The Office · Episode 2x12 'The Injury'
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When Michael burns his foot with his George Foreman mini-grill, he requires the entire office staff to work around his new injury. When the workers aren't so keen on obliging, Michael gets angry and calls in a man in a wheelchair to put out the message that disabled people are people too. Meanwhile, Dwight acts stranger than usual, acting really nice and helpful towards Pam. It isn't until the end of the day when everyone realizes that the car accident Dwight was in earlier that day gave him a concussion (but was overshadowed by Michael's dramatization of his own burn), and Jim and Michael immediately take him to the hospital. Needless to say, Michael doesn't appreciate the extra attention that the doctors and nurses pay Dwight.
German (Deutsch)
Eines Morgens meldet sich Michael telefonisch im Büro. Er hat seinen Fuß im Toaster verbrannt und braucht Hilfe. Dwight fährt sofort los, um Michael zu holen, baut dabei aber einen Unfall und holt sich eine Gehirnerschütterung. Als Michael endlich im Büro eintrifft, schwer verbunden, ist ihm der Spott der Kollegen sicher. Doch Michael lässt sich nicht unterkriegen. Zu allem Überfluss jedoch stürzt er auf der Herrentoilette. Und das Unglück nimmt kein Ende.
French (Français)
En sautant du lit, Michael a posé le pied sur son gril à bacon et s'est brûlé. Il appelle Pam pour que quelqu'un vienne le chercher à son domicile. Seul Dwight accepte de voler à son secours, mais, dans la précipitation, il heurte un poteau avec sa voiture. Légèrement sonné, il poursuit sa route. A son retour, son comportement a changé, il n'est plus l'insupportable Dwight : il fait des blagues amusantes et a de petites attentions pour ses collègues.
Italian (Italiano)
Michael ha una brutta esperienza con la griglia da cucina e Dwight si comporta in maniera bizzarra in seguito a un piccolo incidente d'auto.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 83% · 39 (more information on website)
- IMDb 90% · 9,228 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Michael Scott | Steve Carell |
Dwight Schrute | Rainn Wilson |
Jim Halpert | John Krasinski |
Pam Beesly | Jenna Fischer |
Ryan Howard | B.J. Novak |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Creed Bratton | Creed Bratton |
Kelly Kapoor | Mindy Kaling |
Meredith Palmer | Kate Flannery |
Stanley Hudson | Leslie David Baker |
Kevin Malone | Brian Baumgartner |
Phyllis Lapin | Phyllis Smith |
Óscar Martínez | Oscar Nuñez |
Angela Martin | Angela Kinsey |
Toby Flenderson | Paul Lieberstein |
The Doctor | David Doty |
The Technician | Julia Prud'homme |
Billy Merchant | Marcus A. York |
Hospital Visitor | Stephen Pisani |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Bryan Gordon |
Writing | Writer | Mindy Kaling |