Movie 'Rendition'

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What if someone you love... just disappeared?

When an Egyptian terrorism suspect "disappears" on a flight from Africa to Washington DC, his American wife and a CIA analyst find themselves caught up in a struggle to secure his release from a secret detention facility somewhere outside the US.

Canada English

  • a.k.a. Détention secrète

Germany German (Deutsch)


Das Leben der El-Ibrahims verändert sich von Grund auf, als Anwar El-Ibrahim nach seinem Südafrika Aufenthalt nicht bei seiner Frau Izabella in den Vereinigten Staaten eintrifft. Izabella versucht verzweifelt etwas über den Verbleib ihres Gatten in Erfahrung zu bringen wobei sie feststellen muss, dass die CIA ihn ins Ausland entführt hat. Im Namen der nationalen Sicherheit wird Anwar von der Homeland Security als unmittelbare, terroristische Bedrohung eingestuft und daraufhin in ein Gefangenlager deportiert. Dort arbeitet zum Zeitpunkt seines Eintreffens ein junger, aufstrebender CIA-Analyst Douglas Freeman, welcher einer brutalen Befragung El-Ibrahims beiwohnen muss. Aufgrund dieses menschenverachtenden Verhörs stellt Douglas die Vorgehensweise seines Arbeitgebers in Frage und sucht nach einer plausiblen Rechtfertigung dieser unvertretbaren Strategie im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus.

Austria German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. Machtlos

France French (Français)

Détention secrète

Anwar El-Ibraim, scientifique canadien d'ascendance égyptienne, est pressé de retrouver sa famille après un voyage d'affaires. A des milliers de kilomètres de là, au Caire, un attentat terroriste a fait plus d'une trentaine de morts, dont un Américain. L'attentat a été revendiqué par Rashid Silime, terroriste bien connu à la tête de la brigade El-Hazim, une cellule dissidente du Hezbollah. Il se trouve qu'Anwar est biochimiste, qu'il a une certaine expérience en fabrication de bombes et qu'il a des liens familiaux avec l'Egypte...Anwar monte dans un avion en Afrique du Sud en tant qu'homme d'affaires, il en descend à New York comme terroriste. Arrêté, menotté et emmené, il se retrouve nu, seul dans une étroite cellule. Ses ennuis ne font que commencer... Il fait l'objet du programme "extraordinary rendition"...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Rendition - Detenzione illegale

Anwar El-Ibrahimi, ingegnere chimico di origine egiziana, scompare misteriosamente durante un volo diretto dal Sudafrica a Washington D.C, dove risiede ormai da tempo. Mentre sua moglie Isabella, cittadina americana, lo cerca disperatamente, l’analista della CIA Douglas Freeman, si ritrova coinvolto in uno spietato interrogatorio ai danni dell’uomo, sequestrato dagli agenti federali e trasferito in una prigione segreta oltreoceano. L’accusa è di presunta complicità con pericolosi terroristi, ma qualcosa non quadra e l’ostaggio potrebbe essere innocente. Come riuscire a liberarlo?

Release Date
anti terror
central intelligence agency (cia)
civil rights
loss of loved one
plo terrorist group
police brutality
terror cell
torturing police
war on terror
Arabic (العربية)
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Anonymous Content
United States of America Level 1 Entertainment
MID Foundation
Release Dates
Canada Theatrical
United States of America Theatrical R
United Kingdom Theatrical 15
Germany Theatrical 12
France Theatrical
Australia Theatrical MA15+
Italy Theatrical T
TMDb 64% · 676 (more information on website)
IMDb 68% · 58,759 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 47% (more information on website)
metacritic 55% (more information on website)


