Movie 'Gangster Squad'
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No names. No badges. No mercy.
Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen runs the show in this town, reaping the ill-gotten gains from the drugs, the guns, the prostitutes and — if he has his way — every wire bet placed west of Chicago. And he does it all with the protection of not only his own paid goons, but also the police and the politicians who are under his control. It’s enough to intimidate even the bravest, street-hardened cop… except, perhaps, for the small, secret crew of LAPD outsiders led by Sgt. John O’Mara and Jerry Wooters who come together to try to tear Cohen’s world apart.
- a.k.a. Escouade gangster fr-ca
German (Deutsch)
Als der Ostküsten-Gangsterboss Mickey Cohen seine Macht nach L.A. ausweiten möchte, trifft er auf eine harte Gruppe von LAPD-Polizisten, die es auf ihn abgesehen haben.
German (Deutsch)
Los Angeles 1949: Der skrupellose Gangsterboss Mickey Cohen aus Brooklyn beherrscht die Stadt und sahnt bei allen illegalen Geschäften ab: Drogen, Waffenhandel, Prostitution. Wenn es nach ihm ginge, würde er auch bei jeder Pferdewette westlich von Chicago seinen Anteil kassieren. Mickeys Imperium gründet sich nicht nur auf die von ihm bezahlte Schlägertruppe - auch die Polizei und die Politik tanzen nach seiner Pfeife. Das reicht, um selbst die unerschrockensten, mit allen Wassern gewaschenen ehrlichen Cops einzuschüchtern ... außer vielleicht eine kleine geheime Einheit von Außenseitern des LAPD unter der Leitung von Sgt. John O'Mara und Jerry Wooters, die Cohen gemeinsam von seinem Thron stürzen wollen.
German (Deutsch)
Als der Ostküsten-Gangsterboss Mickey Cohen seine Macht nach L.A. ausweiten möchte, trifft er auf eine harte Gruppe von LAPD-Polizisten, die es auf ihn abgesehen haben.
French (Français)
Los Angeles, 1949. Mickey Cohen, originaire de Brooklyn, est un parrain impitoyable de la mafia qui dirige la ville et récolte les biens mal acquis de la drogue, des armes, des prostituées et – s’il arrive à ses fins – de tous les paris à l’ouest de Chicago. Tout ceci est rendu possible par la protection, non seulement des hommes de mains à sa solde, mais également de la police et des hommes politiques qui sont sous sa coupe. Cela suffit à intimider les policiers les plus courageux et les plus endurcis… sauf, peut-être, les membres de la petite brigade officieuse de la LAPD dirigée par les Sergents John O’Mara et Jerry Wooters qui, ensemble, vont tenter de détruire l’empire de Cohen.
Italian (Italiano)
Los Angeles, 1949. Lo spietato Mickey Cohen fa il buono e il cattivo tempo in città raccogliendo guadagni illeciti dalla droga, dalle armi, dalla prostituzione e dalle scommesse. Il tutto aiutato dai suoi scagnozzi e con l'aiuto di poliziotti e politici sotto il suo controllo. Sembra un uomo impossibile da catturare, eppure una piccola squadra di poliziotti guidati dal sergente John O'Mara, e dal suo braccio destro Jerry Wooters, fa di tutto per riuscirci.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 1940s
- dramatic
- gangster
- griffith observatory
- los angeles, california
- tense
- witty
- Genres
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Village Roadshow Pictures
Lin Pictures
- Langley Park Production
Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Entertainment
- Release Dates
Premiere R Hollywood, California
Theatrical MA15+
Theatrical 14A
Theatrical 15
Theatrical R
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 16
Theatrical 16
French (Français): Theatrical 16
Theatrical 12
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical 16
Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Digital VOD
Digital 16 Netflix
- Ratings
- TMDb 64% · 4,064 (more information on website)
- IMDb 67% · 225,147 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 30% (more information on website)
