Movie 'Dark Shadows'
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Every family has its demons
Vampire Barnabas Collins is inadvertently freed from his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand estate and family have fallen into ruin.
German (Deutsch)
Im Jahr 1752 stechen Joshua und Naomi Collins mit ihrem kleinen Sohn Barnabas im englischen Liverpool in See, um in Amerika ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch selbst auf den Weiten des Ozeans gelingt es ihnen nicht, dem geheimnisvollen Fluch der Familie zu entkommen. Zwei Jahrzehnte später: Barnabas erobert die Welt oder doch zumindest das Städtchen Collinsport/Maine. Als Herr von Collinwood Manor verfügt Barnabas über Reichtum und Macht - bis der unverbesserliche Frauenheld den gravierenden Fehler begeht, Angelique Bouchards Herz zu brechen. Angelique ist eine Hexe im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes und beschert ihm ein Schicksal, das schlimmer ist als der Tod: Sie verwandelt ihn in einen Vampir, um ihn dann lebendig zu begraben.
French (Français)
En 1752, Joshua et Naomi Collins quittent Liverpool, en Angleterre, pour prendre la mer avec leur jeune fils Barnabas, et commencer une nouvelle vie en Amérique. Mais même un océan ne parvient pas à les éloigner de la terrible malédiction qui s’est abattue sur leur famille. Vingt années passent et Barnabas a le monde à ses pieds, ou du moins la ville de Collinsport, dans le Maine. Riche et puissant, c’est un séducteur invétéré… jusqu’à ce qu’il commette la grave erreur de briser le cœur d’Angelique Bouchard. C’est une sorcière, dans tous les sens du terme, qui lui jette un sort bien plus maléfique que la mort : celui d’être transformé en vampire et enterré vivant. Deux siècles plus tard, Barnabas est libéré de sa tombe par inadvertance et débarque en 1972 dans un monde totalement transformé…
Italian (Italiano)
Nel 1752 Joshua e Naomi Collins, insieme al figlioletto Barnabas, salpano da Liverpool, in Inghilterra, in cerca di una nuova vita negli Stati Uniti. Ma neppure l'oceano è sufficiente a sfuggire alla maledizione che ha colpito la loro famiglia. Due decenni dopo Barnabas (Johnny Depp) si è sistemato nella cittadina di Collinsport, Maine. Signore della tenuta Collinwood Manor, Barnabas è ricco, potente ed è un vero playboy, ma compie l'errore fatale di spezzare il cuore di Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green). Angelique è una strega e gli assegna un destino peggiore della morte: lo trasforma in vampiro e lo fa seppellire vivo. Dopo duecento anni la tomba di Barnabas viene inavvertitamente aperta liberando il vampiro nel 1972, in un mondo molto diverso da quello di cui aveva memoria. Barnabas fa ritorno a Collinwood Manor per scoprire che la sua casa è andata in rovina, ma che gli eredi della sua eccentrica famiglia vi risiedono ancora, ognuno con i propri segreti oscuri.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 18th century
- absurd
- angry mob
- chains
- curse
- fish out of water
- ghost
- gothic
- hidden room
- hilarious
- imprisonment
- lost love
- madness
- old house
- old mansion
- vampire
- witch
- Genres
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
Tim Burton Productions
Infinitum Nihil
GK Films
Village Roadshow Pictures
Dan Curtis Productions
Warner Bros. Pictures
The Zanuck Company
- Release Dates
Theatrical U
Theatrical M
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12A
Theatrical T
Theatrical PG-13
- Ratings
- TMDb 61% · 7,253 (more information on website)
- IMDb 62% · 285,902 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 35% (more information on website)
- metacritic 55% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Barnabas Collins | Johnny Depp |
