Movie 'Turistas'
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There are some places tourists should never go
A group of young backpackers' vacation turns sour when a bus accident leaves them marooned in a remote Brazilian rural area that holds an ominous secret.
- a.k.a. Paradise Lost
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Turistas - Mörderisches Paradies
Sechs junge Rucksacktouristen, die nach einem Busunglück in einem abgelegenen brasilianischen Dorf landen. Zunächst glauben die Abenteurer, das Paradies gefunden zu haben und feiern ausgelassen ihr Glück. Am nächsten Tag jedoch folgt ein böses Erwachen - und schon sehr bald müssen sie am eigenen Leib feststellen, dass sich hinter den weißen Stränden und dem üppigen Dschungel ein dunkles, grauenvolles Geheimnis verbirgt.
French (Français)
En vacances au Brésil, de jeunes touristes sont victimes d'un accident de bus à proximité d'une forêt isolée renfermant un sinistre secret...
Italian (Italiano)
Un autobus malridotto che trasporta locali e turisti si inoltra pericolosamente in una strada tortuosa che attraversa la vegetazione brasiliana, sbanda finendo fuori strada e si ritrova penzolante sul ciglio di un precipizio. Tutti evacuano l'autobus in tempo, appena prima che il vecchio e grosso veicolo scivoli e cada violentemente giù nel burrone...
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- backpacker
- beach
- car crash
- culture clash
- jungle
- kidnapping
- palmen
- sadistic
- torture
- tourist
- Genres
- Horror
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Portuguese (Português)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
2929 Productions
Fox Atomic
- Stone Village Pictures
- BoZ Productions
- Release Dates
Theatrical R
Theatrical 18
German (Deutsch): Digital 18
Theatrical 12
- Ratings
- TMDb 55% · 834 (more information on website)
- IMDb 54% · 41,394 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 19% (more information on website)
- metacritic 36% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Alex | Josh Duhamel |
Pru | Melissa George |
Bea | Olivia Wilde |
Finn | Desmond Askew |
Amy | Beau Garrett |
Liam | Max Brown |
Kiko | Agles Steib |
Zamora | Miguel Lunardi |
Bus Driver | Jorge Só |
Native Beauty | Cristiani Aparecida |
Arolea | Lucy Ramos |
Camila | Andrea Watrouse |
Jacaré | Diego Santiago |
Ranan | Marcão |
Jamoru | Miguelito Acosta |
Girl | Vanessa Bueno |