Movie 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes'
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Evolution Becomes Revolution.
A highly intelligent chimpanzee named Caesar has been living a peaceful suburban life ever since he was born. But when he gets taken to a cruel primate facility, Caesar decides to revolt against those who have harmed him.
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Planet der Affen 1 - Prevolution
Weil sein einst brillanter Vater Charles an Demenz leidet, beginnt der Wissenschaftler Will Rodman an Schimpansen zu experimentieren, um ein geeignetes Heilmittel gegen die Alzheimer-Krankheit zu finden. Eines der Tiere, das den Namen Caesar trägt, entwickelt sich durch die Einnahme der Medikamente sehr rapide. Um den hyperintelligenten Affen vor seinen zunehmend aggressiv werdenden Kollegen zu schützen, nimmt der Wissenschaftler seinen besonderen Probanden mit zu sich nach Hause und zieht ihn wie ein Familienmitglied groß. Als Charles einige Zeit später seiner Krankheit zum Opfer fällt, wird Caesar ebenfalls immer aggressiver. Aufgrund seines gewalttätigen Verhaltens wird der Primat in ein riesiges Käfigsystem mit anderen Schimpansen gesperrt. Dort zettelt Caesar einen Aufstand an - die Revolution der Affen.
French (Français)
Dans un laboratoire, des scientifiques expérimentent un traitement sur des singes pour vaincre la maladie d’Alzheimer. Mais leurs essais ont des effets secondaires inattendus : ils découvrent que la substance utilisée permet d’augmenter radicalement l’activité cérébrale de leurs sujets. César, est alors le premier jeune chimpanzé faisant preuve d’une intelligence remarquable. Mais trahi par les humains qui l’entourent et en qui il avait confiance, il va mener le soulèvement de toute son espèce contre l’Homme dans un combat spectaculaire.
Italian (Italiano)
Will Rodman è uno scienziato che lavora in una grande società farmaceutica, la Gen-Sys, dove svolge ricerche sulla genetica per sviluppare un virus benigno in grado di ricostituire il tessuto cerebrale danneggiato. L'uomo vuole individuare una cura per l'Alzheimer, malattia da cui è affetto il padre Charles. La tenacia e la dedizione di Will gli hanno precluso qualunque relazione personale, ma il legame tra le sue ricerche e la malattia del padre avvicina i due, per quanto in circostanze difficili e dolorose. Poco prima che la Gen-Sys dia inizio alla sperimentazione umana di un nuovo farmaco promettente e potenzialmente molto redditizio, l'ALZ-112, le scimmie sulle quali Will sta effettuando i test mostrano all'improvviso un comportamento insolitamente aggressivo.
Part of Planet of the Apes (Reboot) Collection
Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver's reboot/remake of the Planet of the Apes inspired by news articles on apes raised as humans and advances in genetics. Jaffa conceived an idea for a film about a genetically enhanced chimp raised in a human household. The film series focuses on a chimpanzee, Caesar who when given a substance designed to help the brain repair itself, gains advanced intelligence which leads to an ape uprising.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 73% · 12,063
A highly intelligent chimpanzee named Caesar has been living a peaceful suburban life ever since he was born. But when he gets taken to a cruel primate facility, Caesar decides to revolt against those who have harmed him.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 73% · 11,584
A group of scientists in San Francisco struggle to stay alive in the aftermath of a plague that is wiping out humanity, while Caesar tries to maintain dominance over his community of intelligent apes.
