Movie 'The King's Speech'
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The King's Speech tells the story of the man who became King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ('Bertie') reluctantly assumes the throne. Plagued by a dreaded stutter and considered unfit to be king, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Through a set of unexpected techniques, and as a result of an unlikely friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and boldly lead the country into war.
- a.k.a. Le discours du roi French canadian title
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. The King's Speech - Die Rede des Königs
Es ist ein persönliches Drama auf großer Bühne, kraft des neuen Massenmediums Radio zig tausendfach verstärkt: Dies muss Albert, Duke of York und Sohn des englischen Regenten King George V., auf peinlich-demütigende Weise erleben, als er im Jahre 1925 im Wembley Stadium eine Eröffnungsrede halten muss – denn er ist Stotterer. Und doch wird er 14 Jahre später The King’s Speech halten, als er vors Mikrofon tritt, um den Mitbürgern des Englischen Empires mitzuteilen, dass England Deutschland den Krieg erklärt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist aus Bertie, wie er im Kreise seiner Familie gerufen wird, King George VI. geworden, nachdem sein Vater verstorben ist und sein älterer Bruder David abdankte, um eine bürgerliche Amerikanerin zu heiraten. Bis er für The King’s Speech allerdings bereit ist, muss der König durch das Fegefeuer einer ganz besonderen Sprachtherapie gehen...
French (Français)
D’après l’histoire vraie et méconnue du père de la reine Élisabeth II, qui va devenir, contraint et forcé, le roi George VI, suite à l’abdication de son frère Édouard VIII. D’apparence fragile, incapable de s’exprimer en public, considéré par certains comme inapte à la fonction, George VI tentera de surmonter son handicap grâce au soutien indéfectible de sa femme et d’affronter ses peurs avec l’aide d’un thérapeute du langage aux méthodes peu conventionnelles. Il devra vaincre son bégaiement pour assumer pleinement son rôle, et faire de son empire le premier rempart contre l’Allemagne nazie.
Italian (Italiano)
Duca di York e secondogenito di re Giorgio V, Bertie è afflitto dall'infanzia da una grave forma di balbuzie che gli aliena la considerazione del padre, il favore della corte e l'affetto del popolo inglese. Figlio di un padre anaffettivo e padre affettuoso di Elisabetta (futura Elisabetta II) e Margaret, Bertie è costretto suo malgrado a parlare in pubblico e dentro i microfoni della radio. Sostituito il corpo con la viva voce, il Duca di York deve rieducare la balbuzie, buttare fuori le parole e trovare una voce. Lo soccorrono la devozione di Lady Lyon, sua premurosa consorte, e le tecniche poco convenzionali di Lionel Logue, logopedista di origine australiana. Tra spasmi, rilassamenti muscolari, tempi di uscita e articolazioni più o meno perfette, Bertie scalzerà il fratello “regneggiante”, salirà al trono col nome di Giorgio VI e troverà la corretta fonazione dentro il suo discorso più bello. Quello che ispirerà la sua nazione guidandola contro la Germania nazista.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 1930s
- based on true story
- british monarchy
- british royal family
- corgi
- death of father
- great britain
- historical fiction
- marriage
- monarchy
- palace
- radio
- radio transmission
- royal family
- royalty
- speech
- speech therapy
- stutter
- winston churchill
- Genres
- Drama
- History
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United Kingdom
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
The Weinstein Company
UK Film Council
Momentum Pictures
Aegis Film Fund
- Molinare Investment
FilmNation Entertainment
See-Saw Films
Bedlam Productions
- Release Dates
Premiere Telluride Film Festival
Premiere R Toronto International Film Festival
Premiere BFI London Film Festival
Theatrical (limited)
Theatrical R
Theatrical M
Theatrical R
Theatrical 12A
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical
French (Français): Theatrical
Theatrical U
Premiere Berlin International Film Festival
German (Deutsch): Theatrical
Theatrical 0
Theatrical Re-release
Physical 0
- Ratings
- TMDb 77% · 8,798 (more information on website)
- IMDb 80% · 717,579 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 94% (more information on website)
- metacritic 88% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
King George VI | Colin Firth |
Lionel Logue | Geoffrey Rush |
Queen Elizabeth | Helena Bonham Carter |
King Edward VIII | Guy Pearce |
Winston Churchill | Timothy Spall |
King George V | Michael Gambon |
Myrtle Logue | Jennifer Ehle |
Archbishop Cosmo Lang | Derek Jacobi |
Princess Elizabeth | Freya Wilson |
Princess Margaret | Ramona Marquez |
Private Secretary | Richard Dixon |
Equerry | Robert Portal |
Wallis Simpson | Eve Best |
Chauffeur | Paul Trussell |
BBC Radio Announcer | Adrian Scarborough |
Robert Wood | Andrew Havill |
BBC Technician | Charles Armstrong |
Dr. Blandine Bentham | Roger Hammond |
Laurie Logue | Calum Gittins |
Valentine Logue | Dominic Applewhite |
Anthony Logue | Ben Wimsett |
Theatre Director | David Bamber |
Willie | Jake Hathaway |
Lord Wigram | Patrick Ryecart |
Nurse | Teresa Gallagher |
Lord Dawson | Simon Chandler |
Queen Mary | Claire Bloom |
Duke of Kent | Orlando Wells |
Duke of Gloucester | Tim Downie |
Butler | Dick Ward |
Footman | John Albasiny |
Boy in Regent's Park | Danny Emes |
Stanley Baldwin | Anthony Andrews |
Steward | John Warnaby |
Neville Chamberlain | Roger Parrott |
Royal Marine (uncredited) | Dean Ambridge |
Mrs. Cooper - Vocalist | Julianne Buescher |
Binky (uncredited) | James Currie |
Infantry (uncredited) | Graham Curry |
Policeman (uncredited) | Tony Earnshaw |
BBC Technician / Soldier (uncredited) | Sean Talo |