The Walking Dead · Episode 3x15 'This Sorrowful Life'

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Rick and the group are faced with a serious problem. If they want a truce with the Governor, they will have to make a huge sacrifice.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Strick des Jägers

Rick und die Gruppe stehen vor einem ernsten Problem: Der Waffenstillstand mit dem Governor würde ein beträchtliches Opfer erfordern.

France French (Français)

Cette triste vie

Rick et son groupe sont confrontés à un grave problème : s'ils souhaitent parvenir à une trêve avec le Gouverneur, ils devront faire un sacrifice difficile.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Rick ha deciso di consegnare Michonne al Governatore, nella speranza che questo gesto serva ad essere lasciati in pace. Ma in fondo non ha coraggio di fare un gesto simile, e Merle lo sa.

First Aired
TMDb 87% · 129 (more information on website)
IMDb 88% · 14,794 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Philip BlakeDavid Morrissey
Maggie GreeneLauren Cohan
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Andrea HarrisonLaurie Holden
Michonne HawthorneDanai Gurira
Glenn RheeSteven Yeun
Lori GrimesSarah Wayne Callies
Merle DixonMichael Rooker
Carl GrimesChandler Riggs

Guest Stars

Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
Hershel GreeneScott Wilson
Beth GreeneEmily Kinney
BenTyler Chase
AllenDaniel Thomas May
ShumpertT. Love
Caesar MartínezJose Pablo Cantillo


ArtPropsAdam Miller
DirectingDirectorGreg Nicotero