CSI: Miami · Episode 2x19 'Deadline'

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Josh Dalton, a hot, young reporter for the Miami Sun, witnesses the murder of his friend, a city councilman's aide, in Miami's drug district, the Golden Triangle. Josh, who was suspiciously unharmed in the attack, claims that they were only down there on a story, but Horatio believes that there's more to the situation. Later, another writer from the same paper is found shot to death inside the trunk of her car, which was reported stolen. Now, as the evidence rejects Josh's version of what happened, the CSIs find themselves entangled in the world of fast-paced journalism and learn that there is a dangerously fine line between the truth and what sells newspapers.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Bei einer Schießerei wird ein Politiker tödlich verwundet. Journalist Josh Dalton, der ebenfalls zugegen war, bleibt unverletzt. Wenig später taucht jedoch eine seiner Kolleginnen ermordet im Kofferraum ihres Autos aufgefunden.

France French (Français)

Mort à la une

Josh Dalton, jeune et ambitieux journaliste au 'Miami Sun', retrouve son ami Mike Griffith, assistant d'un conseiller municipal de la ville. Les deux hommes se rendent dans le 'triangle d'or' de Miami, quartier de prédilection des dealers de drogue. Alors qu'ils se trouvent dans un immeuble désaffecté, un officier de police entend résonner des coups de feu. Mike a été abattu, mais Josh est sauf...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'ultimo scoop
First Aired
TMDb 72% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Horatio CaineDavid Caruso
Calleigh DuquesneEmily Procter
Tim SpeedleRory Cochrane
Eric DelkoAdam Rodriguez
Alexx WoodsKhandi Alexander

Guest Stars

Yelina SalasSofia Milos
Nathaniel PutnamErich Anderson
Jim RennertMark Blum
Tyler JensonBrian Poth
Josh DaltonPeter Spears
Bobby JeterClay Wilcox
Amy JamesElena Evangelo
Mike GriffithRoss Gibby
Luis AlveraRené Millan
EddieEmiliano Torres
JorgeJames Molina
Cynthia WellsBrooke Bloom


DirectingDirectorDeran Sarafian