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard | Michelle Pfeiffer |
Dr. Julia Hoffman | Helena Bonham Carter |
Angelique Bouchard | Eva Green |
Willie Loomis | Jackie Earle Haley |
Roger Collins | Jonny Lee Miller |
Victoria Winters / Josette DuPres | Bella Heathcote |
Carolyn Stoddard | Chloë Grace Moretz |
David Collins | Gulliver McGrath |
Mrs. Johnson | Ray Shirley |
Clarney | Christopher Lee |
Alice Cooper | Alice Cooper |
Joshua Collins | Ivan Kaye |
Naomi Collins | Susanna Cappellaro |
David's Mother | Josephine Butler |
Sheriff | William Hope |
Board Member #1 | Shane Rimmer |
Board Member #2 | Michael Shannon |
Henchman | Harry Taylor |
Captain Rubberpants | Glen Mexted |
Bearded Hippie | Guy Flanagan |
Hard Hat #1 | Nigel Whitmey |
Hard Hat #2 | Philip Bulcock |
Hippie Chick #1 | Sophie Kennedy Clark |
Hippie Chick #2 | Hannah Murray |
Hippie Chick #3 | Victoria Bewick |
Collinsport Cop | Sean Mahon |
Young Victoria | Alexia Osborne |
Vicky's Father | Richard Hollis |
Vicky's Mother | Felicity Brangan |
Windcliff Doctor | Michael Anthony Brown |
Coat Check Girl | Charlotte Spencer |
Hippie 3 | Gabriel Freilich |
Young Barnabus | Justin Tracy |
Construction Worker 1 | Thomas Grube |
Construction Worker 2 | Jeff Mash |
Young Angelique | Raffey Cassidy |
Guest | Jonathan Frid |
Guest | Kathryn Leigh Scott |
Guest | Lara Parker |
Guest | David Selby |
Go Go Dancer 1 | Janine Craig |
Go Go Dancer 2 | Adelle Young |
Go Go Dancer 3 | Dominika Van Santen |
Go Go Dancer 4 | Josephine McGrail |
Cannery Worker (uncredited) | Lasco Atkins |
Town Lady (uncredited) | Gintare Beinoraviciute |
Chet the Taxidermist (uncredited) | Greg Bennett |
Canning Company Employee (uncredited) | Ashley Bernard |
Collins Canning Worker (uncredited) | Victoria Bryan |
18th Century Gentleman (uncredited) | Kenneth W. Caravan |
Policeman | Duncan Casey |
Reporter (uncredited) | James Cook |
Dock Worker (uncredited) | James Cooper |
Fireman (uncredited) | Edward Coupland |
Townsperson (uncredited) | Andrew Crayford |
Young Barnabas - Aged 9 (uncredited) | Vincent Curson Smith |
Slow Dancer (uncredited) | Leigh Daniels |
Firefighter (uncredited) | Jel Djelal |
Hippie (uncredited) | Romain Faure |
AngelBay Boy (uncredited) | Marco Flammer |
Fisherman (uncredited) | Javier Fontana |
Photographer (uncredited) | Jake Francis |
Worker (uncredited) | Shonn Gregory |
Workman (uncredited) | David Handley |
Barnabas Collin's Carrier Person (uncredited) | Daniel Harland |
Fisherman | Lee Nicholas Harris |
Henchman (uncredited) | Frank Hellebrand |
Fireman (uncredited) | Chris Martin Hill |
Factory Worker (uncredited) | Tony Hunter |
Dancer (uncredited) | Christos Lawton |
Collinwood Worker (uncredited) | Jorge Leon |
Workman (uncredited) | David Lyddon |
Dock Worker (uncredited) | Ian Mann |
Firefighter (uncredited) | Oliver Mayo |
18th Century Gentleman (uncredited) | Matthew David McCarthy |
Young Barnabus Collins (uncredited) | Thomas McDonell |
Construction Worker (uncredited) | Ryan McPhail |
Mob (uncredited) | Duncan Meadows |
Fisherman (uncredited) | Dave Melmoth |
Slow Dancer (uncredited) | Dale Mercer |
Firefighter (uncredited) | Alex Moore |
Townsperson (uncredited) | Stuart Mulcaster |
Builder (uncredited) | Benjayx Murphy |
Record Store Owner (uncredited) | Marcus Ramtohul |
Townsperson (uncredited) | Valery Richardson |
Fisherman (uncredited) | Steve Saunders |
Girl in Phone Booth (uncredited) | Ellie Spicer |
Cannery Worker (uncredited) | Phillip Taggart |
Timothy (uncredited) | Nick Thomas-Webster |
Townsperson (uncredited) | Matt Tyzack |
18th Century Gentleman (uncredited) | Charlie Woodford |