Movie 'Kursk'
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Together till the end
Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
- a.k.a. Kursk: The Last Mission
- a.k.a. The Command
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Kursk - Niemand hat eine Ewigkeit
Das U-Boot Kursk sticht im August des Jahres 2000 mit einer Mannschaft von fast 120 Männern in See. Eigentlich soll das von einem Nuklearreaktor angetriebene Schiff nur an einer Übung in arktischen Gewässern teilnehmen, doch als zwei Explosionen die Kursk erschüttern, sinkt das U-Boot. Während die 23 überlebenden Besatzungsmitglieder weiterhin noch um ihr Leben kämpfen, versuchen die Familien der Seefahrer all die politischen Hindernisse aus dem Weg zu räumen, die einer Rettung im Weg stehen.
French (Français)
Kursk relate le naufrage du sous-marin nucléaire russe K-141 Koursk, survenu en mer de Barents le 12 août 2000. Tandis qu’à bord du navire endommagé, vingt-trois marins se battent pour survivre, au sol, leurs familles luttent désespérément contre les blocages bureaucratiques qui ne cessent de compromettre l’espoir de les sauver.
Italian (Italiano)
Ricostruzione dettagliata della distruzione del sottomarino russo Kursk avvenuta nell'agosto 2000 nel corso di un'esercitazione navale su larga scala. L'esplosione verificatasi mentre la ciurma si stava preparando a sparare un missile fu causata da un'avaria nel sistema. Nell'incidente perirono 118 membri dell'equipaggio.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- based on true story
- naval disaster
- russian history
- russian politics
- struggle for survival
- submarine
- sunken submarine
- underwater rescue
- Genres
- Action
- Drama
- History
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
- Production Countries
- Production Companies
Belga Productions
- Release Dates
Premiere PG Toronto International Film Festival
Premiere 16 Zurich Film Festival
French (Français): Theatrical 12
Theatrical U
Digital VOD
Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Premiere Sydney Film Festival
Theatrical PG-13
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12A
Digital M
Digital M
Digital 12 Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 66% · 622 (more information on website)
- IMDb 66% · 22,207 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 72% (more information on website)
- metacritic 55% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Mikhail Averin | Matthias Schoenaerts |
Tanya Averina | Léa Seydoux |
Admiral Vyacheslav Grudzinsky | Peter Simonischek |
Admiral Vladimir Petrenko | Max von Sydow |
Anton Markov | August Diehl |
Commodore David Russell | Colin Firth |
Russian Rescue Ship Captain | Bjarne Henriksen |
Oleg Lebedev | Magnus Millang |
Misha Averin | Artemiy Spiridonov |
Leo | Joel Basman |
Maxim | Pit Bukowski |
Pavel Sonin | Matthias Schweighöfer |
Roman | Tom Hudson |
Niko | Chris Pascal |
Sasha | Kristof Coenen |
Oksana | Pernilla August |
Vera | Helene Reingaard Neumann |
Kursk Captain Gennady Shirokov | Martin Brambach |
Kursk Executive Officer Alexander Grekov | Peter Plaugborg |
Torpedo's Room Midshipman Alexi Zhukov | Guillaume Kerbusch |
Admiral Ivakin (Peter the Great) | Koen De Sutter |
Lesser Admiral Mikhail Denisov (Peter the Great) | Gustaf Hammarsten |
Lt. Pulsky (Peter the Great) | Aske Bang |
Priz Pilot Kasyenenko | Lars Brygmann |
Priz Pilot Ilyushin | Martin Greis-Rosenthal |
Graham Mann (Seaway Eagle) | Steven Waddington |
Lt. Bruce Hamil | John Hollingworth |
Daria Sonin | Katrine Greis-Rosenthal |
Vadim Markov, Anton's Father | Josse De Pauw |
Warehouse Worker Goncharov | Feđa Štukan |
Warehouse Worker Oblomov | Jehon Gorani |
Russian Captain Ivan Timoshenko | Miglen Mirtchev |
Russian Head of the SVR Vladimir Laskutin | Mark Irons |
Kulkin, Veteran Swimmer on Rudnitsky | Zlatko Burić |
Marina Lebedev | Eva van der Gucht |
Rescue Team Diver Tony Scott | Geoffrey Newland |
Rescue Team Diver Paal Dinessen | Danny van Meenen |
Captain Calpin (Peter the Great) | Guido De Craene |
Anastasia Dudko | Marjan De Schutter |
Wife Daycare #1 | Gabriela Cotet |
Wife Daycare #2 | Olga Markina |
Old Sailor New | David Russell |