Movie 'Drive Angry'
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One hell of a ride.
Milton is a hardened felon who has broken out of Hell, intent on finding the vicious cult who brutally murdered his daughter and kidnapped her baby. He joins forces with a sexy, tough-as-nails waitress, who's also seeking redemption of her own. Caught in a deadly race against time, Milton has three days to avoid capture, avenge his daughter's death, and save her baby before she's mercilessly sacrificed by the cult.
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Drive Angry - Fahr zur Hölle
Milton hat in seinem Leben so einiges getan, was alles andere als gut war und so verwundert es nicht, dass er letztendlich in der Hölle landet. Allerdings hat Milton noch eine offene Rechnung zu begleichen und so können ihn weder Höllenqualen noch der Teufel selbst in der Hölle halten: Milton bricht aus und will Rache nehmen – Rache für den Mord an seiner Tochter und die Entführung seiner Enkeltochter. Dabei steht ihm nicht nur die Sekte im Weg, die für die Bluttat und die Entführung verantwortlich ist, sondern auch ein Helfer des Teufels, der Milton zurück in die Hölle befördern will. Milton bleibt nur eine Wahl: Feuer mit Feuer zu bekämpfen.
French (Français)
Milton est prêt à tout pour rattraper les fanatiques qui ont assassiné sa fille et kidnappé le bébé de celle-ci pour le sacrifier à la prochaine pleine lune. Avec la séduisante Piper, il se lance à la poursuite de Jonah King et ses adeptes, du Colorado à la Louisiane. Pourtant, le chasseur pourrait bien devenir le gibier… Un homme mystérieux aux pouvoirs surnaturels, le Comptable, est lui-même à la recherche de Milton. Alors que la route devient le théâtre d’une véritable vendetta, une course-poursuite en cache une autre. Milton pourra-t-il rattraper King avant que le Comptable ne lui mette la main dessus ? Carburant à la rage et au bolide, Milton va poursuivre sa mission. Il n’a que trois jours…
Italian (Italiano)
Milton è un ex galeotto indurito dalla vita che viene rispedito sulla Terra dall'inferno per la sua ultima possibilità di redenzione: deve fermare e sgominare con le cattive una setta satanica che gli ha ucciso la figlia e ha intenzione di sacrificare la nipotina alla prima notte di luna piena per aprire le porte all'avvento del demonio. Ad aiutarlo c’è Piper, una giovane e sexy cameriera che mette l'auto del suo ex fidanzato a disposizione delle imprese di Milton, che però se la deve vedere anche con la polizia che è sulle sue tracce e con un misterioso killer noto come "Il contabile" che è stato inviato dal Diavolo in persona per riportare Milton nel mondo dei morti.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- escaped from hell
- good versus evil
- kidnapping
- race against time
- satanic cult
- surrealism
- Genres
- Action
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Summit Entertainment
Saturn Films
Nu Image
Michael De Luca Productions
Millennium Media
- Release Dates
Theatrical 14A
Theatrical 18
Theatrical R
Theatrical 18
Theatrical VM14
Physical 12 DVD & Blu-Ray
TV Ciné+ Frisson
Theatrical R18+
Digital VOD
Digital Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 55% · 1,879 (more information on website)
- IMDb 54% · 104,400 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 47% (more information on website)
- metacritic 44% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Milton | Nicolas Cage |
Piper | Amber Heard |
Accountant | William Fichtner |
Jonah King | Billy Burke |
Webster | David Morse |
Candy | Charlotte Ross |
Mona | Christa Campbell |
Cap | Tom Atkins |
Norma Jean | Katy Mixon |
Fat Lou | Jack McGee |
Frank | Todd Farmer |
American Indian Mother | Wanetah Walmsley |
Guy with Camera Phone | Robin McGee |
Latino Busboy | Fabian C. Moreno |
Rookie | Edrick Browne |
Sarge | Marc Macaulay |
Roy | Pruitt Taylor Vince |
Uniformed Officer | Julius Washington |
Babysitter | Jamie Teer |
Trooper #1 | Bryan Massey |
Trooper #2 | Timothy Walter |
Teen #1 | Kent Jude Bernard |
Teen #2 | Brent Phillip Henry |
TV Male News Reporter #1 | Gerry May |
TV Female News Reporter #2 | Sherri Talley |
Milton's Daughter (Older) | Arianne Martin |
Driver | Con Schell |
Middle | Nick Gomez |
Passenger | Joe Chrest |
Cultist with Iron Pipe | Oakley Lehman |
Cultist with Sickle | Thirl Haston |
Cultist with Machete | Jake Brake |
Cultist with Hatchet | Tim J. Smith |
Cowboy with Cattle Prod | Jeff Dashnaw |
Cultist with Sledge | Tim Trella |
Man in Leather Jacket | James Landry Hébert |
Man with Wig | Kenneth Wayne Bradley |
Burly Dude | Kendrick Hudson |
Tattooed Guy | Michael Papajohn |
Business Woman | April Littlejohn |
Thin Old Man | Henry Kingi |
Lady in Leopard Skin | Simona Williams |
Truck Driving Woman | Shelby Swatek |
Bar Patron (uncredited) | Joseph Blackstone |
American Indian Dad (uncredited) | Dan Forest |
Laughing Cowgirl (uncredited) | Elise Fyke |
Milton's Daughter - Younger (uncredited) | Lanie Taylor |
Highway Patrol (uncredited) | David Lee Valle |