Movie 'I Love You Phillip Morris'

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The Conman who wouldn't go straight.

Steven Russell leads a seemingly average life – an organ player in the local church, happily married to Debbie, and a member of the local police force. That is until he has a severe car accident that leads him to the ultimate epiphany: he’s gay and he’s going to live life to the fullest – even if he has to break the law to do it. Taking on an extravagant lifestyle, Steven turns to cons and fraud to make ends meet and is eventually sent to the State Penitentiary where he meets the love of his life, a sensitive, soft-spoken man named Phillip Morris. His devotion to freeing Phillip from jail and building the perfect life together prompts him to attempt (and often succeed at) one impossible con after another.

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. Ich liebe Dich Phillip Morris

Der unauffällige Geschäftsmann Steven Russell führt ein geregeltes Leben mit Frau, Kind, Haus und sonntäglichem Gesang im Kirchenchor. Bis ein Autounfall ihm zu einer profunden Erkenntnis verhilft: Er ist schwul. Fortan lässt er keine Party, kein exklusives Restaurant und keinen knackigen Kerl mehr aus. Das pralle Leben erweist sich als kostspielig, aber Steven beweist ungemein viel Phantasie in der regelmäßigen Beschaffung der notwendigen Finanzmittel. Natürlich geht das nicht lange gut und er landet im Knast. Dort lernt Steven seine große Liebe, den zurückhaltenden Phillip Morris, kennen. Und damit fangen die Probleme für Steven überhaupt erst so richtig an.

France French (Français)

L'histoire vraie d'un ex-flic, ex-mari, ex-arnaqueur aux assurances, ex-prisonnier modèle et éternel amant du codétenu Phillip Morris. Steven Russell est prêt à tout pour ne jamais être séparé de l'homme de sa vie. Ce qui implique notamment de ne pas moisir en prison. Jusqu'où peut-on aller par amour ? Très loin si l'on en croit l'histoire incroyable de Steven Russell, un génie de l'évasion rattrapé par son romantisme.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Colpo di fulmine - Il mago della truffa
  • a.k.a. Colpo di fulmine - Il mago della truffa

Steven Russell conduce una vita piuttosto ordinaria: è un agente di polizia, suona l'organo nella chiesa del paese, è felicemente sposato con Debbie. Fino a quando un grave incidente d'auto non gli fa aprire gli occhi: è gay e desidera vivere la sua vita al massimo, anche a costo di infrangere la legge. Iniziando a vivere la sua nuova vita stravagante, Steven non esiterà ad imbrogliare chiunque per sbarcare il lunario, e alla fine verrà spedito al Penitenziario di Stato dove incontrerà l'amore della sua vita, un uomo sensibile e dai modi gentili che si chiama Phillip Morris. La sua determinazione a far uscire Phillip di prigione e a costruire una vita perfetta insieme, lo spingeranno a tentare, con successo, un colpo impossibile dopo l'altro.

Release Date
car crash
con man
gay relationship
gay theme
hiv/aids epidemic
insurance fraud
miami, florida
small town
white collar criminal
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of France France
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
France EuropaCorp
United States of America Mad Chance
Release Dates
United States of America Premiere Sundance Film Festival
Germany Premiere Berlin International Film Festival
Italy Theatrical
Switzerland Digital 16
France Theatrical U
United Kingdom Theatrical 15
Germany Theatrical 16
Australia Premiere Melbourne International Film Festival
United States of America Premiere Denver International Film Festival
United States of America Theatrical (limited) R
United States of America Theatrical R
TMDb 64% · 1,669 (more information on website)
IMDb 66% · 101,247 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 71% (more information on website)
metacritic 65% (more information on website)


Steven RussellJim Carrey
Phillip MorrisEwan McGregor
DebbieLeslie Mann
JimmyRodrigo Santoro
Larry BukheimBrennan Brown
Steven's BrotherNicholas Alexander
Racist ClientTony Bentley
Prison GuardMichael Beasley
PolicemanSean Boyd
Young DoctorMarcus Lyle Brown
Bikini GirlAna Villafañe
EudoraAnnie Golden
Barbara BascombeMarylouise Burke
JudgeDavid Jensen
Houston LawyerDameon Clarke
ArnieClay Chamberlin
DoctorLouis Herthum
Steven's MomMorgana Shaw
Steven's DadJoe Chrest
MarkGriff Furst
SamuelDeVere Jehl
GaryMichael Showers
SaraBeth Burvant
NeilLadson Deyne
Steven - 9yrsKennon Kepper
ScreecherAndrew Sensenig
ParamedicDavid Stanford
VeraMaureen Brennan
HelenMiriam Cruz
ToddTommy Davis
MandiGeraldine Glenn
Mrs. LindholmLiann Pattison
SaleswomanKathrin Middleton
RebaAunjanue Ellis-Taylor
CleavonMichael Mandell
LindholmAntoni Corone


ArtArt DirectionHelen Harwell
Production DesignHugo Luczyc-Wyhowski
Set DecorationCynthia Anne Slagter
Title DesignerRichie Adams
CameraDirector of PhotographyXavier Grobet
GripChristopher Nash
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignDavid C. Robinson
Costume SupervisorHartsell Taylor
Michael Adkins
HairstylistLana Heying
Scott H. Reeder
Key Hair StylistLinda De Andrea
Key Makeup ArtistJoel Harlow
Makeup ArtistCourtney Lether
Rose Librizzi
Makeup Department HeadVe Neill
CrewCG SupervisorYuval Levy
CablemanChris Welcker
DriverChuck Graydon
Executive Visual Effects ProducerCamille Geier
Production ControllerDonald Dowd
Special Effects CoordinatorDavid Waine
Stunt CoordinatorEric Norris
Tanner Gill
StuntsRussell Towery
DirectingDirectorGlenn Ficarra
John Requa
First Assistant DirectorStephen E. Hagen
EditingEditorThomas J. Nordberg
ProductionAssociate ProducerJeffrey Harlacker
Linda Fields Hill
CastingBernard Telsey
Co-ProducerBethany Bilsky
Miri Yoon
Executive ProducerLuc Besson
Line ProducerRichard Middleton
ProducerAndrew Lazar
Far Shariat
SoundADR MixerMichael Miller
ADR RecordistCourtney Bishop
Apprentice Sound EditorLawrence Zipf
Assistant Foley ArtistOlivier Marlangeon
Assistant Sound EditorLidia Tamplenizza
Boom OperatorEric M. Moorman
Jeff Cannon
Dialogue EditorJac Rubenstein
Susan Dawes
First Assistant Sound EditorRick Chefalas
Foley ArtistFrançois Lepeuple
Music SupervisorGary Calamar
Original Music ComposerNick Urata
Sound DesignerPaul Urmson
Sound Effects EditorWyatt Sprague
Sound MixerMark Weber
Sound Re-Recording MixerPaul Urmson
Sound RecordistLoïc Gourbe
Supervising ADR EditorDonald Sylvester
Supervising Sound EditorPaul Urmson
Visual EffectsSpecial Effects SupervisorNeil Stockstill
Visual Effects DesignerMarc Steinberg
Visual Effects ProducerCara Buckley
Visual Effects Production ManagerLauren Montuori
Visual Effects SupervisorJim Rider