Chuck · Episode 5x7 'Chuck Versus the Santa Suit'

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Chuck and Sarah learn who is trying to destroy Carmichael Industries. Ellie's Christmas plans come undone. A computer virus threatens to ruin Christmas at Buy More.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Chuck gegen das Weihnachtsmannkostüm

Chuck und Sarah erfahren wer versucht Carmichael Industries zu zerstören. Ellies Weihnachtsplanung scheitert. Im Buy More droht ein Computer-Virus Weihnachten zu ruinieren.

France French (Français)

Noël à la CIA

Daniel Shaw, ancien partenaire de l'équipe Bartowski et ex de Sarah, s'évade de prison. Il décide alors d'enlever Sarah pour l'échanger contre le nouvel Intersecret 3.0…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Chuck vs. il vestito di Babbo Natale

Tempo di Natale alla CIA, Chuck è stato invitato in veste di Babbo Natale e incontra l'agente Stan Lee il quale cerca di sedurre il generale Beckman.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 11 (more information on website)
IMDb 83% · 1,041 (more information on website)


Chuck BartowskiZachary Levi
Sarah WalkerYvonne Strahovski
Morgan GrimesJoshua Gomez
John CaseyAdam Baldwin
Lester PatelVik Sahay
Jeff BarnesScott Krinsky
Ellie WoodcombSarah Lancaster
Big MikeMark Christopher Lawrence
Devon WoodcombRyan McPartlin

Guest Stars

Diane BeckmanBonita Friedericy
Daniel ShawBrandon Routh
BillTom Waite
Alex McHughMekenna Melvin
Colonel Caroline HaimMo Collins
Stan LeeStan Lee
Drunk FBI AgentRoger Artola
CIA Security GuardDavid Batiste
ReporterCher Calvin
TedBryan Friday


DirectingDirectorPeter Lauer