Movie 'Sgt. Bilko'

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All he ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work.

The US army is known for churning out lean mean fighting machines intent on protecting our great nation. Sergeant Ernie Bilko is the leader of a ragtag group of the sorriest soldiers ever to enlist in the armed forces.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Immer Ärger mit Sergeant Bilko

Disziplin ist das wichtigste beim Militär. Nicht aber für Sergant Bilko, und so auch nicht für seine Soldaten. Anstatt sie für den militärischen Ernstfall zu trainieren, ist sein Hauptfach als Lehrer seinen Untergebenen zu zeigen, wie man sich am besten vor der Arbeit versteckt, und wie man am meisten Profit beim Glücksspiel macht. Eines Tages aber droht der Stützpunkt geschlossen zu werden.

France French (Français)

Sergent Bilko
  • a.k.a. Sergent Bilko

Idole de son peloton et honte de l'armée américaine, le sergent-chef Bilko est un as de la combine et de l'arnaque. Il a fait de Fort Baxter la plus belle planque des Etats-Unis en y organisant un centre de loisirs digne de Las Vegas. Tout va se gâter quand les services de l'inspection, qui se demandent où est passé l'argent d'un projet d'aérochar, dépêchent sur place le major Thorne, ennemi juré de Bilko.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Sergente Bilko

Il surreale sergente Bilko allieta con una vena anarchica il servizio dei suoi militari presso il campo di Fort Baxter. Ingaggia una lotta senza quartiere con il maggiore Thorn, inviato al campo per un'ispezione.

Release Date
base realignment and closure commission (brac)
con game
military acquisitions
military spoof
smuggling (contraband)
us army
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Imagine Entertainment
United States of America Universal Pictures
Release Dates
United States of America Theatrical PG
Germany Theatrical 6
France Theatrical U
France Physical DVD
France Digital VOD
TMDb 59% · 359 (more information on website)
IMDb 58% · 24,238 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 31% (more information on website)
metacritic 47% (more information on website)


MSG Ernest G. BilkoSteve Martin
COL John T. HallDan Aykroyd
MAJ Colin ThornPhil Hartman
Rita RobbinsGlenne Headly
PFC Wally HolbrookDaryl Mitchell
1LT OsterChris Rock
PFC Mickey ZimmermanMitchell Whitfield
PVT Duane DobermanEric Edwards
MAJ EbersoleAustin Pendleton
Mrs. HallDebra Jo Rupp
SPC Dino PaparelliMax Casella
Gen TennysonRichard Herd
SPC Tony MoralesDan Ferro
PFC Sam FenderBrian Leckner
SPC Luis ClementeJohn Ortiz
1LT MondayCathy Silvers
SGT Raquel BarbellaPamela Adlon
SGT HenshawJohn Marshall Jones
CPT MoonSteve Park
MSG SowickiSteve Kehela
First EngineerDale Dye
Mr. RobbinsRance Howard
MinisterCharles C. Stevenson Jr.
NelsonChristopher Paul Hart
Soldier #2Clifton Collins Jr.


ArtArt DirectionBruce Crone
Production DesignLawrence G. Paull
Set DecorationRick Simpson
CameraDirector of PhotographyPeter Sova
Second Assistant CameraGeorge Richmond
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignSusan Becker
Hair SupervisorBonnie Clevering
HairstylistDeborah Mills-Whitlock
Toni-Ann Walker
Makeup ArtistFrank Griffin
Monty Westmore
Makeup SupervisorGerald Quist
CrewPost Production SupervisorMichael Tinger
Special Effects CoordinatorSteve Galich
Stunt CoordinatorErnie F. Orsatti
StuntsJeannie Epper
Nancy Thurston
DirectingDirectorJonathan Lynn
EditingEditorTony Lombardo
ProductionCasting DirectorJane Jenkins
Janet Hirshenson
Co-ProducerMary McLaglen
ProducerBrian Grazer
Production SupervisorRobert H. Lemer
SoundConductorAlan Silvestri
Music ConsultantPhil Marshall
Music EditorAndrew Silver
Kenneth Karman
Stephen Lotwis
Music SupervisorMichael Simmons
Original Music ComposerAlan Silvestri
Supervising Sound EditorBruce Stambler
Richard E. Yawn
Visual EffectsVisual Effects ProducerJenny Fulle
Visual Effects SupervisorPatrick McClung