- metacritic 40% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
John O'Mara | Josh Brolin |
Sgt. Jerry Wooters | Ryan Gosling |
Mickey Cohen | Sean Penn |
Bill Parker | Nick Nolte |
Grace Faraday | Emma Stone |
Coleman Harris | Anthony Mackie |
Conway Keeler | Giovanni Ribisi |
Max Kennard | Robert Patrick |
Navidad Ramirez | Michael Peña |
Connie O'Mara | Mireille Enos |
Wrevock | Troy Garity |
Karl Lockwood | Holt McCallany |
Jack Whalen | Sullivan Stapleton |
Johnny Stomp | James Carpinello |
Mitch Racine | James Landry Hébert |
Neddy Herbert | Evan Jones |
Darryl Gates | Josh Pence |
Judge Carter | John Aylward |
Sheriff Biscailuz | Jack Conley |
Lt. Quincannon | Jack McGee |
Dragna | Jon Polito |
Pete | Austin Abrams |
Comanche | Michael Bacall |
Comanche | Lance Barber |
Club Figaro Reporter | Scott Beehner |
Detective Sgt. Will Hendricks | Mick Betancourt |
Duke Del-Red | De'Aundre Bonds |
Bruiser | Mac Brandt |
Milk Skinned Blonde | Ambyr Childers |
Elmer Jackson | Dennis Cockrum |
Keeler's Son | Maxwell Perry Cotton |
Grimes | Jonny Coyne |
Jeffrey Clark | Max Daniels |
Slapsy Maxie's Singer | Lucy Davenport |
Officer Wyler | Darrell Davis |
Burbank Jail Thug | Anthony De Longis |
Edgar Beaumont | Christopher Doyle |
City Hall Reporter | David Fleischer |
Club Figaro Reporter | Lucas Fleischer |
Hatchetman | Mickey Giacomazzi |
Burbank Cop | Dale Gibson |
El Dorado Guard | Derek Graf |
El Dorado Investor | Tom Hallick |
Officer Funston | Don Harvey |
Patty | Austin Highsmith Garces |
Club Figaro Reporter | Matt Knudsen |
Crying Woman | Anne Leighton |
Max Solomon | Neil Koppel |
Citz Hall Reporter | Michael C. Mahon |
Burbank Cop | Rick Marcus |
Bridge Goon | Derek Mears |
Desk Officer | Cazimir Milostan |
Jimmy 'Bockscar' Knox | Brandon Molale |
Lorenzo Molinari | Anthony Molinari |
Burbank Jail Thug | Michael Owen |
City Hall Reporter | Riel Paley |
Mike 'The Flea' | Michael Papajohn |
Letty | Esther Scott |
Keeler's Wife | Haley Strode |
Carmen Miranda | Yvette Tucker |
Rourke | Wade Williams |
Giovanni Vacarezza | Jeff Wolfe |
Grenade Goon | Danny Wynands |
Dancer | Eboni 'Chrystal' Adams |
Dancer | Nadyla Blakemore |
Dancer | Mandy Coulton |
Dancer | Michelle Current |
Dancer | Tiffany Daniels |
Dancer | Monifa Ellis |
Dancer | Hilary Fleming |
Dancer | Scott Fowler |
Dancer | Melanie Gage |
Dancer | Asiel Hardison |
Dancer | Michael Higgins |
Dancer | Scott Hislop |
Dancer | Jermaine Johnson |
Dancer | Eva La Dare |
Dancer | Stephanie Landwehr |
Dancer | Tina Mayer |
Dancer | Marcy McCusker |
Dancer | Jacoby Mosby |
Dancer | Chris Moss |
Dancer | Jared Murillo |
Dancer | Alycia M. Perrin |
Dancer | Henry Chopper Platt |
Dancer | Chandrae Roettig |
Dancer | Dougie Styles |
Dancer | Stephen Sayer |
Dancer | Kelleia Sheerin |
Dancer | Brett Sturgis |
Dancer | Kevin James Sporman |
Dancer | April Marie Thomas |
Dancer | Forrest Walsh |
Dancer | Lizzy Watts |
Dancer | Charles Wiggins III |
Dancer | Jason Williams |
Reporter (uncredited) | Christopher Aber |
Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited) | Pamela Adamic |
Dealer (uncredited) | Michael Arturo |
Bar Patron (uncredited) | Kojo Asiedu |
LAPD Cop (uncredited) | Robert T. Barrett |
Casino Gambler (uncredited) | Bill Blair |
Movie Patron (uncredited) | Bob Bouchard |
Bartender (uncredited) | Freedom Bridgewater |
Chinatown Shopper (uncredited) | Matt Callahan |
Slapy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited) | Greg Cannone |
Gambler (uncredited) | Pamela Cedar |
Water pitcher waiter (uncredited) | Michael Jay Copeland |
Goon Gunman (uncredited) | Eddie Davenport |
Goon (uncredited) | Seth Di Marco |
Hedy Lamarr (uncredited) | Isabel Dresden |
Gangster (uncredited) | Jeremy Dunn |
Detective (uncredited) | Ken Edling |
