Movie 'Brave'
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Change your fate.
Brave is set in the mystical Scottish Highlands, where Mérida is the princess of a kingdom ruled by King Fergus and Queen Elinor. An unruly daughter and an accomplished archer, Mérida one day defies a sacred custom of the land and inadvertently brings turmoil to the kingdom. In an attempt to set things right, Mérida seeks out an eccentric old Wise Woman and is granted an ill-fated wish. Also figuring into Mérida’s quest — and serving as comic relief — are the kingdom’s three lords: the enormous Lord MacGuffin, the surly Lord Macintosh, and the disagreeable Lord Dingwall.
- a.k.a. Brave - 3D 3D version
German (Deutsch)
Merida – Legende der Highlands spielt im Schottland des 10. Jahrhunderts. König Fergus und Königin Elinor haben es nicht leicht. Ihre Tochter Merida, ein Ass im Bogenschießen, ist ein echter Wildfang und Sturkopf. In ihrem Ungestüm verletzt die Prinzessin alte Traditionen, indem sie bei einem Turnier mit ihrer Schussfertigkeit auftrumpft, die offiziellen Teilnehmer brüskiert und damit den Zorn der schottischen Lords auf sich zieht. Als sie dadurch das Königreich in ein Chaos stürzt, bittet sie eine weise alte Frau um Hilfe, die ihr einen verhängnisvollen Wunsch gewährt. Um ihre Fehler wieder gut zu machen, muss Merida lernen, was wahrer Mut bedeutet und so den Fluch aufheben, bevor es zu spät ist.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Rebelle
Mérida est une archère talentueuse et la fille têtue du roi Fergus et de la reine Elinor. Déterminée à suivre son propre chemin, la jeune princesse défie une ancienne coutume chère aux seigneurs des terres. Lorsqu’elle déclenche le chaos au royaume, Mérida doit faire appel à tous ses talents et ressources (y compris ses frères triplets) pour rompre un horrible sort et découvrir le vrai sens de la bravoure.
Italian (Italiano)
La principessa Merida è tutta suo padre e poco sua madre. Coraggiosa, audace e insofferente alle regole di corte preferisce cavalcare e tirare con l'arco piuttosto che sedere a tavola composta o curare i suoi immensi capelli rossi. Costretta a sposare uno tra i pretendenti che si scontrano per la sua mano decide di sovvertire le regole e rinnegare la tradizione, subendo la conseguente ira materna. Fuggita nei boschi per la disperazione incontra una vecchia strega che le offre un rimedio magico ai suoi problemi. Invece che acquietare i contrasti con la madre, il rimedio trasformerà quest'ultima in un orso, l'animale più odiato dal battagliero padre, quello che anni prima gli staccò una gamba.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- absurd
- aftercreditsstinger
- archer
- archery
- bear
- bravery
- derogatory
- disdainful
- disgusted
- disheartening
- disrespectful
- frustrated
- grim
- insecure
- irreverent
- kingdom
- peace offering
- quest
- rebel
- rebellious daughter
- ridiculous
- ruins
- scot
- scotland
- turns into animal
- villain
- whimsical
- wish
- witch
- woman director
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Walt Disney Pictures
- Release Dates
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical PG
Theatrical 6
French (Français): Theatrical TP
Theatrical T
Physical PG DVD & Blu-ray
- Ratings
- TMDb 70% · 13,520 (more information on website)
- IMDb 71% · 456,183 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 78% (more information on website)
- metacritic 69% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Merida (voice) | Kelly Macdonald |
Elinor (voice) | Emma Thompson |
Fergus (voice) | Billy Connolly |
The Witch (voice) | Julie Walters |
Lord Dingwall (voice) | Robbie Coltrane |
Lord MacGuffin / Young MacGuffin (voice) | Kevin McKidd |
Lord Macintosh (voice) | Craig Ferguson |
Young Merida (voice) | Peigi Barker |
The Crow (voice) | Steve Purcell |
Martin (voice) | Patrick Doyle |
Gordon (voice) | John Ratzenberger |
Maudie (voice) | Sally Kinghorn |
Maudie (voice) | Eilidh Fraser |
Young Macintosh (voice) | Steven Cree |
Wee Dingwall (voice) | Callum O'Neill |