The Walking Dead · Episode 4x11 'Claimed'

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Michonne and Carl bond during a supply run, and Abraham pledges to get Eugene to Washington, D.C., to meet with government officials.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Michonne und Carl kommen sich auf der Suche nach Vorräten näher. Abraham verspricht indes, Eugene zu einem Treffen mit Regierungsbeamten nach Washington zu bringen.

France French (Français)


Tandis que Michonne et Carl se rapprochent lors d'une expédition, Abraham tente d'envoyer Eugene à Washington pour lui faire rencontrer les responsables gouvernementaux.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Salvare il mondo

Tara e Glenn vengono indotti a seguire il sergente Abraham Ford e i suoi due compagni, che dichiarano di avere un'importante missione da svolgere. Nel frattempo, Carl e Michonne escono dalla casa in cerca di provviste, lasciando riposare un Rick ancora indebolito...

First Aired
TMDb 85% · 125 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 12,681 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Philip BlakeDavid Morrissey
Maggie GreeneLauren Cohan
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Michonne HawthorneDanai Gurira
Glenn RheeSteven Yeun
Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
Carl GrimesChandler Riggs
Hershel GreeneScott Wilson

Guest Stars

Rosita EspinosaChristian Serratos
Eugene PorterJosh McDermitt
Abraham FordMichael Cudlitz
Tara ChamblerAlanna Masterson
LenMarcus Hester
JoeJeff Kober
TonyDavi Jay


DirectingDirectorSeith Mann