Movie 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter'
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Are you a patriot or a vampire?
President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slave-owning helpers.
- a.k.a. Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter
German (Deutsch)
Als Neunjähriger wird Abraham Lincoln Zeuge, wie ein Vampir seine geliebte Mutter ermordet. Angetrieben von schwelenden Rachegedanken, entwickelt sich Abe als junger Mann unter den Fittichen des geheimnisvollen Henry Sturgess zum Axt schwingenden Vampirjäger, der die Bestien über seine versilberte Klinge springen lässt. Lincoln steigt in die Politik ein, wird 16. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten und gewinnt im Bürgerkrieg gegen die Südstaaten, die mit den Blutsaugern gemeinsame Sache machen.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Abraham Lincoln: Chasseur de vampires
Lorsqu'Abraham Lincoln découvre que des vampires assoiffés de sang se préparent à envahir le pays, il jure de les éliminer les uns après les autres, à coups de hache. C'est alors que se révèle un chasseur hors pair, menant une guerre secrète sans précédent, avant même de devenir l'illustre figure de la guerre de Sécession.
Italian (Italiano)
Prima di diventare Presidente, prima di essere la bandiera della democrazia americana, il giovane Abraham Lincoln ha dovuto patire l'orrore di vedere la propria madre morire per opera di una creatura della notte. Deciso a trovare vendetta, il ragazzo ben presto si confronta con un mondo oscuro che si cela dietro la facciata: i vampiri sono ovunque, e per combatterli serve ben altra forza che la sola volontà di un individuo. Ecco che la battaglia senza quartiere contro le forze del male si lega imprescindibilmente con quella di una nazione per trovare la propria identità.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 19th century
- abraham lincoln
- american civil war
- axe
- slave owner
- steam locomotive
- supernatural
- usa president
- vampire
- Genres
- Action
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Bazelevs Production
Tim Burton Productions
- Abraham Productions
- Location Gourmet
20th Century Fox
Dune Entertainment
- Release Dates
Theatrical 15
Theatrical R
Theatrical VM14
Theatrical MA15+
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 16
Theatrical 16
Physical R DVD, Blu-ray
- Ratings
- TMDb 57% · 3,358 (more information on website)
- IMDb 59% · 163,922 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 34% (more information on website)
- metacritic 42% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Abraham Lincoln | Benjamin Walker |
Henry Sturgess | Dominic Cooper |
Will Johnson | Anthony Mackie |
Mary Todd Lincoln | Mary Elizabeth Winstead |
Adam | Rufus Sewell |
Jefferson Davis | John Rothman |
Jack Barts | Marton Csokas |
Gabrielle | Alex Lombard |
Joshua Speed | Jimmi Simpson |
Henry's Wife | Teri Wyble |
Willie Lincoln | Cameron M. Brown |
Jeb Nolan | Frank Brennan |
Rev. Charles Dresser | John Neisler |
Nancy Lincoln's Doctor | Meade Patton |
Stephen A. Douglas | Alan Tudyk |
Nancy Hanks Lincoln | Robin McLeavy |
Vadoma | Erin Wasson |
Harriet Tubman | Jaqueline Fleming |
Vadoma Maid | Laura Cayouette |
Thomas Lincoln | Joseph Mawle |
Young Will | Curtis Harris |
RR Pastor | Bill Martin Williams |
Will's Brother | Aaron Toney |
Pharmacist | Lawrence Turner |
Angry Resident | Earl Maddox |
Bull Run Private | Jake La Botz |
Captain Slash | Dane Rhodes |
Dancer | Jillian Batherson |
Dancer | Chelsea Bruland |
Dancer | Kristin Daniel |
Union Soldier (uncredited) | Johnny Otto |
Young Abraham Lincoln | Lux Haney-Jardine |