TV Show 'The Closer' 7 Seasons

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They'll bring you in. She'll make you talk.

Deputy Police Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson transfers from Atlanta to LA to head up a special unit of the LAPD that handles sensitive, high-profile murder cases. Johnson's quirky personality and hard-nosed approach often rubs her colleagues the wrong way, but her reputation as one of the world's best interrogator eventually wins over even her toughest critics.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Polizistin Brenda Leigh Johnson zieht von Atlanta nach Los Angeles, um beim LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) als Deputy Chief eine Spezialeinheit der Mordabteilung zu leiten. Die neue Einheit beschäftigt sich mit besonders schwierigen Mordfällen und hat zunächst den Namen Priority Murder Squad. Als Brenda das frischgedruckte Briefpapier mit dem Buchstabenkürzel PMS (prämenstruelles Syndrom) entdeckt, erfolgt schnell eine Umbenennung in Priority Homicide Division, aus der später die Major Crimes Division wird.

France French (Français)

The Closer : L.A. Enquêtes Prioritaires

Brenda Johnson, une détective policière de la ville d'Atlanta, déménage à Los Angeles et dirige une équipe qui gère les homicides sensibles et de grande envergure. Bien qu'elle se heurte à certains collègues, ses compétences comme un interrogateur de la CIA prouvent un atout inestimable pour obtenir des aveux.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Grazie alle sue precedenti esperienze con la CIA, Brenda Leigh Johnson viene trasferita a Los Angeles per fare da capo alla Priority Homicide Division.

Episode Runtimes
crime investigation
female cop
los angeles, california
male cop
police investigation
police procedural
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
The Shephard/Robin Company
Walking Entropy
United States of America Warner Bros. Television
United States of America TNT
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-MA
Switzerland 16
Germany 16
Austria 16
TMDb 79% · 307 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 29,783 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 1Season 1 opens with the LAPD's new Priority Murder Squad (PMS), soon renamed the Priority Homicide Division (PHD), under the direction of Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson investigates the murder of a technological genius. Brenda has recently joined LAPD after a long career in law enforcement, including with the Atlanta and Washington, D.C., Police Departments. We soon learn Brenda is originally from Atlanta, Georgia, was CIA-trained, and was recruited by her former married lover, Assistant Chief Will Pope. Brenda is resented as an outsider by much of the LAPD and seen as an adversary by Robbery-Homicide's Captain Taylor, who initially persuades her squad to request transfers en masse in an unsuccessful effort to force Brenda's resignation. Brenda soon wins over her assistant, Sgt. David Gabriel, and the grudging admiration of the team when she shows them why she is called a closer; but her battle is far from over. As the season progresses, we see Brenda struggle to establish her authority and earn the respect of her squad, despite the efforts of Taylor and Detective Lt. Andy Flynn to both undermine her authority and hamper her investigations. Slowly, one-by-one, Brenda wins over her team; and, by season's end, she has earned the loyalty of them all, even the hard-boiled Det. Flynn, as they stand united against Capt. Taylor's final attempt to remove Brenda from the squad.13
Season 2Brenda is now firmly established as leader of Priority Homicide, with her team firmly behind her. The theme for Season 2 is partnerships, which is established as the opening episode centers around an exploration of partnership within the LAPD and in Brenda's life. The theme plays out as the Flynn/Provenza partnership comes front and center early in the season and as Brenda's relationship with Gabriel grows and strengthens while she forms an uneasy working alliance with Commander Taylor. At the same time, Brenda's romance with Fritz grows serious as they make the decision whether they should live together.15
Season 3The theme for Season Three is family. The PHD has now come together as a unified division, and their stories center on how they function as a family that must cope with a budget crisis. Episodes this season explore issues of family, beginning with a tale of bigamy, and ending with two stories of family pitted against one another. The season also explores the elements of family life in America, the secrets a family keeps and the horrors a family must face. In Brenda's personal life, we meet her father for the first time along with Fritz, with some interesting results. Brenda faces a personal health crisis even as her relationship with Fritz takes a large step forward.15
Season 415
Season 515
Season 615
Season 721


Brenda Leigh JohnsonKyra Sedgwick
Will PopeJ.K. Simmons
David GabrielCorey Reynolds
Russell TaylorRobert Gossett
Louie ProvenzaG.W. Bailey
Andy FlynnTony Denison
Mike TaoMichael Paul Chan
Officer Buzz WatsonPhillip P. Keene
Special Agent Fritz HowardJon Tenney
Julio SanchezRaymond Cruz
Captain Sharon RaydorMary McDonnell
Kevin AdamsMatt McCoy

Created by


ProductionExecutive ProducerGreer Shephard
James Duff
Michael M. Robin
Rick Wallace