Movie 'Maggie'

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Don't Get Bitten.

There's a deadly zombie epidemic threatening humanity, but Wade, a small-town farmer and family man, refuses to accept defeat even when his daughter Maggie becomes infected. As Maggie's condition worsens and the authorities seek to eradicate those with the virus, Wade is pushed to the limits in an effort to protect her. Joely Richardson co-stars in this post-apocalyptic thriller.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Eine Epidemie fordert Millionen von Menschenleben in den Vereinigten Staaten. Zunächst machtlos, gelingt es der Regierung doch noch die Epidemie einzugrenzen - für die bereits Infizierten kommt allerdings jede Hilfe zu spät. Eine der letzten Infizierten ist die Schülerin Maggie, die binnen sechs Wochen zur Untoten mutieren wird. Für die ihr verbleibende Zeit kehrt sie in ihr Elternhaus, einer einsamen Farm im mittleren Westen zurück. Ihr Vater Wade will sich mit ihrem Schicksal nicht abfinden und sucht fieberhaft nach einem Heilmittel. Doch umso mehr Zeit verstreicht, umso deutlicher wird die Verwandlung und seine kleine Tochter wird zu seiner größten Gefahr!

France French (Français)

Alors qu'une terrible pandémie se propage à travers les États-Unis, le gouvernement impose de placer les malades infectés par le virus en quarantaine, où ils se transformeront en zombies, totalement retranchés du monde. Lorsque Maggie, 16 ans, apprend qu'elle a été contaminée, elle s'enfuit. Mais son père, Wade Vogel, est déterminé à la retrouver et à la protéger coûte que coûte, même s'il lui faut affronter les forces de police...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Contagious - Epidemia mortale

Una terribile epidemia ha colpito gli Stati Uniti, trasformando le persone in zombie. Un virus misterioso consuma la carne di uomini, donne e bambini fino a ridurli in mostri da abbattere. Affetti dalla malattia sono costretti alla quarantena in ospedale o presso i loro cari che vegliano sulla trasformazione e poi sono costretti a congedarsi traumaticamente. Maggie, sedicenne orfana di madre, è aggredita e contagiata. Deciso a proteggerla ad ogni costo, il padre, contadino della Louisiana con fucile e spalle larghe, la riconduce a casa dopo la fuga e condivide con lei le sue ultime settimane di vita. Ma Wade in cuor suo spera ancora di poterla salvare, di poterla sottrarre a quella metamorfosi dolorosa. Contro di lui il tempo e la polizia, che veglia sulla cittadinanza ed è decisa a preservare la sicurezza degli scampati.

Release Date
post-apocalyptic future
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
flag of Switzerland Switzerland
Production Countries
flag of Switzerland Switzerland
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
Sly Predator
United States of America Lionsgate
United States of America Grindstone Entertainment Group
United States of America Lotus Entertainment
Switzerland Silver Reel
Gold Star Films
Matt Baer Films
United Kingdom Vertigo Films
Release Dates
Canada Theatrical 14A
Switzerland Digital 18
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Australia Theatrical M
France Theatrical TP
Italy Theatrical
United Kingdom Theatrical 15
Germany Theatrical 18
France Digital Prime Video
TMDb 54% · 1,592 (more information on website)
IMDb 56% · 47,508 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 60% (more information on website)
metacritic 52% (more information on website)



ArtArt DirectionFrank J. Zito III
Assistant Art DirectorJulie Ziah
Construction CoordinatorFrancis Scot Middleton
LeadmanPat A. O'Connor
Production DesignGabor Norman
Set DecorationOwl Martin Dwyer
CameraCamera OperatorMichael Stumpf
Director of PhotographyLukas Ettlin
First Assistant CameraTroy Wagner
Wade Whitley
Second Unit Director of PhotographyBrett Pawlak
Still PhotographerTracy Bennett
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignClaire Breaux
Costume SupervisorHeidi Howell
Hair Department HeadDonita Sather
Key Hair StylistDonna Spahn
Margeaux Fox
Makeup ArtistAmy C. Weinberg
LeDiedra Richard-Baldwin
Melanie Deforrest
Makeup Department HeadKarri Farris
Set CostumerAmanda Steeley
Special Effects Makeup ArtistBailey Domke
Elvis Jones
Matthew O'Toole
CrewSpecial Effects CoordinatorGuy Clayton
Stunt CoordinatorBilly D. Lucas
Stunt DoubleJessica Williams
StuntsAshley Nicole Hudson
DirectingDirectorHenry Hobson
Script SupervisorNick DiRosa
EditingDigital IntermediatePaul Lavoie
EditorJane Rizzo
LightingGafferAllen Parks
Trenton McRae
ProductionAssociate ProducerCharles V. Bender
Jason Waggenspack
CastingRyan Glorioso
Executive ProducerBarry Brooker
Claudia Bluemhuber
Ed Cathell III
Florian Dargel
Jim Seibel
John Scott
Ronald R.E. Hebert
Stan Wertlieb
Todd Trosclair
ProducerAra Keshishian
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bill Johnson
Colin Bates
Joey Tufaro
Matthew Baer
Pierre-Ange Le Pogam
Trevor Kaufman
SoundDialogue EditorAngela Hemingway
FoleyIsaiah Duncan
Kyle Arzt
Vicki O'Reilly Vandegrift
Music SupervisorLaura Katz
Original Music ComposerDavid Wingo
Sound DesignerChris Terhune
Sound Effects EditorJames Miller
Steven Iba
Trevor Gates
Visual EffectsVFX EditorChristopher Learmonth
Visual Effects CoordinatorAdam Nagle
Melanie Murray
Murray Gale
Visual Effects ProducerDiane Kingston
Scott Boyajan
Visual Effects SupervisorAymeric Perceval
Miklos Kozary
Patrick Murphy