The Big Bang Theory · Episode 6x16 'The Tangible Affection Proof'

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The guys search for a perfect Valentine's Day gift for their significant others; Stuart and Raj host a "lonely people" party at the comic book store.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Romantik-Ninja

Howard, Leonard und Sheldon verbringen mit ihren Partnerinnen den Valentinstag auf verschiedene Weise.

France French (Français)

La Preuve d'affection tangible

Sheldon demande à son assistante d'acheter à sa place un cadeau de Saint-Valentin pour Amy. Une dispute éclate entre Leonard, Penny, Howard et Bernadette, lors d'un dîner entre couples. Raj et Stuart se rebellent contre le romantisme ambiant et organisent une fête pour célibataires au rayon des comics...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La tangibile prova d'affetto

Ii ragazzi devono trovare il regalo perfetto per le loro mogli o fidanzate. le cose non saranno facili per Sheldon, mentre Raj e Stuart organizzano alla fumetteria un party per persone sole.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 40 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 3,712 (more information on website)


Leonard HofstadterJohnny Galecki
Sheldon CooperJim Parsons
PennyKaley Cuoco
Howard WolowitzSimon Helberg
Rajesh KoothrappaliKunal Nayyar
Bernadette RostenkowskiMelissa Rauch
Amy Farrah FowlerMayim Bialik

Guest Stars

Stuart BloomKevin Sussman
LucyKate Micucci
Alex JensenMargo Harshman
DaleJosh Brener
GretchenBriana Cuoco
Comic Book Store Customer (uncredited)Jesse Heiman
Captain Sweatpants (uncredited)Ian Scott Rudolph


CrewPost Production SupervisorCharlie Back
DirectingDirectorMark Cendrowski
Script SupervisorJulie Fleischer