Movie 'Imperium'

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Defend your nation. Become your enemy.

Nate Foster, a young, idealistic FBI agent, goes undercover to take down a radical white supremacy terrorist group. The bright up-and-coming analyst must confront the challenge of sticking to a new identity while maintaining his real principles as he navigates the dangerous underworld of white supremacy. Inspired by real events.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Nate Foster ist trotz seines jungen Alters ein gerissener FBI-Agent. Einer der besten, wie seine Chefin Angela behauptet. Doch sein neuer Auftrag entpuppt sich als höllisch gefährlicher Drahtseilakt. Kahlrasiert und mit irrem Funkeln in den Augen taucht der Jungspund in die Gefilde einer ultrarechten Neonazi-Organisation ab, um einen drohenden Anschlag mit einer schmutzigen Bombe zu verhindern. Allein unter tollwütigen Wölfen, bleibt Nate nichts anderes übrig, als mit dem Rudel zu heulen. Dabei gerät er bald in einen mörderischen Sog aus Gewalt und Verbrechen. Nur Angela kennt seine wahre Identität und versucht verzweifelt, ihren Schützling am Leben zu halten, bis sein Auftrag erfüllt ist.

France French (Français)

  • a.k.a. Infiltré

Nate Foster, jeune recrue du FBI, est chargé par sa supérieure d'infiltrer en tant qu'indic un groupuscule néo-nazi. D'abord réticent, Nate comprend vite que pour mettre en confiance les membres de l'organisation, il doit devenir un des leurs... Crâne rasé, prétendument vétéran de guerre, le voilà contraint de participer aux débordements racistes et d'adhérer aux discours haineux du groupe. Tiraillé entre sa morale et les impératifs de sa mission, Nate est pris de vertiges lorsqu'il découvre que le groupe prépare une attaque terroriste sans précédent...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Nate Foster, giovane e idealista agente dell'Fbi, affronta una missione sotto copertura per mettere fuori gioco un gruppo terrorista appartenente alla destra radicale. Deve così cercare di mantenere saldi i suoi principi mentre si muove nel mondo della malavita.

Release Date
domestic terrorism
oklahoma city bombing
white supremacy
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Tycor International Film Company
United States of America Grindstone Entertainment Group
United States of America Sculptor Media
United States of America Green-Light International
Atomic Features
Release Dates
Canada Physical R
United States of America English: Theatrical (limited) R
United States of America English: Digital R
France Premiere TP Deauville American Film Festival
United Kingdom English: Theatrical 15
Australia English: Theatrical MA15+
Switzerland Digital 16
United States of America Physical R
France Digital TP
Germany Digital 16
France Physical TP
TMDb 65% · 1,388 (more information on website)
IMDb 65% · 51,194 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 84% (more information on website)
metacritic 68% (more information on website)


Nate FosterDaniel Radcliffe
Angela ZampinoToni Collette
Dallas WolfTracy Letts
Gerry ConradSam Trammell
Tom HernandezNestor Carbonell
Andrew SheehanChris Sullivan
RoySeth Numrich
Vince SargentPawel Szajda
JohnnyDevin Druid
MorganBurn Gorman
Frank HedgesAdam Meier
UsmanRoger Yawson
DavidLinc Hand
BeckyVanessa Ore
BillyJasson Finney
Ernest WaltonDavid Aranovich
GaryPaul H Chapman
RickDavid Meadows
AbdulMaboud Ebrahimzadeh
FariqAsif Khan
MadelineCora Metzfield
TimmyAidan Fiske
Harris PittMike Marunde
Jim SharpeRobert Poletick
Elderly WomanMarty Terry
SteveJeff Goins
TimShawn Singletary
PriestCharlie V. Wilson
Aryan Alliance MemberJonathan Darden Reed
Wolf's AssistantAlexander Vaughn Miller


ArtArt Department CoordinatorVan Tran
Art DirectionKaty Shirey
Assistant Set DecorationLauren Taylor
Graphic DesignerGioia Varesi
Megan Blake
Production DesignKristen Adams
Property MasterJeremiah Hornbaker
Set DecorationJulia Dent
Set DresserJamie Fulgham
Kevin Quick
CameraDirector of PhotographyBobby Bukowski
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignAmelia 'Amy' Andrews
Costume SupervisorSloane True
Hair Department HeadFernando Santaella Navarro
Key Hair StylistNakoya Yancey
Key Makeup ArtistLori Daniels
Key Set CostumerLynalise Woodlief
Makeup Department HeadAshley Fetterman
CrewCreative ConsultantR.F.I. Porto
Post Production SupervisorAnn Gray
Paul A. Levin
Stunt CoordinatorChad Hessler
StuntsAaron Vexler
Bob Roseman
Josh Tessier
Transportation CoordinatorNik Edgerton
DirectingDirectorDaniel Ragussis
First Assistant DirectorChad Rosen
Script SupervisorAnna Asher
Second Assistant DirectorEric Hollenbeck
EditingEditorSara Corrigan
ProductionCastingLois J. Drabkin
Matthew Lessall
Susan Shopmaker
Co-Executive ProducerDarius Campbell
Ryan S. Black
Co-ProducerFrancisco Ordonez
Michael German
Line ProducerBorislav Ranghelov
Location ManagerCarl Hickerson
Post Production CoordinatorIlana Cheyfitz
Production ExecutiveGretchen McGowan
Production Office CoordinatorMichele Lombardi
Unit Production ManagerBrett Cranford
SoundMusic ConsultantAndy Ross
Music CoordinatorDillan Rigby
Lucy Alper
Music EditorBen Holiday
Music SupervisorJoe Rudge
Original Music ComposerWill Bates
Production Sound MixerWilliam Britt
Sound EditorDavid Forshee
Sound Re-Recording MixerRyan Billia
Supervising Sound EditorRyan Billia
Visual EffectsRoto SupervisorRaghav Rai
Special Effects SupervisorGary Pilkinton
Visual Effects ProducerRoopesh Gujar
Visual Effects SupervisorRoopesh Gujar