Psych · Episode 3x8 'Gus Walks into a Bank'

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Gus is taken hostage at the Santa Barbara Savings and Loan Bank while making a deposit for Shawn. Shawn, still in the car and oblivious to the hostage situation, questions Lassiter and Juliet about the cops' sudden arrival. Learning that his best friend is in trouble, Shawn is desperate to help and realizes he needs to get inside the bank to question the gunman. However, the SWAT team soon shows up, and its negotiator will not easily satisfy Shawn's request.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Als Gus eine Bank betritt ...

Gus will seine Geldgeschäfte erledigen und lässt Shawn so lange im Auto warten. Doch kaum hat er die Bank betreten, als eine Frau eine Waffe in der Jackentasche eines anderen Kunden entdeckt.

France French (Français)

Haut les mains !

Gus est pris en otage dans la banque de Santa Barbara, alors qu'il faisait un dépôt pour Shawn.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Mentre si trova in una banca, Gus viene preso in ostaggio insieme ad alcuni clienti. Il giovane si era recato nell'istituto di credito per effettuare un deposito per conto dell'amico Shawn. All'esterno dell'edificio, quest'ultimo deve vedersela con l'intransigente negoziatore della SWAT, il quale fra l'altro si vede con O'Hara. Una volta entrato nella banca, Shawn scopre che il rapinatore è vittima a sua volta di un rapimento.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Shawn SpencerJames Roday Rodriguez
Burton GusterDulé Hill
Carlton LassiterTimothy Omundson
Juliet O'HaraMaggie Lawson
Karen VickKirsten Nelson
Henry SpencerCorbin Bernsen

Guest Stars

Buzz McNabSage Brocklebank
Phil StubbinsAlan Ruck
Cameron LutzGary Cole
Morgan PhelpsDean Paul Gibson
Nathaniel GreslingDavid Bloom
Joanna StubbinsJhene Erwin
Sue Allen JasperVal Cole
WomanMichelle Addison
Security GuardPesi Daruwalla
Female CustomerBeulah Wong
Natasha YoungBrandi Alexander
Swat GuyJordan Ninkovich
OfficerBrady Schlecker
OfficerForbes Angus
Michael LenhartJason Poulsen


DirectingDirectorEric Laneuville