Movie 'The Legend of Tarzan'

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Human. Nature.

Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Tarzan working title

Germany German (Deutsch)

Legend of Tarzan

Es sind schon viele Jahre vergangen, nachdem Tarzan den afrikanischen Dschungel hinter sich gelassen hat. Jetzt lebt er unter seiner neuen Identität als britischer Adliger John Clayton III., Lord Greystoke, mit seiner geliebten Frau Jane ein standesgemäßes Leben in der Zivilisation. Eines Tages erhält er einen Auftrag direkt vom Parlament: Als Sonderbotschafter für Handelsfragen soll Tarzan zurück in den Dschungel vom Kongo geschickt werden. Noch ahnt er allerdings nicht, dass er dabei nur als Schachfigur in einer gefährlichen Intrige aus Rache und Habgier missbraucht werden soll, die der Captain Leon Rom aus Belgien eingefädelt hat. Aber auch er und die anderen Drahtzieher haben noch keinen blassen Schimmer, was für eine tödliche Lawine sie mit ihrem diabolischen Plan ins Rollen bringen.

France French (Français)

  • a.k.a. La légende de Tarzan Titre TV

Après avoir grandi dans la jungle africaine, Tarzan a renoué avec ses origines aristocratiques, répondant désormais au nom de John Clayton, Lord Greystoke. Il mène une vie paisible auprès de son épouse Jane jusqu’au jour où il est convié au Congo en tant qu’émissaire du Commerce. Mais il est loin de se douter du piège qui l’attend. Car le redoutable belge Leon Rom est bien décidé à l’utiliser pour assouvir sa soif de vengeance et sa cupidité…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Lord Greystoke vive a Londra, nell'elegante dimora di famiglia, con la moglie Jane. Quando il governo lo invita a tornare in Congo, rifiuta: Tarzan, dice, non c'è più. Il suo nome, ora, è John Clayton III. Saranno le pressioni dell'afroamericano George Washington Williams, deciso a provare la colpevolezza del Belgio in materia di schiavitù, e la richiesta di Jane, a farlo decidere per un ripensamento. In Africa, lo aspettano gli amici animali, ma anche vecchi e nuovi nemici.

Release Date
animal attack
feral child
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of Canada Canada
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Village Roadshow Pictures
United States of America Dark Horse Entertainment
United Kingdom Beagle Pug Films
United States of America Jerry Weintraub Productions
United States of America RatPac Entertainment
Riche Productions
United States of America Warner Bros. Pictures
Release Dates
United States of America Premiere PG-13 Los Angeles, California
Australia Theatrical M
New Zealand Theatrical M
Canada Theatrical 14A
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
France French (Français): Theatrical 12
United Kingdom Theatrical 12A
Italy Theatrical T
Germany Theatrical 12
Austria Theatrical
United States of America Digital
United States of America Physical PG-13
France Digital VOD
France Physical DVD, Blu-Ray & 4K UHD
France Digital Netflix
France Digital Prime Video
TMDb 59% · 6,267 (more information on website)
IMDb 62% · 192,654 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 36% (more information on website)
metacritic 44% (more information on website)


John Clayton / TarzanAlexander Skarsgård
Captain Leon RomChristoph Waltz
George Washington WilliamsSamuel L. Jackson
Jane PorterMargot Robbie
Chief MbongaDjimon Hounsou
Prime MinisterJim Broadbent
Captain KerchoverCasper Crump
Mr. FrumSimon Russell Beale
MuviroYule Masiteng
KweteOsy Ikhile
KoloMens-Sana Tamakloe
WasimbuSidney Ralitsoele
KanamAntony Acheampong
KimangaEdward Apeagyei
KasaiAshley Byam
KulongaCharles Babalola
KerchakWilliam Wollen
EsheMimî M. Khayisa
AkutMatt Cross
KalaMadeleine Worrall
Young TarzanRory J. Saper
John Clayton IIHadley Fraser
Alice ClaytonGenevieve O'Reilly
Captain MoulleBen Chaplin
Lord StanhopePaul Hamilton
Lord KnutsfordChristopher Benjamin
Mbolongo WarriorBentley Kalu
Kuba VillagerAbi Adeyemi
Kuba womanJoy Isa
Force Publique OfficerAlex Ferns
Freckled Force PubliqueIan Mercer
SergeantCharlie Anson
Carriage PassengerLiv Hansen
Carriage RiderAlicia Woodhouse
ValetMiles Jupp
Stern MaidTeresa Churcher
Belgian ConscriptMatt Townsend
Huge WarriorFaisal Mohammed
Young Jane Body Double (uncredited)Ella Purnell
Mbolongo Chief Warrior (uncredited)Tanaka Mandimika