Cigarette Girl (uncredited) | Chelsea Edmundson |
Bar Patron (uncredited) | Gray Ellis |
Bookmakers' Secretary (uncredited) | Cathy Fielding |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Paige Flannery |
Chinatown Shopper (uncredited) | Marilyn Foley |
Rich Widow (uncredited) | Leni Ford |
Slapsy Maxie's Patron (uncredited) | Kristin Gagliardi |
Slapsy Maxie's Doorman (uncredited) | Gill Gard |
Caroler (uncredited) | Nancy Gassner-Clayton |
Plaza Runner (uncredited) | Debby Gerber |
Hookey Rothman (uncredited) | Tanner Gill |
Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited) | Nick Gligor |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Sly Green |
Screaming Woman (uncredited) | Louise Griffiths |
Russo (uncredited) | Frank Grillo |
Fluzzy (uncredited) | Marie Grujicic-Delage |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Rebecca Hancock |
Caroler (uncredited) | Karen Harper |
Carmen Miranda Drummer (uncredited) | Steve Hernandez |
Cigarette Girl (uncredited) | Rebecca Honett |
Caroler (uncredited) | Todd Honeycutt |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Courtney Howard |
Lady of the Night (uncredited) | Elizabeth Howell |
LAPD (uncredited) | WB Brown II |
Bar Patron (uncredited) | Chris Jackson |
Nico (uncredited) | Pat Jankiewicz |
Club Patron (uncredited) | David Johnson |
Officer Lane (uncredited) | Sergio Kato |
Business Woman (uncredited) | Faye Kelly |
Girl at Nightclub (uncredited) | Kristen Marie Kelly |
Thug (uncredited) | Jess King |
Casino Cowboy (uncredited) | John William King |
Suzie Wang (uncredited) | Olivia Ku |
Bar Patron (uncredited) | Elaine Lockhart |
Chinatown Shopper (uncredited) | Amy Mader |
Funeral Mourner (uncredited) | Oscar Magana Jr. |
Gangster Girl (uncredited) | Marlene Manes |
Betty Page (uncredited) | Nancy McCrumb |
Caroler (uncredited) | Mason McCulley |
#1 Uniformed Officer (uncredited) | Michael Lee Merrins |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Daniel Muller |
Drugged Out Girl #2 | Kat Munday |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Jim J. Mundy |
Pilgrim (uncredited) | Nino Nava |
LAPD Officer (uncredited) | Stephane Nicoli |
Detective (uncredited) | Michael Ouellette |
Christmas Lady (uncredited) | Veronica Parks |
Mob Boss (uncredited) | Don Pecchia |
Angry Guy in Park (uncredited) | Geoff Pilkington |
Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited) | Josh Polizzi |
Drugged-Out Girl (uncredited) | Carolina Provvido |
Waiter #4 (uncredited) | Ron Pucillo |
Vehicle Driver (uncredited) | Robert Ratinoff |
Young Mother (uncredited) | Dani Renee |
Slapsy Maxie (uncredited) | Kara C. Roberts |
Tommy Tedesco (uncredited) | Carl Rydlund |
Slapsy Maxie's Motorist (uncredited) | Bradley Sackin |
Pilgrim (uncredited) | Tony Sagastizado I |
Gunman 3 (uncredited) | Gregg Sargeant |
O'Malley Sister (uncredited) | Meg Schaab |
Mickey's Thug #1 (uncredited) | Frank Scozzari |
Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited) | Robert Sisko |
Casino Maid Marion (uncredited) | Lauren K. Solomon |
Slapsy Maxie's Waiter (uncredited) | Scott St. Blaze |
Waitress (uncredited) | Kate Stewart |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Nevan Stewart |
Beautiful Woman (uncredited) | Erica Stikeleather |
Slapsy Maxie's Guitarist (uncredited) | Tom Strahle |
Little Girl (uncredited) | Sophia Strauss |
Cigarette Girl (uncredited) | Jennifer Thompson |
Grauman's Chinese Theater Patron (uncredited) | Levi Tinker |
Valet (uncredited) | Christopher Tisa |
Actor (uncredited) | John H. Tobin |
Club Patron (uncredited) | Chris Toma |
Tart (uncredited) | Alexis Toone |
Sexy Woman (uncredited) | Amber Sharae Topsy |
Manicurist (uncredited) | Lucy Walsh |
Caroler (uncredited) | Elyse Willis |
Burn Victim (uncredited) | Kevin Young |
Beautiful Woman (uncredited) | Melissa Anne Young |