The Walking Dead · Episode 8x14 'Still Gotta Mean Something'

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A Heaps prisoner makes a discovery; Carol searches for someone in the nearby forest; Rick and Morgan find themselves in the company of strangers.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Ich sterbe nicht

Das Schicksal eines Gefangenen auf dem Schrottplatz ist ungewiss. Michonne bittet Rick inständig, sich seiner Trauer zu stellen. Carol und Morgan suchen nach Henry.

France French (Français)

Ça compte encore

Un prisonnier de Heaps fait une découverte. Carol cherche quelqu'un dans la forêt voisine. Rick et Morgan se retrouvent en compagnie d'étrangers.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La parola di un uomo

Mentre Carol cerca Harry nella vicina foresta, Rick e Morgan si mettono sulle tracce dei prigionieri scappati.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 90 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 8,815 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Maggie GreeneLauren Cohan
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Michonne HawthorneDanai Gurira
Negan SmithJeffrey Dean Morgan
Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
Rosita EspinosaChristian Serratos
Carl GrimesChandler Riggs
Gabriel StokesSeth Gilliam
AaronRoss Marquand
Eugene PorterJosh McDermitt
Tara ChamblerAlanna Masterson
Morgan JonesLennie James

Guest Stars


DirectingDirectorMichael Satrazemis
SoundSupervising Sound EditorBen Wilkins