Movie 'Kursk'

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Together till the end

Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.

United Kingdom English

  • a.k.a. Kursk: The Last Mission

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. The Command

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. Kursk - Niemand hat eine Ewigkeit

Das U-Boot Kursk sticht im August des Jahres 2000 mit einer Mannschaft von fast 120 Männern in See. Eigentlich soll das von einem Nuklearreaktor angetriebene Schiff nur an einer Übung in arktischen Gewässern teilnehmen, doch als zwei Explosionen die Kursk erschüttern, sinkt das U-Boot. Während die 23 überlebenden Besatzungsmitglieder weiterhin noch um ihr Leben kämpfen, versuchen die Familien der Seefahrer all die politischen Hindernisse aus dem Weg zu räumen, die einer Rettung im Weg stehen.

France French (Français)

Kursk relate le naufrage du sous-marin nucléaire russe K-141 Koursk, survenu en mer de Barents le 12 août 2000. Tandis qu’à bord du navire endommagé, vingt-trois marins se battent pour survivre, au sol, leurs familles luttent désespérément contre les blocages bureaucratiques qui ne cessent de compromettre l’espoir de les sauver.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Ricostruzione dettagliata della distruzione del sottomarino russo Kursk avvenuta nell'agosto 2000 nel corso di un'esercitazione navale su larga scala. L'esplosione verificatasi mentre la ciurma si stava preparando a sparare un missile fu causata da un'avaria nel sistema. Nell'incidente perirono 118 membri dell'equipaggio.

Release Date
based on true story
naval disaster
russian history
russian politics
struggle for survival
sunken submarine
underwater rescue
Origin Countries
flag of Belgium Belgium
flag of France France
flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Production Countries
flag of Belgium Belgium
flag of France France
flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Production Companies
Belgium Belga Productions
Luxembourg VIA EST
France EuropaCorp
Release Dates
Canada Premiere PG Toronto International Film Festival
Switzerland Premiere 16 Zurich Film Festival
Switzerland French (Français): Theatrical 12
France Theatrical U
France Digital VOD
France Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Italy Theatrical
Australia Premiere Sydney Film Festival
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Switzerland German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Germany Theatrical 12
United Kingdom Theatrical 12A
Australia Theatrical
New Zealand Theatrical
New Zealand Digital M
Australia Digital M
France Digital 12 Prime Video
TMDb 66% · 622 (more information on website)
IMDb 66% · 22,207 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 72% (more information on website)
metacritic 55% (more information on website)


Mikhail AverinMatthias Schoenaerts
Tanya AverinaLéa Seydoux
Admiral Vyacheslav GrudzinskyPeter Simonischek
Admiral Vladimir PetrenkoMax von Sydow
Anton MarkovAugust Diehl
Commodore David RussellColin Firth
Russian Rescue Ship CaptainBjarne Henriksen
Oleg LebedevMagnus Millang
Misha AverinArtemiy Spiridonov
LeoJoel Basman
MaximPit Bukowski
Pavel SoninMatthias Schweighöfer
RomanTom Hudson
NikoChris Pascal
SashaKristof Coenen
OksanaPernilla August
VeraHelene Reingaard Neumann
Kursk Captain Gennady ShirokovMartin Brambach
Kursk Executive Officer Alexander GrekovPeter Plaugborg
Torpedo's Room Midshipman Alexi ZhukovGuillaume Kerbusch
Admiral Ivakin (Peter the Great)Koen De Sutter
Lesser Admiral Mikhail Denisov (Peter the Great)Gustaf Hammarsten
Lt. Pulsky (Peter the Great)Aske Bang
Priz Pilot KasyenenkoLars Brygmann
Priz Pilot IlyushinMartin Greis-Rosenthal
Graham Mann (Seaway Eagle)Steven Waddington
Lt. Bruce HamilJohn Hollingworth
Daria SoninKatrine Greis-Rosenthal
Vadim Markov, Anton's FatherJosse De Pauw
Warehouse Worker GoncharovFeđa Štukan
Warehouse Worker OblomovJehon Gorani
Russian Captain Ivan TimoshenkoMiglen Mirtchev
Russian Head of the SVR Vladimir LaskutinMark Irons
Kulkin, Veteran Swimmer on RudnitskyZlatko Burić
Marina LebedevEva van der Gucht
Rescue Team Diver Tony ScottGeoffrey Newland
Rescue Team Diver Paal DinessenDanny van Meenen
Captain Calpin (Peter the Great)Guido De Craene
Anastasia DudkoMarjan De Schutter
Wife Daycare #1Gabriela Cotet
Wife Daycare #2Olga Markina
Old Sailor NewDavid Russell


