New Girl · Episode 4x8 'Teachers'

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Jess, Coach and Ryan attend a teachers' conference, led by education guru Brenda Brown. Back at the loft, Nick, Schmidt and Winston try to have a wild weekend while Jess is out of town.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Konferenz mit Puffer

Jess hat Bammel vor der Lehrerkonferenz am Wochenende mit Ryan und Coach. Nick, Schmidt und Winston setzen derweil ihre Vorstellung von einem wilden Männerwochenende um.

France French (Français)


Jess doit assister à un séminaire entre profs et redoute d'y retrouver le charmant Ryan, dont elle s'interdit de tomber amoureuse malgré l'attraction qu'elle ressent pour lui. Pendant son absence, Nick, Schimdt et Winston projettent de passer une « soirée mecs » qui va se transformer en formation sur les machines à laver, le bricolage et... l'amour !

Italy Italian (Italiano)


La serata tra uomini di Nick, Schmidt e Winston comincia a dare il meglio di sé: imparare a fare il bucato, a leggere un righello e bere sangria parlando d'amore. Intanto Jess, Coach e Ryan frequentano una conferenza di insegnanti organizzata da Brenda Brown. Ryan fa di tutto per avvicinarsi a Jess che continua a scappare, ma dopo continue fughe i due si scambiano un bacio.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 15 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Jessica 'Jess' DayZooey Deschanel
Nick MillerJake Johnson
SchmidtMax Greenfield
Winston BishopLamorne Morris
Cecilia 'Cece' ParikhHannah Simone
CoachDamon Wayans Jr.

Guest Stars

Ryan GeauxinueJulian Morris
NedWayne Federman
CarolLoretta Fox
Brenda BrownLisa Bonet
Young SchmidtSamuel Gilbert


DirectingDirectorTrent O'Donnell