Movie 'Man on a Ledge'

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You can only push an innocent man so far

An ex-cop turned con threatens to jump to his death from a Manhattan hotel rooftop. The NYPD dispatch a female police psychologist to talk him down. However, unbeknownst to the police on the scene, the suicide attempt is a cover for the biggest diamond heist ever pulled.

Canada English

  • a.k.a. Le Temps d'un vol

Switzerland German (Deutsch)

Ein riskanter Plan

Als ein auf der Flucht befindlicher ehemaliger Polizist damit droht, aus dem Fenster zu springen, vermutet die Psychologin Lydia Mercer tiefere Beweggründe.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Ein riskanter Plan

Nick Cassidy war einst ein erfolgreicher Cop mit einem nahezu perfekten Leben. Doch plötzlich findet er sich im Gefängnis wieder, für ein Verbrechen, das er nicht begangen hat. Wie weit kann ein Mann gehen, um seine eigene Unschuld zu beweisen? Völlig verzweifelt nutzt er die erstbeste Gelegenheit, die sich ihm bietet, zur Flucht und steigt mit einem ausgeklügelten Plan im Kopf auf den Fenstersims eines Hochhauses.

Austria German (Deutsch)

Ein riskanter Plan

Als ein auf der Flucht befindlicher ehemaliger Polizist damit droht, aus dem Fenster zu springen, vermutet die Psychologin Lydia Mercer tiefere Beweggründe.

France French (Français)

Dos au mur
  • a.k.a. Dos au mur

Ancien flic condamné à la prison pour un vol dont il se dit innocent, Nick Cassidy a réussi à s’évader. Dans un célèbre hôtel de New York, il monte jusqu’à l’un des derniers étages et enjambe la fenêtre. Le voilà dehors, sur la corniche, au bord du vide… Lydia Mercer, négociatrice de la police, est chargée d’essayer de le convaincre de ne pas sauter. Plus la jeune femme tente de dénouer cette situation périlleuse, plus elle prend conscience que Cassidy pourrait bien avoir un autre objectif… Son geste a peut-être un rapport avec le mystérieux projet sur lequel travaille son frère. Pendant que l’ex-flic est au bord du vide et attire l’attention de toute la ville, beaucoup de choses se trament et trop de gens semblent s’intéresser à son cas. Les pièces du puzzle vont se révéler peu à peu, au risque de faire tomber beaucoup plus qu’un seul homme…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

40 carati
  • a.k.a. 40 carati - Man on a ledge

Nick Cassidy è un ex poliziotto di New York evaso dalla prigione in cui scontava una lunga pena per aver rubato e poi rivenduto un prezioso diamante appartenente a un potente e avido uomo d'affari. Ora Nick si trova sul cornicione di uno dei piani più alti del Roosevelt Hotel, a 78 metri dal suolo, proclama la propria innocenza e minaccia di buttarsi di sotto. Paralizzato il traffico e attirata l'attenzione dei media, Nick pretende la presenza della detective Lydia Spencer, nota all'intera nazione per aver tentato senza successo di evitare un suicidio qualche tempo prima. Ciò che la donna cerca di capire è: Nick vuole davvero suicidarsi o ha un altro fine?

Release Date
diamond heist
escaped prisoner
framed for a crime
new york city
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Summit Entertainment
United States of America di Bonaventura Pictures
Release Dates
Switzerland German (Deutsch): Theatrical 12
Germany Theatrical 12
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Australia Theatrical M
United Kingdom Theatrical 12A
Switzerland Italian (Italiano): Theatrical
Italy Theatrical
Switzerland French (Français): Theatrical
France Theatrical
New Zealand Theatrical
United States of America Physical PG-13 DVD, Blu-ray
France Digital VOD
France Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Canada Theatrical 18A
United States of America Physical PG-13 4K UHD
TMDb 64% · 2,628 (more information on website)
IMDb 66% · 159,588 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 31% (more information on website)
metacritic 40% (more information on website)


