Movie 'Alone in Berlin'

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Berlin in June of 1940. While Nazi propaganda celebrates the regime’s victory over France, a kitchen-cum-living room in Prenzlauer Berg is filled with grief. Anna and Otto Quangel’s son has been killed at the front. This working class couple had long believed in the ‘Führer’ and followed him willingly, but now they realise that his promises are nothing but lies and deceit. They begin writing postcards as a form of resistance and in a bid to raise awareness: Stop the war machine! Kill Hitler! Putting their lives at risk, they distribute these cards in the entrances of tenement buildings and in stairwells. But the SS and the Gestapo are soon onto them, and even their neighbours pose a threat.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Jeder stirbt für sich allein

Im Berlin des Jahres 1940 lebt ein ganzes Land in einem Haus: Die Bewohner in der Jablonskistraße 55 bilden einen Querschnitt der Bevölkerung: Ein Blockwart wohnt dort, eine versteckte Jüdin, ein Ex-Richter, ein Denunziant, ein Kleinkrimineller, ein Hitlerjunge, eine Briefträgerin und das Arbeiterehepaar Anna und Otto Quangel.

France French (Français)

Seul dans Berlin

Berlin, 1940. Après la capitulation de la France, Adolf Hitler est au sommet du pouvoir. Le couple ouvrier Anna et Otto Quangel habitent dans un quartier modeste. Leurs voisins sont des fervents nazis, des juifs, des sympathisants du régime, des intellectuels : un échantillon de la société allemande de l’époque. Un jour de juin, la vie des Quangel bascule brutalement. Hans Quangel, le fils unique du couple, est un de ces jeunes hommes sacrifiés qui meurent au front. Avec sa disparition disparaît aussi l'unique raison de vivre que les Quangel avaient encore. Anna et Otto ne sont pas des résistants, ce sont des parents qui ont perdu leur enfant.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Lettere da Berlino

Berlino 1940. La città è paralizzata dalla paura. Otto e Anna Quangel sono una coppia appartenente alla classe operaia che vive in un appartamento malmesso e che, come tutti, cerca di stare alla larga dai guai durante la dominazione nazista. Quando il loro unico figlio viene ucciso al fronte, la perdita spinge Otto e Anna a compiere uno straordinario atto di resistenza e rivolta. Iniziano così a diffondere per tutta la città cartoline anonime contro il regime di Hitler, con il rischio concreto di essere scoperti e giustiziati.Presto la loro campagna antinazista richiama l'attenzione dell'ispettore della Gestapo Escherich e inizia una spietata caccia all’uomo. Nella loro ribellione silenziosa ma decisa, i Quangel riescono a sfidare il regime spietato e dispotico di Hitler con la sola forza delle parole.

Release Date
based on novel or book
berlin, germany
world war ii
Origin Countries
flag of France France
flag of Germany Germany
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Countries
flag of France France
flag of Germany Germany
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Companies
Germany X Filme Creative Pool
France Master Movies
United Kingdom FilmWave
France Pathé
France Buffalo Films
Germany WS Film
United Kingdom Lipsync Productions
Alone in Berlin
Release Dates
Germany Premiere 12 Berlin International Film Festival
Italy Italian (Italiano): Theatrical T
Germany Theatrical 12
France Theatrical U
United States of America English: Theatrical R
United Kingdom Theatrical
United Kingdom English: Physical DVD
TMDb 67% · 375 (more information on website)
IMDb 65% · 10,073 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 58% (more information on website)
metacritic 52% (more information on website)


