Star Trek: Voyager · Episode 7x5 'Critical Care'
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Stardate: Unknown - The Doctor is abducted from Voyager and forced to work in a hospital where patients are treated based on their social status.
German (Deutsch)
Der Doktor wird von der Voyager entführt und gezwungen, in einem Krankenhaus zu arbeiten, in dem Patienten aufgrund ihres sozialen Status behandelt werden.
French (Français)
Gar enlève le docteur et le force à travailler dans un hôpital où les patients reçoivent des soins en fonction de leur statut social. L'équipage du capitaine Janeway part à sa recherche.
Italian (Italiano)
Il programma del Dottore Olografico viene rubato dalla Voyager e installato su una immensa nave ospedale. Mentre Janeway cerca di recuperare il membro del suo equipaggio, il Dottore si adopera per migliorare le condizioni dei pazienti nella nave ospedale, cercando anche di riaffermare quei valori etici e morali di cui i dottori della Flotta vanno fieri.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 78% · 13 (more information on website)
- IMDb 78% · 1,820 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Kathryn Janeway | Kate Mulgrew |
Chakotay | Robert Beltran |
B'Elanna Torres | Roxann Dawson |
Tom Paris | Robert Duncan McNeill |
Neelix | Ethan Phillips |
The Doctor | Robert Picardo |
Tuvok | Tim Russ |
Seven of Nine | Jeri Ryan |
Harry Kim | Garrett Wang |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Gar | John Kassir |
Dr. Dysek | Gregory Itzin |
Voje | Paul Scherrer |
Tebbis | Dublin James Wahlberg |
Chellick | Larry Drake |
Level Blue Nurse | Christinna Chauncey |
Med Tech | Stephen O'Mahoney |
Husband | Jim O'Heir |
Alien Miner | John Durbin |
Adulteress | Debi A. Monahan |
Kipp | John Franklin |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Marvin V. Rush |
Directing | Director | Terry Windell |
Editing | Editor | Tom Benko |
Writing | Writer | James Kahn |
Kenneth Biller | ||
Robert Doherty |