Psych · Episode 2x14 'Dis-Lodged'

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Henry bails on his weekend outing with Shawn, stating that he's too ill to leave the house. Shawn is nowhere near upset until he and Gus catch Henry driving by, clearly not sick at all. Naturally, they follow him and discover he used to be a member of the Monarch Lodge, a clandestine society. They barge inside looking for an explanation and are surprised to find one of the Lodge members lying dead before them. Shawn suspects murder, and in order to conduct an inside investigation, he becomes a member of the society.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Lügen, Leiche und Loge

Ein Logenbruder wird ermordet aufgefunden. Da Shawns Vater früher selbst ein Mitglied der Loge war, soll er den Fall aufklären. Natürlich bekommt Shawn von der Sache Wind und beginnt mit seinen eigenen Ermittlungen. Es dauert nicht lange, bis auch Shawn aufgenommen wird. Hat Lassiters Schwiegervater etwas mit der Sache zu tun?

France French (Français)

Dans le secret de la loge

Shawn et Gus enquêtent sur une mort suspecte au sein d'une société secrète, la Loge des monarques dont Henry a fait partie. C'est l'occasion pour Gus de montrer ses talents de vendeur, vu le nombre important de membres étant médecins, et pour Lassiter, de redorer son blason auprès de son beau-père, un membre éminent de la Loge...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Veleno in polvere

Shawn e Gus si mettono a pedinare Henry Spencer e sorprendono quest'ultimo mentre sta entrando in un edificio che è anche la sede di una loggia formata dalle personalità più influenti di Santa Barbara. Con orrore, i due scoprono che è appena avvenuto l'omicidio di uno dei soci. La Polizia indaga e Lassiter si vede costretto a confrontarsi con il suo ex-suocero, nonché Gran Maestro del club esclusivo.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Shawn SpencerJames Roday Rodriguez
Burton GusterDulé Hill
Carlton LassiterTimothy Omundson
Juliet O'HaraMaggie Lawson
Karen VickKirsten Nelson
Henry SpencerCorbin Bernsen

Guest Stars

Irving ParkerPhilip Baker Hall
Ted ArchibaldMalcolm Stewart
Roger DownsMark Burgess
Young GusCarlos McCullers II
Young ShawnLiam James
Arthur HolmstromIvan Vance
Monarch Lodge GuardJason Logan
Dr. NigamDavid Adams
Dr. SagherCameron McDonald
Lodge MemberAlex Kliner
DorisBeverley Elliott
ArtistToby Berner
Dr. Downs' SecretaryCarrie Ruscheinsky


DirectingDirectorMel Damski