Bones · Episode 9x2 'The Cheat in the Retreat'

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The Jeffersonian team investigates the murder of Adam Pak, a management consultant whose remains were found being eaten by bobcats. When evidence leads the team to a marriage retreat site, Brennan and Booth go undercover as previous personas "Roxie" and "Tony" to try to find more evidence. While at the retreat, Brennan and Booth meet fellow married couple Bill and Evelyn Schumacher, whose relationship seems a little too perfect.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Luchs isst Lügner

Das Jeffersonian-Team untersucht den Mord an Adam Pak, dessen Überreste von Luchsen angefressen wurden. Um im Fall voranzukommen, schlüpfen Brennan und Booth erneut in ihre Undercover-Identitäten "Roxie" und "Tony"!

France French (Français)

Thérapie de couple

Un lynx est capturé alors qu'il était en train de dévorer un cadavre. L'enquête permet d'établir que le défunt a été tué dans une réserve indienne où sont régulièrement organisées des thérapies de couple. L'homme avait participé à une de ces séances, avec une femme qui n'était pas son épouse. Booth et Brennan intègrent une session sous couverture. De son côté, Camille est victime d'une usurpation d'identité. Sweets, qui a l'impression de perdre la main, décide de prendre quelques jours de repos...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Terapia di coppia

Le indagini per l’omicidio di Adam Pak, un consulente i cui resti sono stati ritrovati divorati dalle linci rosse, portano Booth e Brennan in un luogo di villeggiatura per coppie, dove i due agenti andranno sotto copertura indossando le vesti di Roxie e Tony e dove incontreranno Bill ed Evelyn Schumacher, il cui matrimonio sembra troppo perfetto. Infine, Cam viene arrestata per errore quando la sua identità viene rubata e Sweets decide di prendersi una pausa dall’FBI.

First Aired
TMDb 76% · 12 (more information on website)
IMDb 75% · 842 (more information on website)


Temperance 'Bones' BrennanEmily Deschanel
Seeley BoothDavid Boreanaz
Angela MontenegroMichaela Conlin
Camille SaroyanTamara Taylor
Jack HodginsT.J. Thyne
Lance SweetsJohn Francis Daley

Guest Stars

Kelly Pak / GoodmanCarrie Wiita
Shaman Little RiverYancey Arias
Bill SchumacherJohn Ratzenberger
Evelyn SchumacherMillicent Martin
Jeffrey BaxterGreg Rikaart
Mark BaxterTim Peper
Emma PakBrittany Ishibashi
Tonya Gluzman / Dog CatcherBeth Crosby
Chase Sanchez / Dog CatcherCleavon McClendon
Arastoo VaziriPej Vahdat


ArtArt DirectionRobert Strohmaier
Camera"A" Camera OperatorRobert Reed Altman
"B" Camera OperatorAndy Shuttleworth
Director of PhotographyGregory Paul Collier
Second Unit Director of PhotographyRobert Reed Altman
Steadicam OperatorAndy Shuttleworth
Costume & Make-UpHair Department HeadMegg Massey
DirectingDirectorAlex Chapple
First Assistant DirectorMichael Lee Phillips Jr.
Second Assistant DirectorPaul Domick
EditingEditorBill Lynch
ProductionCastingChristine Terry
Co-Executive ProducerKaren Wyscarver
Sanford Golden
Location ManagerDeborah Laub
ProducerPat Charles
Supervising ProducerDean Lopata
Michael Peterson
SoundOriginal Music ComposerJulia Marie Newmann