Isabella Fields El-IbrahimiReese Witherspoon
Douglas FreemanJake Gyllenhaal
Corrine WhitmanMeryl Streep
Senator HawkinsAlan Arkin
Alan SmithPeter Sarsgaard
Anwar El-IbrahimiOmar Metwally
Abasi FawalIgal Naor
SafiyaHadar Ratzon Rotem
Lee MayerJ.K. Simmons
Said Abdel AzizSimon Abkarian
KhalidMoa Khouas
Fatima FawalZineb Oukach
Jeremy El-IbrahimiAramis Knight
Nuru El-IbrahimiRosie Malek-Yonan
Lina FawalLaila Mrabti
William DixonDavid Fabrizio
RaniMounir Margoum
BahiDriss Roukhe
Lars WhitmanBob Gunton
DC Female Security GuardDel Hunter-White
Senior Prison GuardBoubker Fahmi
Samia FawalNava Ziv
Layla FawalReymonde Amsallem
SamanthaWendy Phillips
Senator Lewis' AideChristian Martin
HamadiHassam Ghancy
Omar AdnanNajib Oudghiri
Rashid SalimiOmar Salim
Corinne's HousekeeperBunnie Rivera
Student LeaderNoureddine Aberdine
Hamadi's 2nd in CommandMohamed El Habib Ahamdane
Khalid's GrandmotherFatima Regragui
Sharon LopezAnne Betancourt
Al Jazeera NewscasterSalaheddine Ben Chegra
French TouristNatalia Zonova
Hospital DoctorHassan Hammouche
CIA Agent at DC AirportSkylar T. Adams
CIA Agent at DC AirportTim Thomas
CIA Agent at DC AirportRichard Dorton
Tea House OwnerAbdellah Lamsabhi
Hamid, Douglas' DriverLasfer Abdelghni
CIA StafferFloella Benjamin
Cape Town BusinessmanAkram Allie
Cape Town BusinessmanMichael Dube
Cape Town BusinessmanPope Jerrod
Cape Town BusinessmanAnthony Watterson
Woman Who Helps IsabellaMarisia Moreno
Prison SoldierTanane Boussif
Taxi DriverLofti Hassan
Donkey Cart DriverEl Oualid Mezouar
Capitol Hill PoliceCraig Johnson
Capitol Hill PoliceWade Harlan
Reception GuestDerek Hansen
Reception GuestSteve Tom
Reception GuestRobert Clotworthy
Senate StafferMuna Otaru
CNN AnnouncerNick Toth
Todd HamiltonDavid J. Randolph
Khalid's BrotherMustapha Louchou
Neighbor with Collie (uncredited)Marina Anderson
Janitor (uncredited)David Black
Labor and Delivery Nurse (uncredited)Elaine Anne Furst
Capitol Hill Officer (uncredited)Paul Hodge
Secret Service (uncredited)Jason Roehm
Security Officer (uncredited)Joseph Andrew Schneider
Press Member (uncredited)Levi Tinker


ArtArt Department CoordinatorCarol Kiefer
Art DirectionHarry Pain
Tony Noble
DraughtsmanJordan Crockett
Production DesignBarry Robison
Set DesignerJille Azis
Supervising Art DirectorKeith Pain
Kevin Constant
CameraDirector of PhotographyDion Beebe
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignMichael Wilkinson
HairstylistEammon Hughes
Fríða Aradóttir
J. Roy Helland
Madelein Krugell
Nezha Aouis
Makeup ArtistMolly Stern-Schlusse
Rebecca Lafford
Steve Artmont
CrewIn Memory OfScott Rathner
Stand InChad Tyler
StuntsAlisa Hensley
Heidi Pascoe
DirectingDirectorGavin Hood
Script SupervisorRobyn Aronstam
EditingEditorMegan Gill
ProductionCastingBruria Albeck
Francine Maisler
Kate Dowd
Kathy Driscoll-Mohler
Executive ProducerBill Todman Jr.
Edward Milstein
Paul Schwake
Toby Emmerich
ProducerDavid Kanter
Keith Redmon
Marcus Viscidi
Mark Martin
Michael Sugar
Steve Golin
SoundOriginal Music ComposerMark Kilian
Paul Hepker