TV Show 'Warehouse 13' 5 Seasons

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Mystery loves company

After saving the life of the President, two secret service agents - Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer - find themselves assigned to the top secret Warehouse 13. The Warehouse is a massive, top secret facility that houses dangerous and fantastical objects. Together, Pete and Myka along with fellow agents Claudia, Steve Jinks and Warehouse caretaker Artie, must recover artifacts from around the globe before they can cause catastrophic damage.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Serie handelt von einer Gruppe von Secret Service Agenten, die im Warehouse 13 lagernde Artefakte bewachen und neu auftauchende Artefakte aufspüren um sie ebenfalls einzulagern.

France French (Français)

Après avoir sauvé la vie du président des États-Unis, deux agents du FBI sont nommés à un nouveau poste baptisé « Warehouse 13 », un service qui abrite les objets surnaturels que le gouvernement américain a collectés à travers les siècles. Le duo se voit confier la mission de récupérer d'éventuels nouveaux artefacts susceptibles de mettre en danger des individus.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Warehouse 13 è una serie televisiva fantastico-fantascientifica avventurosa, prodotta dal 2009 al 2014 da Universal Media Studios e trasmessa sul canale televisivo Syfy. Narra le vicende di alcuni agenti all'interno di una organizzazione governativa segreta dedita al recupero di manufatti arcani. È stata descritta come «parte X-Files, parte I predatori dell'arca perduta e parte Moonlighting».

Episode Runtimes
magical object
secret government organization
Action & Adventure
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Syfy
United States of America UCP
United States of America Syfy
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Australia M
Switzerland 12
Germany 16
Austria 12
France 16
TMDb 77% · 678 (more information on website)
IMDb 76% · 58,719 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 1The first season of the American television series Warehouse 13 premiered on July 7, 2009, and concluded on September 22, 2009, on Syfy. The show aired on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm ET. The season consisted of 12 episodes. The show stars Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Genelle Williams and Simon Reynolds.12
Season 2The second season of the American television series Warehouse 13 premiered on July 6, 2010, and concluded on December 7, 2010, on Syfy. Season two maintained the Tuesdays at 9:00 pm ET timeslot from the previous season. The season consisted of 13 episodes. The show stars Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Genelle Williams and Allison Scagliotti.13
Season 3The third season of the American television series Warehouse 13 premiered on July 11, 2011, on Syfy. The season consists of 13 episodes. The show stars Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, and Allison Scagliotti and Genelle Williams.13
Season 4The fourth season of the American television series Warehouse 13 premiered on July 23, 2012 on Syfy. The season consists of 20 episodes. The show stars Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Genelle Williams, Allison Scagliotti, and Aaron Ashmore.20
Season 56


Pete LattimerEddie McClintock
Myka BeringJoanne Kelly
Arthur "Artie" NielsenSaul Rubinek
Claudia DonovanAllison Scagliotti
Steve JinksAaron Ashmore
Mrs. FredericCCH Pounder

Created by


ProductionProducerJace Alexander
Jack Kenny
Supervising ProducerRobert Goodman