CSI: Crime Scene Investigation · Episode 4x9 'Grissom Versus the Volcano'

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The sheriff is under political pressure to find who killed an air marshall with a car bomb that the sheriff witnessed. Grissom, Catherine and Nick are pressured to produce results. Warrick and Sarah try to find the murderer of the wife of a singer who headlines on the strip.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Tanz auf dem Vulkan

France French (Français)

Dommage collatéral

Le shérif Rory Atwater sort d'un restaurant de Las Vegas lorsqu'il est témoin de l'explosion d'une voiture devant l'entrée d'un hôtel. Les secours arrivent sur place, ainsi que Catherine, Nick et Grissom, qui sont chargés de l'enquête. D'autre part, Sarah et Warrick tentent de découvrir qui a assassiné l'épouse d'un chanteur très populaire.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Grissom contro il vulcano

Quando un'autobomba uccide tre persone davanti a un casinò, lo sceriffo di Las Vegas Rory Atwater, vera spina nel fianco dell'unità CSI, sospetta immediatamente che si tratti di un feroce atto terroristico. Grissom è però di un altro avviso, e intende dimostrare che dietro la strage si nasconde un altro movente. Intanto, Sara e Warrick hanno il compito di scoprire chi ha ucciso la moglie di un noto cantante di Las Vegas.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb 76% · 754 (more information on website)


Gil GrissomWilliam Petersen
Catherine WillowsMarg Helgenberger
Warrick BrownGary Dourdan
Nick StokesGeorge Eads
Sara SidleJorja Fox
Greg SandersEric Szmanda
Al RobbinsRobert David Hall
Jim BrassPaul Guilfoyle

Guest Stars

David PhillipsDavid Berman
Car Rental RepresentativeVince Corazza
Sam HopkinsDon Stark
Amelia RuebenDaphnée Duplaix Samuel
Rory AtwaterXander Berkeley
Myles RuebenRandy J. Goodwin
Randy PainterTom Gallop
WaiterLouis Lombardi
Adam WatsonBenny Nieves
Valet #2Marc Valera
Timmy DunbarBenjamin Bryan
Second ValetEmory Livers
Beth DunbarSusan Diol
Debbie DunbarTricia O'Kelley
Amy DunbarAshley Lauren Cunningham
Ronnie LitreEric Stonestreet
Bobby DawsonGerald McCullouch
Joe MetcalfJoseph Patrick Kelly
Detective VartannAlex Carter


CrewStunt CoordinatorJon H. Epstein
StuntsPaul Eliopoulos
DirectingDirectorRichard J. Lewis
ProductionCo-Executive ProducerWilliam Petersen
Executive ProducerJerry Bruckheimer