The A-Team · Episode 2x8 'There's Always a Catch'

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The A-Team must once again duck Decker as they try to stop an extortionist plaguing a small fishing village.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Garbers letzter Fang

B.A. muss ins Krankenhaus, nachdem er in einen rostigen Nagel getreten ist, als er auf der Flucht vor Colonel Decker und der Militärpolizei war. Im Krankenhaus bekommt das A-Team zufällig mit, wie Doug und Shana Mayers ihren schwer verletzten Vater einliefern.

France French (Français)

La Pêche miraculeuse

Le pêcheur Garber terrorise avec sa bande plusieurs autres pêcheurs de la côte. Exploitant une zone de repeuplement, il exige de leur part la moitié du fruit de leur pêche...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Chi si accontenta gode

L'A-Team - che non riesce a liberarsi del colonnello Decker - questa volta viene accolto in un villaggio di pescatori minacciati da un avido sfruttatore e i suoi scagnozzi, i quali li costringono a consegnare la metà del pescato impoverendo le risorse ittiche locali. L'A-Team interviene per aiutare le famiglie le cui barche sono state ribaltate dai malfattori.

First Aired
TMDb 73% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 376 (more information on website)


John 'Hannibal' SmithGeorge Peppard
Templeton 'Faceman' PeckDirk Benedict
B.A. BaracusMr. T
'Howling Mad' MurdockDwight Schultz
Amy Amanda AllenMelinda Culea

Guest Stars

Captain CraneCarl Franklin
GarberJohn Quade
Shana MeyerTracy Scoggins
Doug MayerRobin Strand
Calvin MayerLen Wayland
Nurse LewisDaphne Maxwell Reid
Sheriff NewmanGerald Berns
LennoxDick Durock
Betty - Scuba ShopRebecca Stanley
HagopianGene Dynarski
Doctor - in Operating RoomRoss Elliott
SoldierDennis Kerwin
Colonel DeckerLance LeGault


CameraDirector of PhotographyBradley B. Six
Costume & Make-UpMakeup ArtistScott H. Eddo
DirectingDirectorRon Satlof
EditingEditorAlbert J.J. Zúñiga