The Walking Dead · Episode 1x5 'Wildfire'

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Everyone deals with the fallout of the walker attack. Andrea has to come to grips with the fate of her sister, while Jim is found out to have been bitten. With the camp clearly no longer safe, a decision must made about the direction they are to take.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Tag 194

Rick führt die Gruppe nach dem Angriff zum Zentrum für Seuchenkontrolle in Atlanta. Jim muss eine schreckliche Entscheidung treffen, bei der es um Leben und Tod geht.

France French (Français)

Feux de forêt

Après l'attaque, Rick mène le groupe de rescapés vers le CDC. Blessé, Jim se voit contraint de prendre une terrible décision.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Il gruppo è condotto dal suo membro più recente nel centro di controllo per le malattie, mentre uno di loro è costretto a fare una scelta difficili con terribili conseguenze.

First Aired
TMDb 84% · 156 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 17,086 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Shane WalshJon Bernthal
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Andrea HarrisonLaurie Holden
Glenn RheeSteven Yeun
Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
Dale HorvathJeffrey DeMunn
Lori GrimesSarah Wayne Callies
Carl GrimesChandler Riggs

Guest Stars

Amy HarrisonEmma Bell
T-DogIrone Singleton
JacquiJeryl Prescott
Edwin JennerNoah Emmerich
Sophia PeletierMadison Lintz
JimAndrew Rothenberg
Ed PeletierAdam Minarovich
Eliza MoralesMaddie Lomax
Miranda MoralesViviana Chavez
MoralesJuan Gabriel Pareja
Louis Morales (uncredited)Noah Lomax


DirectingDirectorErnest R. Dickerson