Movie 'The Finest Hours'

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32 survivors, room for 12.

The Coast Guard makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. The Finest Hours

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. The Finest Hours - Rettung auf hoher See

Am 18. Februar 1952 gerät durch einen starken Wintersturm vor der Küste New Englands der Öltanker SS Fort Mercer in Seenot. Doch noch während die Rettungsmannschaften in Chatham, Massachusetts sich auf ihren Einsatz vorbereiten, entdecken sie auf dem Radar ein weiteres Opfer: die SS Pendleton, ebenfalls ein Öltanker, ist gleichfalls in höchster Not. Und so begibt sich schließlich das Rettungsboot CG-36500 mit seiner Mannschaft um Steuermann Bernard C. Webber auf eine riskante Mission, um die Besatzung der SS Pendleton aus sturmgepeitschter eiskalter See zu bergen. Diese harrt auf dem Heck aus, während Wind und Wasser unablässig an Nerven und Leben zerrt. Vom Land aus sind derweil die Angehörigen dazu gezwungen, hilflos der Rettungsaktion zuzusehen.

France French (Français)

Le 18 février 1952, une gigantesque tempête s'abat sur la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Près des côtes de Cape Cod, deux pétroliers se brisent en deux, ballottés par des vagues monstrueuses. Les marins de l'un d'eux, le SS Pendelton, trouvent refuge dans la poupe du navire. Ray Siebert, l'officier mécanicien, dirige les opérations afin de maintenir à flot l'épave dans l'attente des secours. Pendant ce temps, le capitaine de la garde côtière, Bernie Webber, accepte de mener une mission de sauvetage. Avec trois autres volontaires, il quitte le port de Chatham, au Massachusetts, à bord d'une embarcation de bois, au moteur défaillant. Au péril de leur vie, les quatre hommes affrontent des éléments déchaînés pour sauver les survivants du SS Pendelton.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'ultima tempesta

Il 18 febbraio 1952, una terribile tempesta colpisce il New England, devastando intere città della costa orientale e devastando le imbarcazioni che sfortunatamente si trovano nella sua traiettoria. Fra queste, la SS Pendleton, una petroliera T-2 diretta a Boston, viene letteralmente spezzata in due: i 30 marinai intrappolati a poppa sono destinati a un rapido naufragio. Il primo ufficiale di bordo Ray Sybert si rende conto di dover far fronte all’emergenza e superare una delle peggiori tempeste che si siano mai abbattute sull’East Coast. Nel frattempo, la notizia del disastro raggiunge la Guardia Costiera di Chatham, nel Massachusetts. Il Sergente Maggiore Daniel Cluff dà ordine di effettuare una rischiosa operazione per mettere in salvo i naufraghi: quattro uomini guidati dal Capitano Bernie Webber, si imbarcano su una scialuppa di salvataggio dal motore difettoso, quasi sprovvisti di reali mezzi di navigazione, contro onde di 18 metri, venti sferzanti e temperature glaciali.

Release Date
based on true story
coast guard
rescue mission
sinking ship
storm at sea
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
Red Hawk Entertainment
United States of America Walt Disney Pictures
United States of America Whitaker Entertainment
Bergsten Music
Release Dates
Canada Theatrical
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
United Kingdom Theatrical
France Theatrical U
Australia Theatrical PG
Germany Theatrical 12
Italy Theatrical
United Kingdom Physical 12 DVD & Blu-ray
TMDb 66% · 1,619 (more information on website)
IMDb 67% · 72,055 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 63% (more information on website)
metacritic 58% (more information on website)