War for the Planet of the Apes not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 72% · 9,160
Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel. After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the Colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 71% · 3,616
Several generations following Caesar's reign, apes – now the dominant species – live harmoniously while humans have been reduced to living in the shadows. As a new tyrannical ape leader builds his empire, one young ape undertakes a harrowing journey that will cause him to question all he's known about the past and to make choices that will define a future for apes and humans alike.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- alzheimer's disease
- amused
- animal human friendship
- animal testing
- anthropomorphism
- ape
- cage
- cgi-live action hybrid
- chimpanzee
- contagion
- death of father
- disease
- duringcreditsstinger
- dystopia
- exhilarated
- father son relationship
- golden gate bridge
- gorilla
- intelligence
- meddling neighbor
- medical research
- medical trials
- orangutan
- primate
- san francisco, california
- sign languages
- solidarity
- violence against animals
- virus
- zoo
- Genres
- Action
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
Dune Entertainment
Chernin Entertainment
Ingenious Media
Big Screen Productions
20th Century Fox
- Release Dates
Premiere Los Angeles, California
Theatrical M
Theatrical M
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG-13
French (Français): Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12A
Theatrical T
Physical PG-13 Blu-ray & DVD release
Digital Disney+
- Ratings
- TMDb 73% · 12,063 (more information on website)
- IMDb 76% · 588,956 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 82% (more information on website)
- metacritic 68% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Caesar | Andy Serkis |
Will Rodman | James Franco |
Caroline Aranha | Freida Pinto |
Charles Rodman | John Lithgow |
John Landon | Brian Cox |
Dodge Landon | Tom Felton |
Robert Franklin | Tyler Labine |
Maurice / Court Clerk | Karin Konoval |
Rocket / Bright Eyes | Terry Notary |
Koba | Christopher Gordon |
Buck | Richard Ridings |
Cornelia | Devyn Dalton |
Alpha | Jay Caputo |
Douglas Hunsiker | David Hewlett |
Steven Jacobs | David Oyelowo |
Rodney | Jamie Harris |
Chief John Hamil | Ty Olsson |
Todd Hunsiker | Joey Roche |
Alice Hunsiker | Madison Bell |
Alice Hunsiker (Teen) | Makena Joy |
Animal Control Officer #1 | Kevin O'Grady |
Animal Control Officer #2 | Sean Tyson |
CHP #1 | Kyle Riefsnyder |
CHP #2 | Anthony McRae |
Donnie Thompson | Jesse Reid |
Dottie | BJ Harrison |
Party Girl #1 | Leah Gibson |
Party Girl #2 | Tracy Spiridakos |
Handler @ Lab #1 | Ivan Wanis-Ruiz |
Handler @ Lab #2 | Trevor Carroll |
Irena - Charles' Nurse | Chelah Horsdal |
Linda - Lab Tech | Mattie Hawkinson |
Lab Tech | James Pizzinato |
South Side Commander | Ryan Jefferson Booth |
Local Guy | Gordon Douglas Myren |
Mom in Muir Woods | Elizabeth Weinstein |
Dad in Muir Woods | Jeb Beach |
Boy in Muir Woods | Jack Kuris |
New Aide | Meredith Grantier |
Newspaper Dad | Javier Caballero Cano |
Newspaper Boy #1 | Peter Bundic |
Newspaper Boy #2 | Dylan Nouri |
Security Guard #1 | Derek Morrison |
Security Guard #2 | Dean Redman |
Security Guard #3 | Hector Johnson |
Board Member #1 | David Richmond-Peck |
Board Member #2 | Adrian Hough |
Board Member #3 | Evans Johnson |
Todd's Buddy | Qayam Devji |
Zoo Guide | Riel Hahn |
Jerk Driver | Michael Kopsa |
SFPD #1 | Steve Lawlor |
SFPD #2 | Chris Shields |
SFPD #3 | Sandy Robson |
Northside Officer | Mike Dopud |
Jogger | Stacey Schmidt |
Guy with Newspaper | Willy Miles |
Sharp Shooter | Adrian Hein |
Ape (uncredited) | Trevor Addie |
Ape (uncredited) | Jeffery Aro |
Ape (uncredited) | Trevor Jones |
Playground Mom (uncredited) | Camille Atebe |
CHP #3 (uncredited) | Rufus Dorsey |
Mother on Sidewalk (uncredited) | Sonja Bennett |
Ape (uncredited) | Loyd Bateman |
Mounted Officer (uncredited) | Tom Franco |
Ape (uncredited) | Scott Lang |
Child in Car (uncredited) | Matteo Mariotti |
Worker (uncredited) | Kis Yurij |
Camera Ship Pilot (uncredited) | Frédéric North |
Teen Todd Hunsiker (uncredited) | Sean Connor Roche |
SWAT (uncredited) | Luc Roderique |
Scared Girl in Stairway (uncredited) | Lauren Watson |
Janitor / Stan Timko (uncredited) | Timothy Webber |
Primate Lab Technician (uncredited) | Linda Watters |
Lab Tech #3 (uncredited) | Monica Mustelier |