ArtArt Department CoordinatorSarah Iovino
Art DirectionChristian Huband
David Allday
Gavin Fitch
Guy Bradley
Huw Arthur
Kate Grimble
Toby Britton
Assistant Art DirectorMolly Sole
Suzanna Smith
Assistant Set DecorationFergus Clegg
Concept ArtistRob Bliss
DraughtsmanCharlotte Malynn
Dorrie Young
James M. Spencer
Graphic DesignerMiraphora Mina
Production DesignStuart Craig
Production IllustratorGiles Asbury
John Greaves
Tracey Wilson
Property MasterBen Wilkinson
PropsBuddie Wilkinson
Set DecorationAnna Pinnock
Supervising Art DirectorJames Hambidge
Camera"A" Camera OperatorGraham Hall
Best Boy GripNic Cupac
Camera TraineeRick James
Data WranglerStephen Smart
Director of PhotographyHenry Braham
First Assistant "A" CameraKenny Groom
First Assistant "B" CameraDermot Hickey
Key GripAlex Mott
Second Assistant "A" CameraAdam Dorney
Second Assistant "B" CameraElliot Purvis
Second Unit Director of PhotographyJean-Philippe Gossart
Still PhotographerJonathan Olley
Costume & Make-UpCostume AssistantRebecca Tredget
Costume DesignRuth Myers
Costume SupervisorWilliam McPhail
HairstylistAlice Jones
Sophia Knight
Tania Couper
Makeup ArtistAdrian Rigby
Alice Jones
Dorey Cilia
Samantha Easey
Sammm Agnew
Sophia Knight
Sophie Brown
Tania Couper
Makeup DesignerFae Hammond
Kirstin Chalmers
Prosthetic Makeup ArtistJessica Brooks
ProstheticsBarrie Gower
Josh Weston
Special Effects Makeup ArtistChris Lyons
Lucy Browne
Nathaniel De'Lineadeus
Wardrobe SupervisorShirley Nevin
WigmakerAlex Rouse
Sarah Weatherburn
CrewArmorerCharles Bodycomb
Greg Corke
Dialect CoachRoisin Carty
Post Production SupervisorKatie Reynolds
Tim Grover
Set Production AssistantKatharina Hingst
Stunt CoordinatorBuster Reeves
Stunt DoubleAlexis Barron
Ingrid Kleinig
Jack Jagodka
StuntsCristian Knight
Elliot Hawkes
George Kirby
Michael Byrch
Pete Ford
Tomasz Krzemieniecki
Transportation CoordinatorDean Moran
Unit PublicistKathryn Donovan
Video Assist OperatorAlexander Bridges
Visual Effects EditorMark S. Wright
DirectingDirectorDavid Yates
First Assistant DirectorJosh Robertson
Script SupervisorIrene Chawko
Second Assistant DirectorBen Howard
Second Unit DirectorStephen Woolfenden
EditingAdditional EditorTodd Sandler
Assistant EditorErline O'Donovan-Clarke
EditorMark Day
First Assistant EditorHermione Byrt
LightingAssistant Chief Lighting TechnicianAndrew Watson
Chief Lighting TechnicianShawn White
Rigging GafferDave Ridout
ProductionCastingLucy Bevan
Susie Figgis
Casting AssociateRuth Key
Co-ProducerScott B. Cherrin
Executive ProducerBruce Berman
David Yates
Keith Goldberg
Mike Richardson
Nik Korda
Steven Mnuchin
Susan Ekins
ProducerAlan Riche
David Barron
Jerry Weintraub
Tony Ludwig
Production CoordinatorGlenn Diot
Unit Production ManagerElena Zokas
Nik Korda
SoundBoom OperatorArthur Fenn
Robin Johnson
Foley ArtistJason Swanscott
Peter Burgis
Zoe Freed
Foley MixerGlen Gathard
Original Music ComposerRupert Gregson-Williams
Production Sound MixerSimon Hayes
Sound DesignerBen Barker
Eilam Hoffman
Evan J. Haley
Niv Adiri
Tom Sayers
Sound Re-Recording MixerIan Tapp
Matt Gruber
Niv Adiri
Supervising Sound EditorGlenn Freemantle
Visual EffectsAnimationDaniele Zannone
Animation SupervisorFerran Domenech
Director of PrevisualizationViktor Petrov
Visual Effects SupervisorTim Burke