Bernie WebberChris Pine
Ray SybertCasey Affleck
Richard LiveseyBen Foster
Daniel CluffEric Bana
Miriam WebberHolliday Grainger
Wallace QuireyJohn Ortiz
Andy FitzgeraldKyle Gallner
Ervin MaskeJohn Magaro
Frank FauteuxGraham McTavish
D.A. BrownMichael Raymond-James
Mel GouthroBeau Knapp
Tchuda SoutherlandJosh Stewart
George 'Tiny' MyersAbraham Benrubi
Eldon HananKeiynan Lonsdale
Bea HansenRachel Brosnahan
Donald BangsBenjamin Koldyke
Carl NickersonMatthew Maher
Domingo GarciaJesse Gabbard
John StelloAlexander Cook
Dave RyderDanny Connelly
Catherine PaineAngela Hope Smith
Fisherman at BarJohn Franchi
Fisherman (uncredited)Lance Norris
Bell Telephone SupervisorMichael Maggiani


ArtArt Department CoordinatorJ.M. Hunter
Assistant Art DirectorSamantha Avila
Construction CoordinatorJoseph Kearney
LeadmanCameron Matheson
Production DesignMichael Corenblith
Property MasterDavid Gulick
Set DecorationSusan Benjamin
Set DesignerBria Kinter
Clint Wallace
Lorrie Campbell
Masako Masuda
Robert Andrew Johnson
Steven M. Saylor
Supervising Art DirectorWilliam Ladd Skinner
CameraAdditional Still PhotographerSeacia Pavao
Camera OperatorJamie Alac
Director of PhotographyJavier Aguirresarobe
Helicopter CameraBrian Heller
Still PhotographerClaire Folger
Underwater CameraPeter Zuccarini
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignLouise Frogley
Costume SupervisorDonna Casey-Aira
Hair Department HeadMary L. Hart-Mastro
HairstylistBrenda McNally
Paula Dion
Raul Hernandez
Rebecca Woodfork
Makeup ArtistDesne J. Holland
Joe Rossi
Juliet Loveland
Linda Kaufman
Trish Seeney
Makeup Department HeadWhitney James
Set CostumerAimee McCue
Beau Desmond
Parrish Kennington
CrewCG SupervisorAdriano Rinaldi
Chris Ryan
Gong Myung Lee
Paul Wishart
ChoreographerDan Marshall
Special Effects CoordinatorCraig 'Tex' Barnett
Stunt DoubleAiron Armstrong
Caroline Vexler
Dave Reaves
Edward Gabree
Evan Dane Taylor
Jodi Michelle Pynn
Josh Vinyard
Mariusz Kubicki
Matt Emig
Pete Klein
Thomas La Marche
Tim Trella
StuntsAaron Vexler
Peter Epstein
Visual Effects EditorChris Kowal
Danny Singh
Steve Bobertz
Thomas MacKenzie
DirectingDirectorCraig Gillespie
Script SupervisorDiane Durant
EditingAssistant EditorJered Zalman
Digital IntermediateAnnie Johnson
Joe Ken
Stefan Sonnenfeld
EditorTatiana S. Riegel
First Assistant EditorDaniel Boccoli
LightingGafferPhil Darrell
Scott D. Davis
Lighting ProgrammerChristopher Ferguson
Rigging GafferMark J. Casey
ProductionCastingMindy Marin
Casting AssociateKara Lipson
Executive ProducerDouglas C. Merrifield
ProducerDorothy Aufiero
Jim Whitaker
ResearcherStephani DeLuca
SoundDialogue EditorDaniel S. Irwin
Daniel Saxlid
FoleyDan O'Connell
John Sanacore
John T. Cucci
Foley EditorLuke Gibleon
Music EditorAdam Milo Smalley
Original Music ComposerCarter Burwell
Sound Effects EditorAlbert Gasser
Tim Walston
Sound Re-Recording MixerAndy Koyama
Dean A. Zupancic
Supervising ADR EditorDaniel S. Irwin
Supervising Sound EditorMark P. Stoeckinger
Visual EffectsAnimationAaron Deerfield
Ran Sieradzki
Shaila Tobin
Animation SupervisorTom Goodenough
Special Effects SupervisorMark Hawker
VFX EditorGarrett Wilson
Tom Driscoll
Visual Effects ProducerFelix Crawshaw
Paul V. Molles
Visual Effects SupervisorAaron Weintraub
Kevin T. Hahn
Seth Maury