ArtArt DirectionGladys Garot
Assistant Art DirectorThomas Delord
Production DesignThierry Flamand
Set DecorationLieven Baes
Pascalle Willame
Set DesignerThomas Schouppe Topa
Supervising Art DirectorVirginie Hernvann
CameraAdditional GripRenaud Charlier
Assistant CameraJimmy Wolf Nguyen
Kevin Vidal
Thomas Vernimmen
Best Boy GripVeerle Pipeleers
Camera OperatorJo Vermaercke
Digital Imaging TechnicianChloè Acher
Director of PhotographyAnthony Dod Mantle
First Assistant "A" CameraLuc Frisson
First Assistant "B" CameraWouter Dewilde
GripDominique Degand
Joris Vandezande
Julien Covens
Nicolas Lemoine
Réginald Desy
Sarbu Gigi
Key GripDimitri Doulkeridis
Dries Leerschool
Phantom OperatorRuby Van der Kooij
Second Assistant "B" CameraRuby Van der Kooij
Second Unit Director of PhotographyPatrick Otten
Steadicam OperatorJo Vermaercke
Still PhotographerMika Cotellon
Underwater CameraCinediving Wim Michiels
Costume & Make-UpAssistant HairstylistLili Dang-Vu
Natascha Matheuwezen
Assistant Makeup ArtistLili Dang-Vu
Natascha Matheuwezen
Costume DesignCatherine Marchand
Facial Setup ArtistVirginie Berland
First Assistant Makeup ArtistMichelle Beeckman
HairdresserVincent Respriget
HairstylistBrigitte Petit
Géraldine Lemaire
Ludovic Constant
Robert Smedt
Key Hair StylistAnne Moralis
Key Makeup ArtistAnne Moralis
Michelle Beeckman
Makeup & HairEvie Hamels
Makeup ArtistChristine Giugno
Fabienne Adam
Fanny Fallourd
Marie Messien
Nathalie De Hen
Special Effects Makeup ArtistDaphnee Beaulieux
Erwan Simon
Fabienne Adam
Pascal Berger
Patricia Grant
Sarah Roman
CrewPost Production SupervisorMelodie Stevens
Special EffectsCharlie Cantraine
Maurice Grégoire
Special Effects AssistantSimon Malcom Cokes
Special Effects TechnicianJean-Christophe Bourgeois
DirectingAssistant DirectorCandice Bibauw
Nancy Ferri
Pierre Truong Tan Trung
Assistant Director TraineeRoxanne Gaucherand
Crowd Assistant DirectorSuzanne Martin
DirectorThomas Vinterberg
First Assistant DirectorSinan Saber
Second Assistant DirectorCarlota González-Hontoria Lefèvre
Matthias Morard
Second Unit DirectorPatrick Otten
Philippe Desiront
Second Unit First Assistant DirectorEsteban Sanchez
Martin Doepner
Third Assistant DirectorRoxana Raducanu
Sophie Depraetere
EditingAssistant EditorIsabelle Bassaglia
Marine Père
Co-EditorSigurður Eyþórsson
Dailies ManagerPieter-Jan Uvyn
EditorValdís Óskarsdóttir
Online EditorElodie Ly Tri
LightingChief Lighting TechnicianAaron Keating
ElectricianAngèle Laroche
Bertrand Trividic
Dries De Paepe
Enguerrand Gicquel
Korneel Moeyaert
Maarten Stoop
Mickaël Vigot
Steven Soete
GafferGideon van Essen
Wim Temmerman
Key Rigging GripDimitri Doulkeridis
Lighting TechnicianJamie Drossaert
Koen Martens
Maxim Honoré
Pol Stinders
Tinus Dam
Rigging GripDenis Warnier
Jean Christophe Delinaoumis
ProductionAssistant Production ManagerNora Thomas
Assistant Unit ManagerLisa Perousse
Philippe Vaïsse
CastingGigi Akoka
Hervé Jakubowicz
Mustapha Souaidi
Casting DirectorToby Whale
Executive ProducerArnaud De Senilhes
C. Thomas Paschall
Claude Léger
Constance D'Humières
Jean-Marc Debaty
Lisa Ellzey
Luc Besson
Raphaël Benoliel
Ray Wu
Vincent Decalf
FinanceAlain-Gilles Viellevoye
Line ProducerBruno Amestoy
Clément Sentilhes
Kathian Pascal
Laurent Hanon
Mathieu Rubin
Oana Prata
Olivier Glaas
ProducerAriel Zeitoun
Christophe Toulemonde
Fabrice Delville
Jérôme de Béthune
Patrick Vandenbosch
Production AccountantAudrey Thiery
Liliane Wang
Production AssistantNavarra Claudia
Production SecretaryMarianne Campos
SoundADR EditorLucien Richardson
Margot Saada
ADR MixerJohann Nallet
ADR SupervisorKatia Boutin
Assistant Foley ArtistFlorian Penot
Assistant Sound EditorClémence Stoloff
Boom OperatorPierre Picq
Seppe van Groeningen
Foley ArtistPhilippe Penot
Foley EditorJérémy Babinet
Foley MixerLoïc Gourbe
Original Music ComposerAlexandre Desplat
Production Sound MixerJan Deca
Sound AssistantJeroen Heymans
Olga Pasternak
Sound DesignerNicolas Becker
Sound Re-Recording MixerJean-Paul Hurier
Johann Nallet
Sound RecordistVince Van Driesten
Supervising Dialogue EditorBridget O'Driscoll
Supervising Sound EditorGuillaume Bouchateau