Anna QuangelEmma Thompson
Otto QuangelBrendan Gleeson
EscherichDaniel Brühl
PrallMikael Persbrandt
Claire GehrichKatharina Schüttler
Hans QuangelLouis Hofmann
Herbert WegnerRafael Gareisen
Ida KuhnHildegard Schroedter
Dptm. Head WalterErnst Stötzner
Colonel KrügerGodehard Giese
Dietrich NeckerJacob Matschenz
Salesman Franz KanzRainer Reiners
Enno KlugeLars Rudolph
PersickeUwe Preuss
Flower Shop lady I. SchneiderKatharina Abt
Richard SchopfJürgen Tarrach
Kuno BarkhausenJoshio Marlon
SS / SD SturmführerChris Theisinger
DollfussHolger Handtke
August PersickeJoshua Grothe
Anselm KochMarko Dyrlich
Judge Frank SchwartzMichael Scheel
Arnold VogtHans Martin Stier
Frau RosenthalMonique Chaumette
Frau BuschImogen Kogge
Herr FrommJoachim Bißmeier
BerthaGisa Flake
Female guard Gertrud SchäferKatharina Blaschke
Female Worker Helene ScholzSanne Schnapp
ZottDaniel Sträßer
SchröderPatrick Hastert
Emil BarkhausenRainer Egger
ObersturmbannführerStefan Schumann
Miss KleinschmidtIrene Rindje
SecretaryLuisa Wolf
Eva KlugeKatrin Pollitt
Baldur PersickeSammy Scheuritzel
Newspaper BoyEmil von Schönfels
Young Man who cuts fingerMoritz Grove
Party Rep. Ludwig WeberThomas Neumann
Joachim KesselHans Piesbergen
Colleague in Tram Karl ZieglerThomas Bestvater
Factory Clerk Max WinklerFritz Roth


ArtArt Department CoordinatorLucie Kozena
Art DirectionAnja Müller
Utta Hagen
Assistant Property MasterKonstantin Ness
Lisa Loher
Moritz Schlögell
Assistant Set DecorationFriederike Beckert
Volker Tobian
Head GreensmanBarbara Jäger
PainterEva-Maria Müller
Gabriele Winzen
Pierre Galic
Susanne Kleinlein
Production DesignJean-Vincent Puzos
Property MasterLily Kiera
Peter Naguib
Set DecorationIngeborg Heinemann
Set Decoration BuyerKatharina Birkenfeld
Nora Stenutz
Set DresserAnika Falke
David Thummerer
Giulia Severini
Jörg Baier
Klaus Eckmann
Matthias Lerch
Mirjam Gadinger
Peter Henk
Ron Büttner
Tim Sehling
Standby CarpenterChristoph Baumstieger
Roman Berger
Supervising Art DirectorAndreas Olshausen
CameraDigital Imaging TechnicianDaniel Pieper
Director of PhotographyChristophe Beaucarne
First Assistant CameraLuc Pallet
GripMatthieu Rousseaux
Second Assistant CameraFelix Schwarz
Karl Keil
Lars Buge
Paul Gredig
Steadicam OperatorJörg Widmer
Still PhotographerChristine Schroeder
Costume & Make-UpAssistant Costume DesignerNadine Waeldchen
Costume DesignNicole Fischnaller
CostumerNicole Ebben
Key Hair StylistLena Lazzarotto
Key Makeup ArtistHenny Zimmer
Makeup ArtistJulia Lechner
Oliver Ziem-Schwerdt
Special Effects Makeup ArtistJörn Seifert
Tamar Aviv
CrewCarpenterHervé Berthou
Dialogue CoachJill McCullough
Joan Washington
Makeup EffectsRaquel Munuera
Picture Car CoordinatorAndre Wierschula
Production ControllerJohannes Schwerdt
DirectingDirectorVincent Perez
First Assistant DirectorArndt Wiegering
Script SupervisorNancy Rivas
EditingColoristTom Russell
Digital Intermediate ProducerAbigail McKenzie
EditorFrançois Gédigier
First Assistant EditorNicolas Criqui
Online EditorWilliam Chetwynd
LightingElectricianBenjamin Taye
Lars Voigtländer
Martin Handrow
Urs Zimmermann
GafferBjörn Susen
ProductionCastingJina Jay
Simone Bär
Executive ProducerAlison Thompson
Michael Scheel
Norman Merry
Peter Hampden
ProducerChristian Grass
James Schamus
Marco Pacchioni
Paul Trijbits
Stefan Arndt
Uwe Schott
Production ExecutiveAnja Wedell
Production ManagerJan R. Martin
Production SecretarySvenja Stirn
SoundADR & DubbingMoritz Unger
Peter Gleaves
FoleyAndrea King
Jack Stew
Peter Burgis
Sue Harding
Foley EditorLinda Brenon
Music EditorPeter Clarke
Original Music ComposerAlexandre Desplat
Sound DesignerRobert Ireland
Sound Re-Recording MixerRobert Farr
Supervising Sound EditorLee Herrick
Visual Effects3D GeneralistTom Cowlishaw
3D SupervisorBen Shepherd
Special Effects SupervisorClaudius Rauch
Visual Effects CoordinatorBelinda Cumming
George Stone
Visual Effects ProducerPaul Driver
Visual Effects Technical DirectorHoward Margolius