The Walking Dead · Episode 3x1 'Seed'

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With the world growing increasingly more dangerous and Lori’s pregnancy advancing, Rick discovers a potentially safe haven. But first he must secure the premises, pushing his group to its limit.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Saat

In Anbetracht der zunehmenden Gefahr und Loris Schwangerschaft sucht Rick nach einer sichereren Bleibe für die Gruppe.

France French (Français)


Dans un monde toujours plus hostile, alors que la grossesse de Lori arrive à terme, Rick est à la recherche d'un endroit sûr où le groupe pourra trouver refuge.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Casa dolce casa

Il gruppo di sopravvissuti guidato da Rick arriva nei pressi di una prigione che potrebbe rappresentare la salvezza.

First Aired
TMDb 89% · 136 (more information on website)
IMDb 88% · 16,789 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Philip BlakeDavid Morrissey
Maggie GreeneLauren Cohan
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Andrea HarrisonLaurie Holden
Michonne HawthorneDanai Gurira
Glenn RheeSteven Yeun
Lori GrimesSarah Wayne Callies
Merle DixonMichael Rooker
Carl GrimesChandler Riggs

Guest Stars

Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
Hershel GreeneScott Wilson
Beth GreeneEmily Kinney
AndrewMarkice Moore
AxelLew Temple
T-DogIrone Singleton
Big TinyTheodus Crane
TomasNick Gomez
OscarVincent M. Ward
Pet Walker (uncredited)Moses J. Moseley


ArtPropsAdam Miller
DirectingDirectorErnest R. Dickerson