Movie 'Cyrus'

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John met the woman of his dreams. Then he met her son...

With John's social life at a standstill and his ex-wife about to get remarried, a down on his luck divorcée finally meets the woman of his dreams, only to discover she has another man in her life - her son. Before long, the two are locked in a battle of wits for the woman they both love-and it appears only one man can be left standing when it's over.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Cyrus - Meine Freundin, ihr Sohn und ich

Das Liebesleben von John kam mit seiner Scheidung vor sieben Jahren zum völligen Erliegen. Eines Tages trifft er auf die gutaussehende Molly, in die er sich sofort verliebt. Doch anstatt, sich dem neuen Liebesglück mit Molly vollends hingeben zu können, muss er sich mit dem zweiten Mann in Mollys leben herumschlagen: ihrem 21 jährigen Sohn Cyrus. Dieser weigert sich, die neue männliche Konkurrenz zu dulden, und so entbrennt ein erbitterter Kampf um Mollys Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit.

France French (Français)

Sept ans après son divorce, John est toujours célibataire. Il a cessé de croire à l’amour. Cédant à son ex-femme, Jamie, devenue sa meilleure amie, il accepte à contrecœur de les rejoindre, elle et son fiancé, à une fête. A la surprise générale, John y rencontre une femme, la belle et dynamique Molly.Entre eux, c’est le coup de foudre. Pourtant, John va vite découvrir qu’il existe un autre homme dans la vie de Molly : son fils de 21 ans, Cyrus, avec qui elle entretient une relation hors norme. Prêt à tout pour protéger sa mère, le jeune homme n’a pas du tout envie de la partager, et encore moins avec John.C’est le début d’une guerre. Il ne pourra y avoir qu’un seul vainqueur…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

A sette anni dalla fine del suo matrimonio, John (John C. Reilly) è ancora single, ma non ha perso né la speranza né la tendenza al romanticismo. Un giorno, controvoglia, accetta la richiesta della sua ex moglie e miglior amica Jamie (Catherine Keener) di accompagnare lei ed il suo fidanzato Tim (Matt Walsh) a una festa. Lì, con sua grande sorpresa, s'innamora a prima vista, ricambiato, della esuberante Molly (Marisa Tomei). Tra i due nasce subito una relazione, ma dopo qualche tempo John inizia ad essere perplesso di fronte ad alcune bizzarre ritrosie di Molly; deciso a capire quale sia il suo segreto, scopre che c'è un altro uomo nella vita della donna: il figlio 21enne Cyrus (Jonah Hill), che ha con la madre un rapporto strettissimo e personale, e che non sembra avere alcuna intenzione di dividerla con John.

Release Date
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Companies
United States of America Fox Searchlight Pictures
United States of America Duplass Brothers Productions
United Kingdom Scott Free Productions
United States of America Dune Entertainment
Release Dates
United States of America Premiere Sundance Film Festival
United States of America Theatrical R
Switzerland Digital 18
United Kingdom Theatrical 15
Germany Theatrical 6
TMDb 59% · 419 (more information on website)
IMDb 63% · 36,957 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 80% (more information on website)
metacritic 74% (more information on website)


John KilpatrickJohn C. Reilly
Cyrus FawcettJonah Hill
Molly FawcettMarisa Tomei
JamieCatherine Keener
TimMatt Walsh
AshleyKathy Ann Wittes
Thermostat GirlDiane Mizota
Pretty GirlKatie Aselton
PastorJamie Donnelly
RogerTim Guinee
RustySteve Zissis
CyrusBill 'Bunky' Miller
Stranger at ReceptionCharlie Brewer
Additional Voice (voice)Mitch Carter
Additional Voice (voice)Newell Alexander
Additional Voice (voice)Steve Alterman


ArtProduction DesignAnnie Spitz
CameraDirector of PhotographyJas Shelton
CrewSpecial Effects CoordinatorKevin Hannigan
Stunt CoordinatorJack Gill
DirectingDirectorJay Duplass
Mark Duplass
EditingEditorJay Deuby
ProductionCo-ProducerChrisann Verges
Michael Ellenberg
Executive ProducerJay Duplass
Mark Duplass
Ridley Scott
Tony Scott
ProducerMichael Costigan
SoundMusic EditorManish Raval
Music SupervisorMaggie Phillips
Original Music ComposerMichael Andrews
Sound EditorMatt Coby
Sound Re-Recording MixerLarry Blake
Supervising Sound EditorLarry Blake