The Big Bang Theory · Episode 5x14 'The Beta Test Initiation'

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Leonard and Penny deal with the idea of starting a relationship again and Raj finally finds a "woman" he can talk to without being drunk, in the form of Siri on his new phone. Meanwhile, Sheldon decides to start a YouTube series entitled "Sheldon Cooper presents Fun with Flags" with the help of Amy.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Spaß mit Flaggen

Leonard und Penny gehen wieder miteinander aus, wollen diesmal aber nichts überstürzen. Leonard schlägt vor, analog zu der Testphase von Software ihre Beziehung einem Betatest zu unterziehen

France French (Français)

Démarrage du bêta-test

Leonard et Penny trouvent une méthode pour optimiser leurs sorties en amoureux. Raj trouve enfin une voix à qui parler : celle, virtuelle, de son téléphone...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La riconversione del beta test

Leonard e Penny scrivono una lista di difetti della loro relazione con l'intento di fortificarla. Sheldon e Amy creano una web series su Youtube chiamata Fun with Flags e Raj sviluppa un'ossessione per Siri sul suo iPhone.

First Aired
TMDb 74% · 40 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 4,076 (more information on website)


Leonard HofstadterJohnny Galecki
Sheldon CooperJim Parsons
PennyKaley Cuoco
Howard WolowitzSimon Helberg
Rajesh KoothrappaliKunal Nayyar
Bernadette RostenkowskiMelissa Rauch
Amy Farrah FowlerMayim Bialik

Guest Stars

Barry KripkeJohn Ross Bowie
Siri (voice)Becky O'Donohue
Security GuardKevin Brief


Costume & Make-UpCostume SupervisorSara Markowitz
DirectingDirectorMark Cendrowski