Nelson |
Waitress | Lynne Marie Stewart |
Receptionist | Smadar Dishon |
Jupiter's Blonde Girl | Margaret Emery |
Electronics Store Clerk | Victor McCay |
Mr. Hiller | James Noah |
Mitch's Young Blonde | Nikki Bokal |
Front Desk Clerk | John O'Brien |
Bank Teller | Louisa Abernathy |
Ticket Clerk | Kerri Higuchi |
Soup Server | Fern Ward |
Mitch's Assistant | Tanya Fishburn |
Construction Site Cop | Brett Baxter Clark |
Bus Driver | William Barillaro |
Darcelle (uncredited) | Hélène Cardona |
Alex (uncredited) | Russell Milton |
Ginny's Daughter (uncredited) | Bethany Hazelitt |
Middle-Eastern Moving Man | Nick Granado |
Police Officer (uncredited) | Chris Guzzi |