Movie 'The New Mutants'
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There is something new to fear.
Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
- a.k.a. Gifted Working title
- X-Men:The New Mutants Working title
- Growing Pains Working title
- a.k.a. Les nouveaux mutants
- a.k.a. New Mutants
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. X-Men: New Mutants
- New Mutants
- X-Men - New Mutants
New Mutants führt neue Mutanten ein. Sie sind eine weitere Generation von übersinnlich begabten Teenagern, die allerdings nicht in Professor Xaviers Schule an den Umgang mit ihren besonderen Fähigkeiten herangeführt werden müssen und dabei zugleich mit ihrer Andersartigkeit und dem Erwachsenwerden zu kämpfen haben, sondern in einer geheimen Einrichtung eingesperrt sind.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Les Nouveaux mutants
Les Mutants sont les plus dangereux, pour eux-mêmes comme pour les autres, lorsqu’ils découvrent leurs pouvoirs. Détenus dans une division secrète contre leur volonté, cinq nouveaux mutants doivent apprivoiser leurs dons et assumer les erreurs graves de leur passé. Traqués par une puissance surnaturelle, leurs peurs les plus terrifiantes vont devenir réalité.
Italian (Italiano)
Il 13° film della saga degli X-MEN racconta di un multietnico gruppo di giovani, che con l'arrivo della pubertà scopre di avere poteri mutanti, è rinchiuso in una struttura segreta, una sorta di istituto psichiatrico da cui cercheranno di fuggire. Anche perché qualcosa dentro la clinica è fuori controllo e causa eventi sempre più inquietanti, cui si aggiungono i problemi dei protagonisti nell'accettare i propri poteri, in particolare quelli di Rahne, scozzese e di educazione strettamente cristiana che teme di essere preda di una forza demoniaca. Al suo fianco ci sono la nativa americana Danielle, il brasiliano Roberto, Sam del Kentucky e la russa Illyana, sorella dell'X-Man Colosso.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- audacious
- based on comic
- captivity
- mutant
- superhero
- superhero team
- suspenseful
- tense
- Genres
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Languages
- English
- Latin
- Portuguese (Português)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
20th Century Studios
Genre Films
Sunswept Entertainment
Marvel Entertainment
- Release Dates
Theatrical 12
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical M
Theatrical 15
Theatrical 16
Digital PG-13
Physical PG-13 Blu-ray
Digital VOD
Physical 15 DVD & Blu-ray
Physical 12 DVD, Blu-Ray & 4K UHD
Physical 16
Digital 16 Disney+
Digital R Disney+
- Ratings
- TMDb 61% · 3,468 (more information on website)
- IMDb 53% · 94,517 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 36% (more information on website)
- metacritic 43% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Dani Moonstar | Blu Hunt |
Rahne Sinclair | Maisie Williams |
Illyana Rasputin | Anya Taylor-Joy |
Samuel Guthrie | Charlie Heaton |
Roberto da Costa | Henry Zaga |
Dr. Reyes | Alice Braga |
Dani's Father | Adam Beach |
Reverend Craig | Happy Anderson |
Smiling Man | Dustin Ceithamer |
Smiling Man (voice) | Marilyn Manson |
Sam's Father | Thomas Kee |
Young Illyana | Colbi Gannett |
Frozen Cheyenne | Jacinto Vega SpiritWolf |
Coal Miner (uncredited) | Mickey Gilmore |
Coal Miner (uncredited) | Jeffrey Corazzini |