Nick CassidySam Worthington
Lydia MercerElizabeth Banks
Joey CassidyJamie Bell
Mike AckermanAnthony Mackie
Jack DoughertyEdward Burns
AngieGenesis Rodriguez
David EnglanderEd Harris
Dante MarcusTitus Welliver
Suzie MoralesKyra Sedgwick
PsychiatristJ. Smith-Cameron
Prison GuardRobert Clohessy
ManagerMandy Gonzalez
ValetWilliam Sadler
Janice AckermanAfton Williamson
InvestorJonathan Walker
Police TechnicianDaniel Sauli
Screaming WomanBarbara Marineau
Father LeoPatrick Collins
Desk SergeantJoe Lisi
Cop - BullhornCandice McKoy
Cop - RoomJohnny Solo
Police TechnicianJames Yaegashi
CameramanFrank Pando
ESUJason Kolotouros
Bearded GuyMichael Laurence
CSI TechDon Castro
Englander's AssistantPooja Kumar
Ted HenryJohn Dossett
Angry Traffic WomanSylvia Kauders
NestorFelix Solis
Brooklyn CopJabari Gray
Brooklyn CopJames Andrew O'Connor
InvestorAnn Arvia
LadyLiz Holtan
CopJason Furlani
LutzTerry Serpico
CopErin Quill
Construction WorkerArthur J. Nascarella
DetectiveJimmy Palumbo
DetectiveJ. Bernard Calloway
Older Orthodox ManGerry Vichi
Gordon EvansGeoffrey Cantor
Tactical LeaderBrett G. Smith
Correction OfficerJohn Comer
NYPD Officer (uncredited)Frank Anello
Construction WorkerJustin Chauncey
PedestrianMarmee Regine Cosico
Brooklyn CopJeff Grossman
News PhotographerCal Koury
PedestrianDerrick T. Lewis
PhotographerMario Moise Fontaine
New York Police OfficerRick Pantera
InmateBrian James Pepe
InmateBill Walters


ArtArt DirectionDavid Swayze
Location ScoutAaron Hurvitz
Adam Baer
Production DesignAlec Hammond
Set DecorationChryss Hionis
Camera"A" Camera OperatorMaceo Bishop
Camera OperatorHernán Otaño
Petr Hlinomaz
Director of PhotographyPaul Cameron
Key GripJames McMillan
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignSusan Lyall
Hair Department HeadSuzy Mazzarese-Allison
HairstylistSilvie Salle
Key Hair StylistChris Clark
Key Makeup ArtistLouise McCarthy
Makeup ArtistJill Karol
Makeup Department HeadTodd Kleitsch
CrewSpecial EffectsEdward Drohan IV
Gilbert Gertsen
Kevin Zack
Special Effects CoordinatorConrad V. Brink Jr.
Stunt CoordinatorStephen A. Pope
Stunt DoubleAja Frary
StuntsAaron Vexler
Aja Frary
Akos Schenek
Blaise Corrigan
Bobby Beckles
Cali Elizabeth Moore
Caroline Vexler
Chad Hessler
Chris Cenatiempo
Christopher Place
Dave Pope
Declan Mulvey
George B. Colucci Jr.
J.C. Robaina
Jay Hieron
Jeremy Sample
Jill Brown
Jodi Michelle Pynn
John Cenatiempo
Keith Siglinger
Mark Fichera
Nitasha Bhambree
Peter Epstein
Samantha MacIvor
Scott Burik
Shawnna Thibodeau
Stacy Courtney
Stephen Izzi
Steven Cachie Brown
Thomas La Marche
Thomas Place
Tim Gallin
William Cote
DirectingDirectorAsger Leth
First Assistant DirectorDavid 'Wex' Wechsler
Script SupervisorMelissa Kalbfus
Second Unit DirectorG.A. Aguilar
EditingAssistant EditorKris Cole
EditorKevin Stitt
LightingGafferKen Shibata
ProductionCastingDeborah Aquila
Ross Meyerson
Tricia Wood
Casting AssistantSaraphina Monaco
Casting AssociateErin Toner
Kim Krakauer
Madina Milana
Executive ProducerDavid Ready
Jake Myers
ProducerLorenzo di Bonaventura
Mark Vahradian
SoundADR SupervisorVanessa Lapato
Original Music ComposerHenry Jackman
Sound MixerMichael Barosky
Sound Re-Recording MixerGreg P. Russell
Jeffrey J. Haboush
Tom Burns
Supervising Sound EditorJon Johnson
Visual EffectsDigital CompositorVincent Papaix
Visual Effects ProducerArnon Manor
Chris Gelles
David Sanger
Dereck Sonnenburg
Steve Won
Visual Effects SupervisorBruce Woloshyn
David Isyomin