Movie 'Behind Enemy Lines'
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His only weapon is his will to survive.
While flying a routine reconnaissance mission over Bosnia, fighter pilot Lt. Chris Burnett photographs something he wasn't supposed to see and gets shot down behind enemy lines, where he must outrun an army led by a ruthless Serbian general. With time running out and a deadly tracker on his trail, Burnett's commanding officer, Admiral Reigart, decides to risk his career and launch a renegade rescue mission to save his life.
- a.k.a. Behind Enemy Lines 1
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Im Fadenkreuz - Allein gegen alle
Bei einem Routineflug über Ex-Jugoslawien werden Navy Pilot Chris Burnett und sein Partner Michael Stackhouse abgeschossen. Chris landet unverletzt auf dem Boden, doch sein Partner bricht sich dabei ein Bein. Als Chris die Gegend erkundet, finden serbische Freischärler Michael und erschießen ihn. Chris jedoch hält sich versteckt und funkt seinem Kommandanten, Admiral Reigart, einen Notruf. Diesem sind jedoch aus politischen Gründen die Hände gebunden, da eine militärische Aktion die aktuell laufenden Verhandlungen mit dem Ziel einer Befriedung der Gegend behindern würden. Mit der Gewissheit, dass niemand kommen wird, um ihm zu helfen, beginnt für Chris der Kampf ums Überleben. Er muss sich durch das feindliche Gebiet schlagen, um die sicheren Regionen zu erreichen, die unter der Kontrolle der NATO sind. Dabei wird er von serbischen Freischärlern gejagt.
French (Français)
Chris Burnett, un jeune lieutenant des forces armées américaines, se voit confier une mission de reconnaissance à la veille de Noël. Accompagné de Stackhouse, il doit survoler une zone démilitarisée de l'ex-Yougoslavie. Là, les deux hommes découvrent l'existence de véhicules blindés. Burnett les photographie, mais les troupes serbes au sol déclenchent des tirs de DCA. L'avion, touché par un missile, s'écrase. Les deux pilotes s'en sortent indemnes, mais les représailles continuent et Stackhouse se fait tuer. Chris, désarmé et sous le choc, n'a pas d'autre choix que de prendre la fuite avec sa radio. En plein territoire inconnu, il se retrouve traqué par des Serbes dont il ignore les intentions. Aux États-Unis, l'amiral Leslie Reigart reste convaincu que les deux hommes ont survécu à l'explosion. Écoutant son instinct, il met sur pied sa propre mission de sauvetage.
Italian (Italiano)
Bosnia-Erzegovina: un F/A-18F Super Hornet della US Navy in volo di ricognizione viene abbattuto da un missile a ricerca termica mentre l'equipaggio scattava delle fotografie di alcune fosse comuni. Il navigatore Chris Burnett, dopo aver visto assassinare a sangue freddo il suo amico pilota, rimane solo nei boschi a lottare contro il freddo ed i nemici che lo cercano.
Part of Behind Enemy Lines Collection
A film franchise about the trials and tribulations of when soldiers are caught behind enemy lines. The series began with Behind Enemy Lines in 2001, followed by films in 2006, 2009 and 2014. All four films feature the United States Navy.
Behind Enemy Lines owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 64% · 1,524
While flying a routine reconnaissance mission over Bosnia, fighter pilot Lt. Chris Burnett photographs something he wasn't supposed to see and gets shot down behind enemy lines, where he must outrun an army led by a ruthless Serbian general. With time running out and a deadly tracker on his trail, Burnett's commanding officer, Admiral Reigart, decides to risk his career and launch a renegade rescue mission to save his life.
Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 48% · 117
Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...
Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 57% · 153
Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.
Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 61% · 156
Seal Team Eight must fight their way deep into Africa's Congo, decommission a secret uranium mine, and stop our most dangerous enemy from smuggling weapon's grade yellow-cake out of the country.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- aircraft carrier
- atrocity
- based on true story
- behind enemy lines
- bosnia and herzegovina
- bosnian war (1992-95)
- combat
- enemy territory
- hunted
- jet crash
- jet fighter pilot
- marines
- mass grave
- mine field
- naval flight officer
- naval officer
- navy pilot
- no fly zone
- north atlantic treaty organization (nato)
- reconnaissance
- rescue mission
- running for one's life
- serbian
- sniper
- u.s. navy
- war crimes
- Genres
- Action
- Drama
- Thriller
- War
- Languages
- English
- Spanish (Español)
- Czech (Český)
- Serbo-Croatian
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Davis Entertainment
20th Century Fox
- Release Dates
Premiere PG-13 San Diego, California
Theatrical 12
Theatrical U
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 16
Theatrical 16
Physical PG-13 DVD Release
Physical MA 15+ DVD
Physical PG-13 Blu-Ray Release
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 1,524 (more information on website)
- IMDb 64% · 114,765 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 37% (more information on website)
- metacritic 49% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Lt. Chris 'Longhorn' Burnett | Owen Wilson |
Admiral Leslie Reigart, Commander Adriatic Battle Group | Gene Hackman |
Lt. Jeremy 'Smoke' Stackhouse | Gabriel Macht |
General Miroslav Lokar | Olek Krupa |
Tracker (Sasha) | Vladimir Mashkov |
Bazda | Marko Igonda |
Master Chief Tom O'Malley | David Keith |
Capt. Glen Rodway, USMC | Charles Malik Whitfield |
Petty Officer Kennedy | Eyal Podell |
Admiral Juan-Miguel Piquet, Commander of NATO Naval Command | Joaquim de Almeida |
Admiral Donnelly | Geoff Pierson |
Babic ('Ice Cube') | Kamil Kollárik |
Ed Burnett | Leon Russom |
Aernout Van Lynden, Sky News Reporter | Aernout Van Lynden |
Ejup | Salaudin Bilal |
Brandon | Laurence Mason |
Damir | Dragan Marinković 'Maca' |
Petrovic | Vladimír Oktávec |
Piquet's Aide | Jared Chandler |
Red Crown Operator | Sam Jaeger |
Red Crown Operator | Shane Johnson |
Red Crown Operator | Don Winston |
Red Crown Operator | Elizabeth Perry |
Serb Spotter | Igor Hajdarhodžić |
Serb Soldier | Tarik Filipović |
Serb Soldier at Lokar's Mansion | Peter Pálka |
Junior Officer | Todd Boyce |
Technician | Goran Grgić |
Father in Minefield | Ivan Urbánek |
Muslim Passenger | Ismet Bagtasevic |
Tiger #1 | Kamil Mikulčík |
Tiger #2 | Robert Franko |
Tiger #3 | Lukáš Hoffmann |
Serb Anchor | Vedrana Božinović |
Dorothy Lucey, Reporter | Dorothy Lucey |
CIA Spook | Greg Goossen |
Serb Soldier at Mass Grave | Filip Nola |
Scif Technician | Bumper Robinson |
Burnett's Mom | Ann Sorum |
Sky News Camerman | George Davis |
Carrier Commanding Officer | Tommy Mooney |
Navy Rep | Mark Bocchetti |
Muslim Girl | Lucia Srncova |
Muslim Teenager | Daniel Margolius |