Movie 'A Mighty Heart'
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One woman dared to keep hope alive.
Based on Mariane Pearl's account of the terrifying and unforgettable story of her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl's life and death.
German (Deutsch)
Am 23. Januar 2002 wird der Asien-Chefkorrespondent des Wall Street Journal, Daniel Pearl (Dan Futterman), der nach dem 11. September aus der Krisenregion Pakistan berichtet, von Al-Qaida-Terroristen in Karatschi entführt. Als seine schwangere Frau Mariane (Angelina Jolie) davon erfährt, versucht sie erschüttert alles in ihrer Macht stehende zu tun, um ihn freizubekommen. Diplomatenunterhändler Randall Bennett (Will Patton) steht ihr vor Ort bei, wo sie schwere Rückschläge hinnehmen muss und den Tod ihres Mannes nicht verhindern kann. Basierend auf Mariane Pearls Memoiren dringt Michael Winterbottom nach In This World und Road to Guantanamo ein drittes Mal nach Pakistan vor. Trotz Hollywoodstar Jolie behält er abermals den Stil eines authentischen und sehr bewegenden Dokudramas bei.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Un Coeur invaincu
Le 23 janvier 2002, le monde entier est choqué par l'image d'un journaliste américain décapité devant la caméra par des extrémistes pakistanais. Daniel Pearl, superviseur du Wall Street Journal pour l'Asie du Sud Est, enquêtait au Pakistan sur un dénommé Richard Reid, activiste et vendeur d'armes. Alors qu'un entremetteur doit le mener sur la piste d'une source importante, il disparaît soudainement.Confrontée à la mort de son mari, Mariane Pearl rédige l'histoire de son enquête, de son kidnapping et de sa mort et, surtout, l'histoire de son propre désespoir à elle, dans "A Mighty Heart : the Brave Life and Death of my Husband Danny Pearl". Le film retrace son combat de chaque instant pour comprendre l'assassinat de son mari et pouvoir enfin en faire le deuil.
Italian (Italiano)
Dal pressbook del film: "All'attenzione dei giornalisti: al fine di preservare il piacere del pubblico vi saremmo riconoscenti se non rivelaste nulla della trama e dello sviluppo dei personaggi." Cerchiamo di rispettare questa richiesta non rinunciando a parlare del film. Tom Stall è il proprietario di un piccolo ristorante in una cittadina di provincia. Conduce una vita normale con la moglie e i figli fin quando un giorno si difende dall'aggressione di due feroci criminali uccidendo entrambi. La sua immagine finisce su tutti i media e spinge Carl Fogarty, un boss della mafia irlandese di Philadelpia ad andarlo a cercare. L'uomo è sicuro di aver riconosciuto in lui un delinquente che lo ha privato di un occhio e che era molto temuto nell'ambiente per la sua crudeltà. Tom deve difendere la sua famiglia.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 9/11
- despair
- faith
- fbi
- friendship
- hope
- hostage
- journalism
- loss
- murder
- new love
- pakistan
- pregnancy
- sadness
- support
- Genres
- Drama
- History
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- French (Français)
- Italian (Italiano)
- Lithuanian (Lietuvių)
- Urdu (اردو)
- Origin Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
Plan B Entertainment
Revolution Films
Paramount Vantage
- Release Dates
Premiere Cannes Film Festival
Theatrical R
Premiere Auckland International Film Festival
Premiere Melbourne International Film Festival
Theatrical 12
Digital 12
Theatrical TP
Theatrical 15
Theatrical M
Theatrical T
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 334 (more information on website)
- IMDb 66% · 28,388 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 79% (more information on website)
- metacritic 74% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Mariane Pearl | Angelina Jolie |
Daniel Pearl | Dan Futterman |
Zeeshan Kazmi | Irrfan Khan |
Asra Q. Nomani | Archie Panjabi |
John Bussey | Denis O'Hare |
Adam Pearl | Harvesp Viraf Chiniwala |
Asra's Boyfriend | Azfar Ali |
Maureen Platt | Jillian Armenante |
Matt McDowell | Zachary Coffin |
John Skelton | Demetri Goritsas |
Shabir | Mohammed Afzal |
Danny´s Taxi Driver | Mushtaq Khan |
Masud the Fixer | Daud Khan |
Kaleem Yusuf | Telal Saeed |
Human Rights Director | Tipu Taheer |
Zafir | Sajid Hasan |
Dost Aliani | Adnan Siddiqui |
Sheikh Omar/Bashir | Alyy Khan |
Randall Bennett | Will Patton |
John Bauman | William Hoyland |
Moinuddin Haider | Bilal Saeed |
Department | Job | Person |
Art | Art Direction | Christopher Stull |
Production Design | Mark Digby | |
Set Decoration | Amy Bell | |
Emma Field-Rayner | ||
Camera | Director of Photography | Marcel Zyskind |
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design | Charlotte Walter |
Directing | Director | Michael Winterbottom |
First Assistant Director | Michael Elliott | |
Editing | Editor | Peter Christelis |
Production | Casting | Wendy Brazington |
Producer | Andrew Eaton | |
Brad Pitt | ||
Dede Gardner | ||
Sound | Original Music Composer | Harry Escott |
Molly Nyman | ||
Writing | Novel | Mariane Pearl |
Screenplay | John Orloff |